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Mortis Pattern Dreadnoughts


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So i was flicking through the Imperial Armour book and realised that we can now take Mortis Pattern Dreadnoughts. This peaked my interest as a Quad Las Mortis Dread is a storm shield cheaper than a Quad Las Pred. Both are toughness 7. The Pred has 3 more wounds and far superior maneuverability, but is significantly worse in close combat if it gets charged.


Has anyone tried out Mortis Dreads as part of their gunline, and if so what was the result?

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I can’t say anything about Mortis Dreadnoughts, though Mortis Contemptor Dreadnoughts, I’ll sing praises about.


For 18pts more, you get BS 2, a 5++, and are better in CC if you get charged. While losing 3” of movement and only 1 wound.


The other upside is that that increased BS means your going to outpaced the predators in damage, assuming you don’t use the stratagem. As Blood Angels those CPs are likely going somewhere else anyways.

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A dread without a close combat weapon is also still way better than a predator in close combat.  Plus you can use wisdom of the ancients to buff your gun line if your captain is out smashing things!  I would also say that the contemptor mortis is worth the extra points, BS 2+ lascannons and a 5++ is no joke.

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  • 5 months later...

I love the Mortis Contemptor, just win all around for the reasons cited here, and such a large pts dip from the Predator. I keep it next to my dual SC Leviathan. around 500 ptsish. That's a lot of points for two models -yes, but it is so potent esp with a Techmarine, cheap cap or wisdom for rerolls. Have never used a Mortis, but Have the Las cannon for that side in the event I ever need it. 

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Given that plenty of units in the SM list can take lascannons, is there any value in running the Mortis with something like Autocannons instead? It fills a niche that is slightly lacking in SM lists (apart from a single one on the Predator) without having to resort to allies such as Armiger Helverins.
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