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New Member / A Dozen plus dreadnoughts......

Hurricane Chuck

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Hello and greetings to all,

I'm a bit of a long time lurker , have never actually posted, so I felt it was about that time.

I joined the forum some time ago, mainly to view some project logs, the hall of honour, and gain inspiration for a couple of my own conversions for armies I own.


I started becoming interested in 40k in about 2014. Have always had an interest in sci-fi and I stumbled upon Lexicanum while on the web one day. I had remembered reading the occasional White Dwarf years ago while in school, but had never actually gotten properly in to 40k.

The next couple of months were spent pouring over 40k articles and 'wiki' style entries, soaking up the entire universe. I was enthralled with how dark it was, but I found nothing more satisfyingly grim dark than dreadnoughts. Everything about them screamed dark Science Fiction, and I was completely taken with them. I would spend a long time looking up individual pages on unique, named dreadnoughts, far more than I would of reading pages on captains, chapter masters etc. 


At this stage I had no interest in playing. I'm an avid reader, and was more than happy to read everything I could of the universe instead. However  I made the (HUGE!!) mistake of telling one of my life long best friends what I was reading, and that sent him into a similar spiral of entry into 40K. Within weeks he had bought a full GK army, and set about painting it. Oh , and this friend of mine? Been an artist his entire life, lets just say he knows his way around technique and the colour wheel........ 


So, March the following year rolls around and my buddy asks me did I i ever pick a 'favourite' chapter. It had to be B.A. Coolest dreadnoughts, Sanguinius ( I had extremely long blonde hair at the time) , artisans outside of war,they were undoubtedly my numero uno.


A week later for my 30th birthday he presented me with a beautifully painted Furioso dreadnought, plus a brand new box of 'Deathstorm' , the 7th Ed. boxset with lots of termies, Capt. Car Alarm, Death Company and one of all time favourite unit entries 'Cassor the Damned'....


So with his help they were built and painted, and we got some games in. This is the part where I tell you that I am obscenely, embarrassingly, obnoxiously bad at 40K. I am 100% a 'rule of cool' gamer, and have zero interest in list tailoring, power gaming, or any of that other competitive carry-on. A perfect game for me is  2 well painted armies on the table, good music in the background, having a beer or 2 and catching up with friends. I think I've won one game in my life, but it doesn't bother me in the least. 


So, at the time, I didn't consider 40k much more than a minor hobby of mine. Motorcycles were my passion. However a couple of months later I made a clean break from motorcycles, due to some other circumstances I won't get into. I used this break to really engage more with 40K. Knowing I would never be , or had any interest in being a top level gamer, I decided to focus on what made me happy. Cool dreads, cool conversions, and becoming a better painter. This was helped tremendously by the fact that 7th ed. was warping into a big Nurgle-y mess of a game, that outside of the evolving storyline, I hadn't a lot of love for......


So all that being said, I'm going to throw up a couple of pics of some dreads of mine that I've built, painted and in some cases, converted. 


My basing scheme is a nod to the fact that Deathstorm was my first ever box of 40k minis, and the Devastation of Baal campaign that was running at the time. So you'll probably notice the pattern of dead tyranids everywhere. 


Lastly, I'd like to try get all these pics in a row, so I'd appreciate if you reserved comment until after my last pic ( don't worry I'll let ya know!) 


Cheers all, thanks for taking the time to read this. May you always roll 6's when ya really need 'em....




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My 2 furioso dreads, one painted by my mate for me, and the second one I did when my painting improved, as a homage to his fine and generous gift.

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4 of my dakka dreadnoughts,complete with a few blingy bits so you know they're BA dreadies.

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2 DC Dreads,that I adore, but have been mainly terrible for me this edition!!!

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My chaplain dread. Complete with Crozius. He really, really doesn't like tyranids.....

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My 2 Libby dreads, 'Hall and Oates'. Getting a fair bit of airtime now in 8th Ed.

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These 2 lads are ran as the 'siege' dreadnought variant from the FW index. Lots of melta, and T8, they#re a fun, tough choice to use.


Bjorn, because why the hell not.....

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My DC Leviathan, modelled to taste....

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A recently finished deredeo, awful model, but I'm a bit of a completionist 

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And my other Leviathan, who I'm also very pleased with.

Right lads , that's about it for now. 


I tried to warn you I was a bit of a dread head. 

Best wishes to all from Underhive Dublin. 



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That’s not a bad idea actually.

Next up is a plasma redemptor.

Every time I finish a dread I swear it’s my last, but here we are, 17 dreads later....

I apologise that the picture quality is a bit ‘potato’ , I didn’t load the photos at the highest resolution, wasn’t sure how the site would feel about it. Still, I’ll know when I’m loading up pics of my next one sure.

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