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Basing suggestions.

old git

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Previous armies of mine have had their bases themed; desert, hive etc. Whilst looking good (if I do say so myself) they are pretty specific as to what they look good on. Consequently they look a little out of place when playing on other terrain. Any suggestions for a basing method that can look good on a variety of playing surfaces/terrain types?
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-ponders- maybe some clear acrylic discs?  There's a few places that sell them.  It does run the risk of scratching the underside and not looking as great in time, but simple clear acrylic pinned in place and glued by a single bit of plastic glue would solve the issue there.  

I have one army where I've used clear acrylic bases and the level of abuse you get for it is ridiculous. Even from people with unpainted black bases with just some smudging from the model's feet on. I only used them as I wanted to finish the army before deciding on the bases and then do all the bases at the same time so they looked consistent. I now keep them out of protest.


Failing that, typically the more neutral grey/brown shades are the best as they tend not to clash with anything.  StormVermin Fur, Rhinox Hide and Dryad Bark are inoffensive.




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