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Demigyph Knights or Brettonian Knights as Rough Riders

Lord Blackwood

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Hey this is mostly a shot in the dark cause I am thinking of adding rough riders to my vostroyans but I have no intention of paying for the death riders at forgeworld cost. 

Are the Demigryph Knights / the Brtettonian Knight kits in scale to stand in for rough riders?  Are they too small?  I  have no frame of reference and I figured maybe someone whos been at this for longer than myself maybe has a better answer.  

the Brtettonian Knight kits in scale to stand in for rough riders?

In scale yes.

But having gone that way I'd recommend using empire free guild outriders/pistoliers instead - unless you want your rough riders to look very feudal and knightly. The bretonian horses are rather old sculpts and it shows.

I used Outriders/Pistoliers for my rough riders and it’s a fine kit :tu:

Kierdale’s Shrineworld is a little...backward...but with Cadian heads, torsos and arms you could have some more mainstream riders.


Pretty much any mount that's within a reasonable size difference should work. The biggest challenge I've seen is getting the riders to match the rest of your regiment, otherwise you get stuff like a Russian inspired Infantry army supported by dandy ostrich riders. If you can get the riders looking right, pretty much any mount will look good.
I'm currently running a mixed vostroyan and ventrillian force with about three squads of five rough riders. I ordered a bunch of the pistolier kits and I've used the horses from those kits combined with some 3rd party bits from mad robot miniatures to make some vostroyan rough riders that turned out pretty well. I will try and post some photos tomorrow when I can get some free time. Unfortunately everything is still unpainted as I am quite possibly the slowest painter of all timw. I will also say, in the interest of transparency, that I bought the pistolier kits solely for vostroyan rough riders and it snowballed into an entire ventrillian battallion. You've been warned.


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