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The Power of Knights in Everyday Play


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I've been playing Stygies admech with 4 Raven Armigers added in. 2 Warglaives and 2 single helverins. In my local meta, I find this is still too strong for a lot of people, especially as I tend to take the stygies stick bomb, albeit a 10 man version.


That being said, we still end up having a lot of fun. I don't build any list with anything really in mind, just rule of cool to go with any fluff, as do most of the people at my local club.


Having told people I'm starting a proper Knight army the reaction has been fairly positive, but that being said I try to organise games in advance as my previous club was a cheese fest compared to my current club, so I try and give them an opportunity to tailor a list slightly.

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@ Prot ... I actually "personally," think one of the Newer Big knights is quite a bit less powerful in game than a pair of Standard Questor class Knights

the cost isn’t a million miles apart and at a cost 4 extra wounds and bit more firepower ... I can take a pair of more reasonable pointed knights

they have access to Stratagems that don’t cost the moon and have ws3+ rather than 4+ , its an eggs in one basket are easier to drop after all i'd rather see a Valliant than pair of Errant's or 9 Armigar


I think it’s perfectly ok to bring whatever you want to any game … provided you opponent "knows" they are going to be facing it, so communication pregame is key lets face it you aren’t bringing the big toys to the store

in the hope of a pickup game, it’s a faff to transport knights. If you let your opponent know your bringing a knight and let them take a force that can theoretically fight against it .. Or at least a plan ...

it makes for a better game.


I know people don’t want to hear this but one of the things any good player needs to learn is how to ignore the #BIGKNIGHT * #Demon * * #DEATHSTAR*... Yes it looks scary but it can’t win on its own, ignore the knight and kill everything else … but move to counter/minimise its effectiveness if you know your army cant kill the knight deploy and play around avoiding it … If you fall into a trap of shooting a 3++ 28 wound monster that you have a very low chance to kill then you should be shooting at it It’s the same r principle when shooting at Kastelan robots … You don't do it, it’s a waste of resources, ignore them and move you hide from them, or lock them in combat.

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I swear this conversation has popped up a few months back. It is not about the army, take what you want. It is about how you play, Prot you play competitively so you have a certain level of skill, just because you have a competitive list doesn't mean you can't have some laid back fun, not go for the throat. Eg. You've got a knight that can obliterate a target at range but you say sod it and you declare that it has insulted your honor and you charge it instead. Sub optimal but hopefully created some banter. This is why Good GMs are special they constantly evaluate and change their play style so that the game is fun. Good GMs don't want to kill your character :tongue.: they want people to have the best game of their life. You can't do that if your dead or bring models you are not interested in.


As I have said before all you need to do is mention the word Knight and anyone that is "That Guy" starts to cry fowl. Doesn't matter if its a single Warglaive or a Valiant. So take what you want, just play sub-optimally, experiment with stupid ideas that may be great. Have fun, you cannot have fun if you constantly acknowledge that the Army your brought is crap and you feel bad about it. If someone complains about what you bring do not play with them, they are just sore losers.

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That's a good way to make the point in a concise way, 'that guy' can manifest on either side of the fence. The person who has an unfounded knee-jerk reaction to a particular model/unit/formation and constantly advocates that everyone should boycott said model/unit/formation at all times; and the person who is too rigid thinking that if what they're bringing falls within the rules people are all-but obligated to face them and if their opponents consistently lose they must accept it, try to learn from the experience, and adapt, while never considering that they could be a good sport and adapt as well. Yes, communication is very key, but a little self-awareness and respect for the health of the community that everyone is trying to take part in goes a long way. Try to be self-aware and don't become any version of 'that guy', and if you are confronted with 'that guy' try to reason with them and have a genuine talk about the issue in an effort to purge that toxicity from the group. You will not change someone's mind if you attack their position arrogantly and argue with them, but if you genuinely talk and provide real perspective, there's a chance. However, if they refuse to see any reason or logic, just ignore them and find those who are like-minded individuals.

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