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What tau sept?


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Well since you want to include Shadowsun you'll definitely have to go with the T'au Sept. Luckily the T'au Sept is one of the strong choices in the Codex.

Benefits of the T'au Sept:

  • access to most special characters including Longstrike for a noteworthy buff for nearby Hammerheads
  • strong Tenet against melee armies (hitting overwatch on 5+ instead of 6+) which becomes even stronger with the CDS Support System on Battlesuits (re-rolling failed hit rolls for overwatch)
  • access one of the best Stratagems in the Codex (+1 to-wound against an enemy unit that got damaged by another of your units that shooting phase)
  • a decent Warlord trait (5+++) tho "Through Unity, Devastation" is probably still better
  • a Jump-Shoot-Jump Signature system for one of your Commander


Other interesting Septs for Infantry focussed T'au lists would be:

  • Vior'la for more mobile and damaging Infantry (especially good for Pule Carbine Strike Teams or Breacher)
  • Sa'cea for more reliably hitting Infantry (especially good for Strike Teams with a Markerlight on the Shas'ui and Pathfinder Teams with a single Rail rifle or Ion rifle. MSU is very important here)
  • Bork'an for super long range Infantry but less so for Breacher since it only affects Rapid fire and Heavy weapons (Bork'an Strike Teams with a Pulse Accelerator Drone have a range of 42" so they Rapid fire at 21" already)


And something that I'm playing around with lately is the underdog Dal'yth. Mainly because it makes my army super resilient against alpha strikes as long as they don't ignore cover. Strike Teams with a 3+ save, Stealth Suits with a 2+ save, Broadsides with a 1+ save and so on makes a huge difference but after the first turn you usually want to move around with most of your units so turn 2+ you're usually playing without Sept Tenet for the most part.

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