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Ryza Skitarii Kill Team


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Thanks.  I've dreaded painting the Skitarii for a LONG time, but I'm having fun with them.


I see Ryza, I like.

The orange is lovely, and I like the striped heads on the infiltrators. The taser goad is also particularly pleasing.

The Infiltrators are kinda themed.  Along with the Precept's Holy Helm of Jakku they all have Red Squadron markings on the heads

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Skitarii are some of the most annoying models to paint but it doesn't hold a candle to Ruststalkers and Infiltrators, there's some bits that are less than a mil thick...


Looking great with the orange and blue highlights and nice to see some Ruststalkers in your team, make sure to tell us how they do, as most of us haven't really shown an interest in them.

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Thanks all

Played 2 games so far.  The Ruststalker took a bit to get into combat mainly due to terrain setups, but wrecked face when it did. Fought thru guardsmen like they weren't there.  Other game spent whole time chasing Reivers running across high level terrain (stupid grapple hooks) never quite getting the chance to charge.  By doing that he was able to move them closer to the plasma shots which was good.

The Infiltrators are good due to the shooting, but have been lackluster in combat. 

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