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Angels of Deliverance - A Dark Angels Successors Showcase


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So, yeah. Hi guys!

Been away for a while. Haven't posted in what feels like ages.


I have been somewhat active in the Kill Team section of the forum, as I have been going crazy over the new stuff for the past few weeks.


Anyway, I am back, and quite honestly, just felt like putting this up here for no apparent reason other than to share. I have been collecting Dark Angels for a few years (not that many, mind you, but still). They are my main and only army, and although I got to play them somewhat by accident, I have grown to love the First Legion above all other factions in the game, and I feel like they really do represent me in a way through their ideals.


This army was not painted by me, as I never had the time, nor the skill, nor the confidence, to paint much (something I am working really hard to change). Friends I trusted would often offer me their skills and time to paint the models for me as I slaved away at this or that thing at work. Won't give you the sad side to the story but, to keep it simple, it's taken me over 3 years just to have the time and mind to begin now to learn how to paint and model.


What I did do was learn this army. Collect it. Play it often. Try and master it. And tried to make it my own through its sigil, colors, and backstory.


The army stands now at 7000 points (or something very close to it), with another 500 on the works to be added to finish both my Ravenwing and Deathwing. They are a successor chapter, that I named the Angels of Deliverance. They were created out of the coat of arms of my family name, which is an eagle over a grey field with a green crossed-band, all encircled in bronce. The colors that the army carries all over it.


If anyone cares to read about it, I would be glad to share with you the lore I wrote for this chapter, and how it plays. The reason the colors are what they are, and the way it is organized. But that would take a longer post.


For now, here are some pictures of them. They are not the best pictures. as I did not take them exactly for this purpose, but I hope they will do to try and show the army.


I had wanted to do something like this for a while, but one reason or another, never did. I must admit, most of it has to do with the fact that, in a way, I am a bit ashamed that these models are not painted by me. Something that is offset in my mind, to a degree, by the fact that those who painted them are close, close friends, who did it to help me expand the army and progress in the hobby; and, in fact, are now teaching me how to paint.


Now that I am beginning to paint new things, I decided I would call this army "done" for now (or almost done, atleast), as I start some new project to come into my own as a painter and hobbyist. To later pick them up again and continue collecting them. Perhaps this is why I feel now compelled to share the army here? Most likely.


Anyway, here they are, in no particular order, and without using the nomenclature of the chapter itself to denote them. Just, a rundown of the units.



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Company Master Zerephiel, and his brave Lieutenants

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The Chaplains

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The Librarius Conclave (some damaged suffered during the process, saddly)

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The Master of the Armory

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First, Second and Third Tactical Squads

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First, Second and Third Scout Squads

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Company Devastators

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Company Command Squad and Company Veterans (my "Greenwing Knights")

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Company Terminators

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Terminator Command Squad

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Talonmaster and Bike Squads

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Bike Command Squad

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Air Support Units

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Transports, Dreadnoughts and Heavy Support Vehicles

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There are 10 Assault Marines that I did not have a picture of in detail, but, that is pretty much my army.

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Thanks for the views, comments and likes to the pictures, guys!


So, about the story of the chapter. Lets see if I can detail some of it here.





"Virtue and sacrifice"




Chapter Name: Angels of Deliverance

Progenitor Chapter: Dark Angels

Founding: M38 (official), late M37 (rumored)

Central Dogma: Exemplum de virtute animos ducere (inspire from virtue, lead from example)

Classification: Fleet-Based (Space Fortress Endloss)

Deployment: Ultima Segmetum


I. The Chapter and its fouding


The Angels of Deliverance are an Adeptus Astartes Chapter, descendant of the Dark Angels, and created from the gene-seed of the First Legion.


It is a Chapter without a central planet, but rather placed in a permanent crusade across the Eastern Fringe of the Imperium of Man, aboard the Endloss space fortresss. A mighty battle station, which houses the main core of the Chapter and serves as the launching port for the missions to which its warriors are sent across the Galaxy.


Although no clear record remains in the M41 on the matter of the true and exact origin of this Chapter, most of what can still be found speaks of the Angels of Deliverance having been founded in the M38 by order of Zakaron, then Grand Master of the Dark Angels, and for the purposes of reinforcing the armies of the Imperium after the 9th Dark Crusade. Contradictory accounts, though scarce, rather tell of the Chapter having been founded in the late M37, as one of what was really two, or maybe even more, successors granted by the High Lords of Terra to Grand Master Anaziel. 


As a Chapter created from the gene-seed of the First Legion, the Angels of Deliverance have distinct similarities in personality and demeanor to their progenitors; but the differences that do exist between them do give credence to the idea that these successors (similarly to the Disciples of Caliban of the late M37 founding) were in fact created for a more specific purpose than originally thought.


Be it true or not that the Grand Master of the Dark Angels had an ulterior motive or greater purpose for these Astartes, does not change the fact, in the end, that in present times the Angels of Deliverance serve a dual purpose, following the plans of the Grand Master of the First Legion; and it is one to which they really do seem to have been designed and bred for.


II. Colors and Heraldry


As their progenitors, the Angels of Deliverance paint their armors in green. Their shield and heraldry is that of a field of silver grey, edged in bronce brown, and crossed by a band of green, over which three winged blades of pure white are placed. According to ancient myth from the times of Terra before the Emperor, these colors and design were once fielded by warriors to represent their higher virtues and philosophy of war. Those of loyalty, perseverance and wisdom, respectively.


Each battle brother is then suited in green armor (representing the cross band), with shoulder pads of grey or silver grey (representing the field) and the winged sword at it's center, with weapons colored in brown (representing the edge). Regalia across the armor and weapons is made in gold to distinguish sergeants and higher officers of the Chapter, while regular battle brothers use bronze.


The exceptions to these colors are in those battle brothers that wear Tactical Dreadnought Armor in the First Company of the Chapter, and in those that belong to the elite of the fast attack units of the Chapter. While these successors adhere more strictly to the Codex Astartes than the Dark Angels do, they do follow a version of the training and tactica followed by the famed Deathwing and Ravenwing. As such, Terminators, Black Knights and pilots of the Chapter wear colors to set them appart.


Members of the First Company that are trained in the use of Tactical Dreadnought Armor have them painted fully in grey, representing how each brother holds in him the sum of the entire Chapter's wisdom in the matters of war. Their left hand remains in the green of the Chapter, though, which has been the origin for their designation amongst their brothers as the Green Fists.


The pilots and knights that ride the chapter's bikes and commands the chapter's vehicles have their armor painted in black. As they serve in the role of first line of adance and last line of support, they take up this dark color as a representation of the grim destiny that is sealed upon each battle brother that is chosen to devote themselves to these battle roles. And to the sacrifice they are expected to enact for the good of the Chapter, as first responders to the threat of battle.


III. Personality


As descendants of the Dark Angels, the Angels of Deliverance have great combat skills, keen strategic minds, and a grim form of resolve before adversity. Despite these similarities, they have specific qualities to themselves, not just in their organization, but in their personality and demeanor.


As the Dark Angels are somber and intimidating, to the point of causing a erie sense of unease in others, the Angels of Deliverance tend to cause an equally great but polarly opposite impression. They are very charismatic and socially skilled warriors. Relentless and intimidating before their enemies, their personality commands a form of consideration and reverance not just out of fear for their combat prowess, but due to the way their actions inspire others. The commanders of the Chapter are skilled diplomats, and have good skill in planning and executing combat strategies in conjunction with allies, and in coordination with other forces on the Imperium.


There is a philosophy or dogma to the Chapter, expressed in high gothic as exemplum de virtute animos ducere. Inspire from virtue, lead from example. By action or word, these warriors have a talent for making those who witness them in combat to want to aspire to be their better selves (or, at least, to not seem unwilling to follow them into the heat of battle). As they are not ones to pursue rewards of fall into vanity, their lack of desire for personal glory is something that constantly earns them the respect of others, as well as the amicability of those who need their aid but desire the spotlight once victory is achieved.


These distinct differences in personality with the First Legion and many of their other successors has earned the Angels of Deliverance a large network of allies and relations with different forces of the Imperium.


IV. Their mission


The original task of the Chapter


By official record, the Angels of Deliverance were created to reinforce the armies of the Imperium by the end of the 9th Dark Crusade. They were hence created as a crusading chapter, tasked with recovering worlds lost to the forces of Chaos, and deliver them from its grasp.


The accounts, however, are not clear. Just as the exact origin of the Chapter is lost to time, the reality of their true purpose, had it been one different from this, is also lost. The differences in the make up of these successors do tend to feed into the idea that the reason behind their founding was not as clear cut as it seems.


In any case, the Angels of Deliverance show up in history across the Easter Fringe of the Galaxy in the year 411.M38, little over a hundred years after the Altid Crusade. It could be argued that the success of the 5th Company of the Dark Angels in Altid-156, which was used by Grand Master Zakaron to get the High Lords of Terra to found the Disciples of Caliban, served as well as justification to create this Chapter, and maybe even others.


Be that true or not, the fact of the matter is that the Angels of Deliverance rose to prominence in the Ultima Segmentum in the second half of M38, taking part in such campaigns and theaters of war as the Hadex Anomaly in the year 656.M40 and the Damocles Crusade in the year 742.M41.


Through their time they have liberated many worlds from the threats of Chaos and other Xenos forces, all across the Eastern Fringe of the Galaxy, gaining them back for the Imperium. To this end, they have been relentless and unwavering, purging the presence of Chaos and safeguarding countless human lives. Their actions inspiring worlds to take up arms and face their enemies with unbreakable faith in the Emperor; this, serving to feed new life to many systems in the outer expanse of the galaxy, where the light of the Imperium does not always shine as bright.


In recent times these accomplishments cought the attention of Azrael, Grand Master of the Dark Angels, who saw a greater purpose in the Angels of Deliverance.


The Chapter in the 41st Millenium


As with all other descendants of the Dark Angels, the independance of the Angels of Deliverance is relative.


The inner circle formed by the masters of its ten companies keep regular and secretive contact and relationship with the inner circle of the Dark Angels, and the needs and demands of the Grand Master of the progenitors is law for the successors.


By virtue of this it was that Grand Master Azrael tasked the Angels of Deliverance for a specific mission.


Throughout their crusade the Chapter had gained a foothold in the Ultima Segmentum and had formed tight bonds and relationships with many local governments and steps of the Imperium's administrative hierarchy, as well as other Astartes, and specially with the Ultramarines. Their political skill, added to their military record, and their positioning through the last millenium, mad them ideal for the designs of the Dark Angels.


For all these reasons, Azrael tasked the Angels of Deliverance with a tragic and dangerous, but ultimately essencial mission, of being the eyes of the First Legion over Ultramar, and spies to the movements of the sons of Guilliman, in the aftermath of the 13th Dark Crusade.


Indeed, the danger of the returned Primarch uncovering the secrets of the Dark Angels has turned what has always been a concern, into an actual threat of cataclysmic proportions, in recept centuries. The Angels of Deliverance have since been placed as the unknown agents of the sons of the Lion, carefully overseeing the actions of the Ultramarines. Any sign of even the slightless risk of investigation and discovery of the secrets of the Chapter and its other successors, that may cast even a shadow of doubt over the loyalty of the Dark Angels, must be found, reported, and dealth with, by any means necessary.


This secret mission is one that the Angels of Deliverance perform without question. They live in constant peril of excomunion and total destruction by the hands of those they hold as their closest allies, all to protect their progenitors from discovery. That is their greatest sacrifice. Their mission is unknown even to other successors of the Dark Angels. Each chapter that risks a secret fall into the Imperiums hands, but is warned in time, and protected; or that receives news of the Fallen somewhere in the Ultima Segmentum, close to being found by some branch of the Imperium, ignorant to what they would find, has most likely been aided by the Angels of Delvierance. Without ever knowing it.


And, by virtue of their nature, demeanor, skills and history, it truly does seem possible that they could have been genetically designed for this, to begin with.




.... Ok, this is a summary from my Chapter Document, translated from spanish to english. I have more, such as chapter structure and composition, battle tactics, heroes of the chapter, record of specific battles that they have been in. But, it would take me a lot to translate all of it. I am so far 25 pages into a word document with it all, and I still haven't gotten into their rituals, recruitment and training, main allies, and so many other things...


But, I hope this gives a broad idea of what the chapter is about.


In essence, they are descendants of the Dark Angels, that excel at inspiring through action and making allies; and that use these skills and connections to the service of the Legion, by safeguarding their secrets from unwanted eyes.


A keep your enemies close, keep your friends closer kind of deal.

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I like it! 


The divergence from the majority of the 1st Legion in their demeanor sets them apart and fits the knightly theme of the Unforgiven quite well. Seems sort of fitting that Azrael would a successor the task that they've been given after his meeting with Guilliman as well. I don't think Azrael wants to be caught off guard like that again. 

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Great army Berzul!


Despite others painting the army, it's clear you're proud to field them. I would 100% rather play against this than grey plastic!


Looking forward to your upcoming stuff

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Thanks, guys! Yes. Even if the army was painted by other people, I feel great pride in the army itself (just a bit of shame on my lack of painting of my own). THe scheme and units were not done by my friends on whim, but rather in accordance to my idea for the army, and I have spent a great deal of effort collecting it and developing it.


I'm glad the story or feel of the chapter comes across, and that it was a good read, too :D

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