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A Dark Angels Successor Color-Waffling Conundrum


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I've been mulling over my Dark Angels Successor colors for a few days, so I figured I'd pitch it to the community at this point. This might become a bit rambling so I apologize in advance lol. Some pics will be at the bottom of the post.



I'm mostly set on the quartered scheme, even though it pretty much copies the Howling Griffons. I might do some minor alterations, but a big change, while not out of the question since I'm just starting the army, is unlikely. The problem lies with the vehicles. I originally painted them for my Deathwatch army, and then had them pull double duty for a Blood Angels successor that I don't really want to collect anymore. Currently I don't think that the infantry and vehicles look like they are part of the same army. I could always say they are in "night camo" or something, but then comes the next problem: Ravenwing and Deathwing.


If I paint ravenwing in the traditional black and run them alongside basic marines, then the amount of black on the table is going to overwhelm the quartering, IMO. Furthermore, Deathwing white might look a bit odd alongside this quartered scheme. I can't think of other colors to paint Ravenwing or Deathwing that would look good alongside quartered yellow and red... seems to limit the palette!


I could also just not use the vehicles for the new force. I own four razorback chassis and five pods... thats a lot of plastic collecting dust. And I would still need to find colors for new ones too!


So what do you all think? Am I thinking about this too much (probably)? Do I stick with what I have currently or repaint some of the Rhinos and Pods? Traditional colors for Deathwing & Ravenwing or something else? Restart from square one? I'm kind of stuck at this point. Thanks for reading!
Some pics of my test minis + vehicles:




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I would just paint the Deathwing and Ravenwing in your Successor using the quartered scheme, and leave the black to the vehicles. The Unforgiven Chapters don't have to apply different color schemes to their 1st and 2nd companies (i.e., they don't have to follow the colors used by the Dark Angels Chapter).


Also, while you've used the same basic colors of the Howling Griffons, you've reversed the quartering. It is actually a very striking scheme and looks very nice on the tabletop; and it works very well with the black vehicles.

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I also enjoy a good quertered scheme! I'll echo Brother Tyler, you don't have to go for traditional Deathwing/Ravenwing colors, in fact as it's a successor chapter I'd say it woukd stretch suspension of disbelief to do so. If you want the first and second companies to be different you could always make one of them red and the other yellow, that'd make them different without clashing with the primary scheme.


As for vehicles, I'd honestly just repaint them myself.

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I also enjoy a good quertered scheme! I'll echo Brother Tyler, you don't have to go for traditional Deathwing/Ravenwing colors, in fact as it's a successor chapter I'd say it woukd stretch suspension of disbelief to do so. If you want the first and second companies to be different you could always make one of them red and the other yellow, that'd make them different without clashing with the primary scheme.


As for vehicles, I'd honestly just repaint them myself.


Aww man thats a shame, I always liked how Dark Angels had three schemes in one army. I'm a big fan of medieval knights and heraldry, so I'm wondering if I can somehow work that into the Deathwing and Ravenwing equivalents in a way that doesn't look horrid.



This Image was inspiration for the chapter scheme if that helps :)




...Or I could just paint straight up Dark Angels or a current successor lol. Not as creative, and all my fluff goes out the window, but at least I know what I'm painting :P

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I mean if they happened to have the exact same scheme as main DA for first and second companies that would be a bit strange, they could still have a different scheme from the rest of the chapter. Alternate idea...replace the yellow with bone/white for the first company, and black for second company. It would maintain visual cohesion with the rest of the chapter while also tying in with main DA.
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I mean if they happened to have the exact same scheme as main DA for first and second companies that would be a bit strange, they could still have a different scheme from the rest of the chapter. Alternate idea...replace the yellow with bone/white for the first company, and black for second company. It would maintain visual cohesion with the rest of the chapter while also tying in with main DA.


I actually really like that idea! Did a few mock-ups in the painter to see how it would look. The results are pretty darn sweet:






And Deathwing:



With maybe dark blue or green robes on the Deathwing guys. I think then I keep the Black for Ravenwing vehicles, maybe with red accents, and bone with red accents for Deathwing vehicles. Thinking of then painting the standard vehicles predominately red, maybe with yellow or bone accents.


Thanks a lot! We're almost there lol!

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The quartering looks great, and don't worry about 1st and 2nd companies not being a huge amount different, as only the Dark Angels chapter even has those companies. (Others may try to copy them but would not be allowed to call it such just as the DA chapter lacks 4 of the specialized companies themselves)
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I would repaint the rhino, or (if you like the black) add the color on some part.

I think its normal at some point to go back and repaint some older stuff, even more so if you have a personal paint scheme, since they tend to evolve with you.

If you feel like a full repaint is too much, its OK to leave it like that for now.


As for the Ravenwing / Deathwing color problem, including the original chapter color's with the one's from your chapter is a good idea.

I myself went with a similar thing for my disciple of caliban:

The basic colors are black and green, so I kept the basic black for hte bike, but with green trim and the normal biker colors.

For the Deathwing, I replace the DA green with white, keep the black and switch the robe to green.



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