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Intersessors or scouts


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So I’ve painted my first 5 Primaris and whatever you think of the fluff the models look great.


I’ve built the rest of my Hellblasters and as ever I’m already thinking about what’s next. Recently ‘are they any good on the table’ has started to come into this decision.


At the moment my only option for troops are tac squads. My next purchase was going to be scouts and a sable claw/ talon master but now I’m think do I want intersessors.


Let’s be honest intersessors beat scouts hands down model wise but which is the better troop choice and what is the best way to arm them.


Obviously I’m sepcificlly asking about their use in a DA army.

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Come on guys I’m stuck at a wedding where I know all of 4 people and two are the bride and groom. My wife is a brides maid so I haven’t seen her since breakfast. Give me some ideas to think about whilst I .....urr... drink responsibly on my own.
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Come on guys I’m stuck at a wedding where I know all of 4 people and two are the bride and groom. My wife is a brides maid so I haven’t seen her since breakfast. Give me some ideas to think about whilst I .....urr... drink responsibly on my own.


I guess Scouts would be better due to their reduced cost, ability to infiltrate, and thus, better skill at negating deepstrikes from T2 and T3. Specially if your heavier shooting is already covered by Tactical Squads.


I think intercessors are rather a replacement for Tacticals over Scouts. There is where the overlap of battle roles happens the most, right?


I won't argue aesthetics. Intercessors are amazing looking, and better than scouts, sure. But, as far as usefulness goes, I'd rather take intercessors over tacticals than over scouts.


Hope that helps! Be strong, brother! And may the wisdom of the Chapter carry you through your trials!

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Oh JJD, surely a son of the lion should have had a better strategy for something like a wedding!


I've not played the 8th ed, but reading the mathhammer (3++ very good read), Scouts seem far more versatile but Intercessors it seems have staying power so I'd suggest figuring out what function you want the squad to perform, I can seem intercessors being great at holding objectives and providing dakka.


Just my take on tacs, they seem to have lost there purpose in the 8th, they could do with imho being able to perform special functions (if you have seem the specialties from kill team that might be an idea) - one thing that deffo seems amiss is that scouts have weapon options that tacs can't take... Tac squads being able to function as demolition (think sappers aka melta bombs!), snipers or similar... perhaps that way they have a reason to be in a game...

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I think intercessors are good at holding objectives but overcosted for it considering they hit like a wet flannel.


Scouts biggest benefit is being cheaper and blocking the board which means you can spend more on better units.


To be it’s all symptomatic of a problem with SM overall. We have to get every drop of value out of the armies to be good because nothing is outstanding in itself so scouts rule supreme because of value.


To clarify that last paragraph I’m taking about compatible games and tournament level. At power point games and casual games intercessors are totally great

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I think tacticals still have a distinct role.  While intercessors may be better objective holders on a per point basis, their big weakness is their lack of mobility.  With the rhino, razorback and drop pod as transport options tacticals still have a role, they are just more suited to those more midfield objectives than intercessors, who really want to stay in cover on an objective. 


I think you have to be very careful about judging the firepower on our troop choices.  Straight damage output isn't their role.  Rather they are about holding objectives and board control.  Anything they can do beyond that is a bonus. 

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Intercessors are arguably more cost efficient due to far superior weapons, a better save, and double the wounds for less than twice the cost (90 points, 91 if you take the grenade launcher). Trouble is, Marine lists are really tight because most of our stuff is overcosted in an era of points reductions for everyone else. 270 points for 15 troops is not really optimal for us.


Scouts aren't great, especially in an era of nerfed deep strike, but they're the best we have.

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For a 1 point upgrade I don't see why you wouldn't take one per squad. Never have I had a game where I've thought "Gee I wish I spend that 3 points for those grenades launchers on xyz..."

It's like slapping a 2 point storm bolter on every Rhino chassis in your list, It's just an auto tick box for me.


<slightly off topic> Regarding the lack of mobility for Intercessors, I don't see why GW doesn't just let us teleport the primaris units, apart from limiting sales on this current and future primaris transports I mean. Teleporting used to be limited to just TDA and you needed drop pods or jump packs to get your power armour into position quickly. These days Deathwatch can teleport in anything, even Dreadnoughts, are the DW teleportariums really that much better/other chapter's that much worse? That teleport stratagem should be Adeptus Astartes wide, imo.

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For a 1 point upgrade I don't see why you wouldn't take one per squad. Never have I had a game where I've thought "Gee I wish I spend that 3 points for those grenades launchers on xyz..."

It's like slapping a 2 point storm bolter on every Rhino chassis in your list, It's just an auto tick box for me.


<slightly off topic> Regarding the lack of mobility for Intercessors, I don't see why GW doesn't just let us teleport the primaris units, apart from limiting sales on this current and future primaris transports I mean. Teleporting used to be limited to just TDA and you needed drop pods or jump packs to get your power armour into position quickly. These days Deathwatch can teleport in anything, even Dreadnoughts, are the DW teleportariums really that much better/other chapter's that much worse? That teleport stratagem should be Adeptus Astartes wide, imo.

Because me dropping down 10 hellblasters would be basically cheating. Insta-kill everything, probably even a knight.

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I'd say Intercessors for backfield objectives, scouts if you want to stop deep strike shenanigans. Intercessors in cover are surprisingly stubborn to get rid of


It's the second wound. Unless you're firing something with a flat 2 damage. It's amazing how much better that 3+ gets against small arms fire with even one more wound (and one reason I advocate tacs should have 2 wounds, but I digress). They'll still die really quickly to overcharged plasma, but at least your 90 point squad is forcing your opponent to blow something big on them.


Intercessors would probably see more play if there was a cheap, good transport that could take them. They do a lot of good things, but can't really take objectives with a mere 6 movement.

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I'd say Intercessors for backfield objectives, scouts if you want to stop deep strike shenanigans. Intercessors in cover are surprisingly stubborn to get rid of


It's the second wound. Unless you're firing something with a flat 2 damage. It's amazing how much better that 3+ gets against small arms fire with even one more wound (and one reason I advocate tacs should have 2 wounds, but I digress). They'll still die really quickly to overcharged plasma, but at least your 90 point squad is forcing your opponent to blow something big on them.


Intercessors would probably see more play if there was a cheap, good transport that could take them. They do a lot of good things, but can't really take objectives with a mere 6 movement.


And scouts have access to LSS to get fast on objectives

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