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IK Castellan or Valiant


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I'm building an IK army/collection.


I already have (to be built :blush.: ):

4 questoris (WArden/full options)

4 armigers warglaives

2 armigers helverins.


I have basically 2 questions given this context of use: 

- beeing able to (almost) play full IK army/list

- beeing able to soup with primaris or mechanicus (don't want don't have the others)

- beeing able to soup with chaos (for fun pr better)



1. hesitating to sell one of the IK questoris. Is it needed when I get the dominus?


2. Which dominus: castellan or valiant will be the most usefull, versatile?

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I wouldn't sell one; however, I've found that I run 2 Questoris and 4 Armigers with my Dominus at 2k, so no matter what, some of your stuff will stay on the shelf (unless you're playing even bigger games).


I myself run a Castellan, and, though I've never run a Valiant, I think the Castellan is better. Your other Knights can push up, keeping the fire off of the Castellan, and the Volcano Lance does tons of work. I generally fire the plasma and siegebreakers at the same target - medium-light infantry - and tend to avoid being close enough to use the meltas.

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I currently got 4 Questoris, 1 Dominus, 3 Warglaives and 3 Helverins. This is pretty similiar to what you have/aim to have.


I do understand the feeling of sometimes wanting to... prune your army when you feel its grown a bit excessively. At the same time there's a bunch of High Kings and Princeps here who have at least twice the household size than what we have. In my case it perhaps helps to know that I never originally magnetized my knights (When i got my first two knights, there were only two variants, so I didn't feel that much of a need for it.) I'm mainly a collector, the times I do play its in a very uncompetetive context, so that bears mentioning.


When it comes to the armigers specifically, I landed on 3 of each for a number of reasons: 3 can have the same "squad markings" which will make it look like they're of the same unit. 3 is also the max number of them you can field as single choice for a detachment per the codex. So it makes sense visually and is possible to field easily. Though perhaps from a competetive angle, you are likely never field more than 2-3 armigers at a time. As such I'd consider the 4th warglaive to be a little excessive?


When it comes to you Questoris, it depends a lot on what points your game is... But you'll probably never be able to field 4 questoris + 1 Dominus at once for most games. Heck it might be difficult to squeeze in 3 Questoris and 1 Dominus as they're pretty pricey. When fielding 4 big knights at once ,its usually doable via 4 questoris at once, so that speaks for you keeping your 4th Questoris. So you'll probably never field your entire army at once, regardless, but you'll have more options with 4 questoris than.


Lastly, which Dominus to go with. It really depends on how you set up your Questoris line I feel, but also a whole lot on what house you pick. If you want the competetive edge, I'd advice you to get a Castellan if you do a Mechanicum house, a Valiant if you do an Imperial house. If we just look at the machines in a vacuum, I'd probably say the Castellan edges out the Valiant in terms of competetive edge. There's much utility in having a big gun that pretty much erases most vehicles it hits. Do a mechanicum house on top of that and you can make it really frightening.


But really,you're hard pressed to go wrong with either. You can do great with either.  Ultimately I'd get the one that appeals to you most.

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Do you use a particular House? Castellans are definitely better for Mechanicus and Valiant are better for Imperialis due to the Relic versions of their weapons.


Cawl's Wrath can kill 2-wound models without needing to overcharge or becomes a serious anti-tank weapon with overcharging. Traitor's Pyre means that even tanks will melt in its blast. The Relic weapons really are the bees knees for the Dominus-class knights.

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