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Totems/Mascots for My DIY Chapter... Help Please

Brother Lunkhead

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Hail Brothers and Sisters,


I'm currently fleshing out the lore for my DIY chapter, the Praetorian Sword. It is a Ultramarine founding with a generally codex compliant structure with integrated Primaris ala 8th Ed. Codex:SM. I'm using a Roman Legion motif with animal totems representing each company.


Beyond the classic animal symbols (eagle, bear, bull, big cats, wolf, other predator birds, etc.), I'm looking for animals within the 40Kverse, specifically animals already established within the official lit and lore. Beyond the Grox and Fenrisian Wolves I'm drawing a blank. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you have a short description and reference, even better. If you know of a 40k Beastiary I would appreciate a link.


Thanks in advance..... I'm sure that I'm missing a plethora of info right in front of me, but I am a lunkhead you know:biggrin.:

... And your slogan could be something like "Come back here, I'll bite your legs off!" 


(Monty Python, anyone? No? I'll leave now I guess...)


:biggrin.: Vvveeerrrrry aaammmuuuusing brother...…. but I think one of the Black Templar champions has used that:wink: 


Thanks for the help and the laughs..... the Lexicanum Fauna list was especially helpful. Thanks for that one Brother Osteoclast. I use the Lexicanum quite often, don't know how I missed that one. Being somewhat of a classicist (wow that's a real word, thought I made it up for a second:teehee:) I'm mostly leaning towards terran predators for symbols of my companies, but I'd like to mix in some of the 40K beasties to give my chapter some variety. I'll post a list soonish for you my good brothers and sisters to poke at. 


Most of my chapter companies have certain specialties and long histories dating back to the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, so they each have a totem representing their specialty/personality. For example, the 3rd Battle Company is known for it's skill in ship boarding and as siege breakers. So its totem might be (no actual decision made yet) a ram. While I'm mulling over all the great fauna and putting my list together, I'd be very interested in hearing some of your ideas for animal totems and what they might symbolize:yes:

Please, please make your mascot a "Carnivorous Sand Clam." Your enemies would tremble in fear...

As a clam is immobile, it would be best to use it to symbolize strong defensive capabilities, i.e., your Chapter is either an Imperial Fists successor, or a Scythes of the Emperor (Iron Warriors loyalists in Ultramarines colors) successor.


Please, please make your mascot a "Carnivorous Sand Clam." Your enemies would tremble in fear...

As a clam is immobile, it would be best to use it to symbolize strong defensive capabilities, i.e., your Chapter is either an Imperial Fists successor, or a Scythes of the Emperor (Iron Warriors loyalists in Ultramarines colors) successor.



good observation on the savage clam as a heraldic symbol...… but I don't actually think it will fit well for my chapter as they are fleet based and aggressively offensive by nature.


Anyone else?

Void Whales? Grand Cachalots (the French name for sperm whales, based on their archaic term for "big teeth")? Orcas (killer whales, named after Orcus, the Roman god of death)? Piranhas? Eurypterids or Bullheads (both creatures are also known as "sea scorpions")? Lionfishes or Scorpionfishes (which defend themselves with venomous spines)?


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