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609th Octavian Regiment- Charlie Company. Slow grow project.


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That hasn't been the case for the most part! By game 3 my Russ had scored exactly 1 wound and that was in melee. If the Hellhound and Astropath hadn't been so strong at 500 points (how is a GSC player supposed to deal with the Hellhound?) I'd have been screwed. 

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Great work all around. Very crisp paint job, and the detail work is top notch. I like the conversion work too. A buddy of mine used the Chimera chassis for his counts-as Leman Russ tanks a while back, too. However, what's the idea of cutting the muzzles of the lasguns? Is that just a stylistic choice, or is there some intention behind it?

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Great work all around. Very crisp paint job, and the detail work is top notch. I like the conversion work too. A buddy of mine used the Chimera chassis for his counts-as Leman Russ tanks a while back, too. However, what's the idea of cutting the muzzles of the lasguns? Is that just a stylistic choice, or is there some intention behind it?

Thanks! If the pictures were more detailed you'd see the detail work is really pretty trash (but they are Guard so nobody minds).


I'm regretting the Chimera Russ conversion now because although it looks decent I'm not sure I can be bothered to do it repeatedly and magnetising the sponsons is a damned nuisance. Still can't decide if my next tank is going to be like that.


The Lasgun thing was just a stylistic choice- I think they look a little too big and bulky with them on (although I keep chickening out from my plan to drill all of the barrel holes on them and keep forgetting to paint a black circle on them too- I'm just hopeless). Has the added benefit of making them easier to move in groups as they catch on each other less. 


Probably going to add some counts-as Vostroyans to my list and they will have the full length lasguns with an added scope on top to somewhat explain the range (doesn't explain the 30" range plasma guns but what can you do?). Also trying to figure out how to blend the Gor box and Catachans to make a decent abhuman guard unit to use as cannon fodder. 

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I wouldn't fret the detail work for a close-up inspection. It seems top-rate for table top quality, at least. As most folks would only be looking at your dudes from the table's distance, anyway. You're the only one that would really notice all the fiddly bits and details. I'm the same way, though. Finished job is never quite good enough, is it?


I know how you feel about the bigger conversions. I've modeled my Chimeras and Leman Russ to use the Predator turret with twin heavy bolters and a Conqueror turret, respectively. It involves some tedious modeling work, to be sure, and I've got two more of each to be done.


Fair enough for the lasguns. If it weren't prohibitively cost-wise and bitz-wise, I'd want to convert all my lasguns for lasgun carbines. But cutting off 40-something lasguns to re-attach 40-something other lasguns is not something I'm keen on doing.


If you have any, the scope on the Scion hot-shot lasgun makes a perfect fit for normal lasguns. I've converted my Kill Team Guardsmen to have those, and even popped one of the scopes onto the plasma gun of my Scion Gunner Sniper. I've posted some shots, if you're interested in what that looks like.

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I remember your thread, I was a big fan of the Pred turrets for the Gryphon chimeras (triple heavy bolter Chimera's also seem pretty much the only model of Chimera usable on the tabletop) and have seriously thought of stealing your idea. 


For the scopes I'm probably going to go with these




as it may not look quite as good but hey 10 for £2, right?

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That was a lot easier than I expected- also Pask is mental (the guy doesn't miss). 


Not sure what to add for the jump to 1k- thoughts at the moment are a Vostroyan patrol with a tank commander and an infantry squad (quite like the idea of a 30" range Punisher and a 30" range infantry squad to pop shots across the boards) or a big group of Catachans converted from Gors (legs and heads) and Catachans (bodies and arms) for abhuman cannon-fodder. Seems wrong throwing away the lives of my well trained and equipped men when I can let non-human filth die in their place (and in dying pay their debt to the Emperor for sparing them).


Edit: has anybody here done anything like that with the beastmen? If so do they have any advice? I'm pretty new to modelling and conversions more ambitious than headswaps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sexy like the purple pop!


Feel like the barrel needs some OSL or heat markings


I agree on the barrel and tried both (and both ended in failure). Going to have to go back and revisit that at some point when I've figured out how to make it look less rubbish (was going for a hot metal glow on the coils but painted them bronze to cover up the shame :biggrin.: )


How'd you create the markings on the plating, there? Is that just some highlighting and line work?

Just freehand - wanted something to mark this one out from the other tanks.

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How'd you create the markings on the plating, there? Is that just some highlighting and line work?

Just freehand - wanted something to mark this one out from the other tanks.



You mean, other than the giant, art-deco, steampunk looking cannon, of course. :wink: Good job, nonetheless.

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Not strictly part of Charlie company but will be deployed in support of them.


Abhuman cannon-fodder test models!





So planning a couple of squads of these dudes with a priest, a commander, and a counts as Marbo (called Nameless of No Tribe).

At least a couple of the normal troopers are getting cigars and I'm trying to figure out how to add sunglasses to a couple. 

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  • 2 months later...

Progress slowed with painting in the run up to Christmas due to a big work project but we're now going to get back to business. Been building and playing, at least, but have been way too lazy with the paint brush.


A couple of magnetised sentinels completed- didn't magnetise the cockpit, just the weapons and gear so they are stuck as armoured but that's no real hardship. My force is probably over optimised anyway.





Built some Scions and with a raid of the bits box they even have the required number of plasma guns. 1 tempestor prime with pimp cane, 1 scion quad with two plasmas and a plasma pistol on the tempestor and a command squad with 4 plasmas. Look forward to using them for the first time a week from Thursday. 




Finally my newest tank is currently under construction. Magnets, magnets everywhere!



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