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How old were you?


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Started when LotR SBG came out and got into 40K just after. So that was what? 2001? So I was 13.

Took a few years break at the later end of high school when I was too “cool” and came back when I realised it was really cool. So glad I did.

1) You started the hobby? Any lengthy breaks?


Back around 2000, started in 3rd edition.

Took a break when 5th came around due to school (had to prepare for the final exams at the end of my time in school). Then I changed to university and when university left me enough time to check in on it I found out my FLGS closed down. After that I didn't get back into 40k until near the end of 7th.


2) Signed up to the B&C?


In 2018 - earlier this year.


and your age?


I won't tell.

I started as a kid in 2nd edition, back with the original Space Hulk. I've never played Rogue Trader but have read the physical book. I get nostalgia sometimes when I see old minis or artwork.


I signed up for the B&C sometime in college, which seems like forever ago. I've been in and out if the hobby several times as real life demands, also I've been unfortunate and had a lot of gaming stores come and go. I always keep an eye on it even if I'm not super active, but it's not uncommon for me to show up in a new edition and have to relearn the game.


Admittedly I haven't read all the new books and it's not uncommon for me to mix bits of old lore in with the new. I'm sure there are older and wiser lore masters :p But my involuntarily fluctuating ability to participate makes my presence on these boards a little strange. I treat the B&C as an old and favored friend but I'm confident no one remembers me day to day :p

1) Fourteen when I got into WHFB in late 1996, jumped into 40K the following summer. Taken small breaks here and there from GW stuff specifically while I did other games or hobbies, but nothing long-term. Sort of weird to look back at the way minis wargaming has shaped my social life for a long time - I've gotten jobs and moved halfway across the country because of connections from gaming. One of my best friends, a guy who helped run the college 40K group I was part of in college, just performed my wedding ceremony in March. Bizarre.



2) Das Profile says I joined in October of 2006, but I don't remember engaging with the forum much at all until around the release of the infamous 4th Edition Chaos Codex. Long time, though. Can't remember for the life of me how or why I originally signed up, but this has been my #1 gaming site for ages.


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