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General tips, tricks, advice, thoughts, etc


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Played my first game of KT today, GSC v GSC. Overall, I really like the game and look forward to my future games.


The added Trauma rolls/results are a fantastic addition.

Charging before the Shooting phase is also good as it adds some survivability to close-combat models (unless the model you charged has a plasma pistol!).

Flesh wounds incur Nerve tests which can be devastating if they manage to Shake a foe. A lucky autogun shot from one of my cultists winged his Heavy and (partly) due to him being alone atop a ruin, he failed his Nerve tests every time so his big gun stayed silent.

Keeping you precious models behind other ones can help them survive being gunned down as they will be Obscured. Very important!

Last but not least, even the weakest gun can inflict damage which can have massive consequences (see earlier example with a single autogun shot helping to silence his big gun). This includes grenades, don't forget them!


Anyway, had a blast and am looking forward to my next game! :tu:


Now, who else has stuff to share?

Just a few things.

  • Focus enemy models down until they have at least one Flesh Wounds. Forcing Nerve tests can swing battles quickly
  • Keep your guys together unless your opponent has a high rate of fire weapon that hits reliably (my Intercessor Demolition specialist with AGL and Stalker bolt rifle won me a game against AdMech all on his own with two high Frag grenade rolls spreading two Flesh wounds each time among a sniper arquebuse, comms specialist and the leader)
  • stay away from terrain with your flamer guys since the opponent doesn't need line of sight to declare charges but you need it to shoot overwatch. Especially against Harlequins!
  • If you want to keep an enemy in melee but go first make sure the enemy is physically locked in melee or charge him with another model or else he'll just fall back after you moved all your models
  On 8/30/2018 at 7:20 PM, Chaplain Dosjetka said:

Charging before the Shooting phase is also good as it adds some survivability to close-combat models (unless the model you charged has a plasma pistol!).


pg 30.  If you were charged you can't shoot a pistol.


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