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Knightfall this year?

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Hm, maybe. Maybe. The purpose of Knightfall 1 was very different to year 2, since there was no ETL last year. I'd have done it before this year's ETL but we had that little event against our red cousins (with another frankly unimpressive participation).


I'll mull it over and see what I come up with.

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I don't think we can judge our Zeal by, well, Blood and Zeal... For one thing it really focussed on a large volume of building and was very rigid on timescales and what you could build and when. Knightfall last year was a bit more fluid, you pledge what you want, finish it, then pledge again if  you fancy, there was no major competition against others, I found it was more of a self-motivating activity in a fraternal environment, which I think people liked.

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I don't think we can judge our Zeal by, well, Blood and Zeal... For one thing it really focussed on a large volume of building and was very rigid on timescales and what you could build and when. Knightfall last year was a bit more fluid, you pledge what you want, finish it, then pledge again if  you fancy, there was no major competition against others, I found it was more of a self-motivating activity in a fraternal environment, which I think people liked.


This 100%.


I think the issue I had with Blood and Zeal is we never really had a chance. Take a look at ETL, the Blood Angels are probably the strongest faction on B&C at the moment. I know we all love a good challenge, no matter the odds, but being realistic no one is going to be super motivated for an event where you know you cant win. However, I still really enjoyed Blood and Zeal and I don't want anyone to think I am moaning or bitching about it. Just some honest feedback.


I did prefer Knightfall simply because it was much simpler. Pledge something, complete it and then if you want vow again. Simple and effective :smile.:

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Hi Brothers!


I never participated in Knightfall before, could anyone bring some light to this ignorant neophyte?

If it is a painting event it will be fantastic, my main concern is that in this forum most painting events have rules about starting in sprues or not undercoated, and the first I usually do is assamble and paint to basic scheme, so I suppose I will paint Primaris or some Scouts!

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The best I can do is point you towards last year's event: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/338294-knightfall-2017/?hl=%20knightfall


Witness the zeal! Praise be!


Thanks Brother Adelard.


That seems really difficult... Painting ONE transpor and and up to one unit to be transported.... Amazing...

In that case I will have problems for joining, but I will wait until the event starts!

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As Zon's post suggests, this year I will be passing the torch of Knightfall overseer to him.  I suggested some general guidelines for this year's rules, but it's all on him now to arrange the final product (including what models will be eligible for entry).  


And for you more lax and fickle brothers, know that I am also lending him an old, but still very much functional Paddleum. :devil:

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