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NEW GSC list wanting to get to 2k points

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So far have put this list together from what i currently posses and wondering what to expand with next?;


Cult Magraveen;

Primary detachment;

Patriarch with familiar;                                                                  162
Purestrains x 8;                                                                                144             Total; 306


Primus;                                                                                               71
Neophyte Hybrids x 20; shotguns; Boltpistol; Icon;
2 x seismic cannons; 2 x Webbers;                                                   165           Total; 236


Magus with familiar;                                                                        85
Rock grinder; Seismic cannon; demolition cache;                      131             Total; 216


Acolytes x 5; Rock drill; Buzz saw; Hand flamers; Icon;            170? Not got book with me?
Rock grinder; Seismic cannon; demolition cache;                      131            


Neophytes x 10; Autoguns; Boltpistol;
2 x mining lasers; 2 x Grenade Launchers;                                    89
Goliath Truck; Demo cache;                                                             78                  Total; 167


Secondary Detachment;

Magus with familiar;                                                                            85

Neophyte x 10; lascannon; 2x grenade launcher;                           80

Neophyte x 10; lascannon; 2x grenade launcher;                            80

Neophytes x 10; 2 x heavy stubbers; 2 x flamers;                            80               Total; 325

Leman Russ; Lascannon ; Multi-Meltas ;                                           192           

          Total 1743 remainder 257 for new shinies...??

Gives + 6cp

Thinking an additional leman russ  with either  more acolytes or purestrains or possibly an iconward?     


Personally I never take the vehicles so can't comment on those


I'd suggest considering the primus. I've taken 3 ever since CA and used the strategem to buff 3 big infantry units coming in via CA (over turns 1 to 3).


Aberrants have just got a rules update worth looking at and if guess will be even better when the book drops.


Also as a side note, when it comes to the limit of what you can put in reserve, if you don't mind not being able to CA on turn 1 you can drop stuff in a corner and use return to the Shadows to be able drop it the following turn

Unless I swapped the patriarch out, where would you put the primus? Do you field only infantry then or do you use Am for tank goodness? I'm trying to make it a pure gsc list only using the index xenos options, converted my Russ to have a rock grinder blade and mining laser to fit the industrial feel of the rest and bout to go to town with the bits boxes on the 2 actual rock grinders next. Can't help but feel the twin autocannons are better then the mining weapons you have to take...

I generally use all infantry although if you're going pure GSC you may want the tanks for some firepower.


I sometimes put the primus in a supreme command, or a couple of battalions, pretty sure you can fit two more primus in the detachments you have?

So my new 2k list, broken into 2 battalions and a spearhead. uses 3 squads at least in ambush. going for board control with troops with the vehicles and patriarch to do actual damage.



Cult Magraveen;

The Red Ravens Battalion;           Ambush Force.

Patriarch with familiar;                                                                           162
Purestrains x 8                                                                                          120   Total; 282

Primus;                                                                                                       76
Neophytes x 19; shotguns; Seismic cannons x 2, Webbers x 2
Icon; chainsword;                                                                                            151   Total; 227

Truck Force;

Acolytes x 5; Handflamer, Rockdrill, Buzzsaw, Icon;                          127
Rock grinder; Seismic cannon, Demo cache;                                         129    Total; 256

Neophytes x 10; Mining lasers x 2, Grenade launchers x 2, Icon;   105
Goliath truck; demo cache;                                                                          119      Total; 224

Total; 989.


The Greenbacks battalion;

Magus with Familiar;                                                                                      85

Magus;                                                                                                                73

Neophytes x 10; 2 x grenade launcher & lascannon;                         80

Neophytes x 10; 2 x grenade launcher & 2 heavy stubbers;           80

Neophytes x 10;               Ambushing force                                             50 Total; 300.


Barking Dogs spearhead;

Primus;                                                                                                                 76
Rockgrinder; demo cache;                                                                           127

Leman russ x 2; Lascannon, Multi meltas & heavy stubber;          222 x 2; 444

Total; 647

Grand total 1994.

  • 1 month later...

So my new 2k list, broken into 2 battalions and a spearhead.

Grand total 1994.

Better late than never? Ill throw out a few considerations;


- Get more Purestrains, they do all the actual killing. I usually take 12 man units.


- Cult Icons are wildly overcosted under Index, esp for Neos, even Acolytes is questionable. Make one an Iconward and he can buff multiple units.


-Mining Lasers in a truck is questionable if youre going to be moving (reducing their BS) unless your intent is to advance into range and then use the truck like a bunker.


-GSC HStubbers cost double what other armies pay >: /

Better to go Seismics or flamers if youre ambushing.


-Battlecannon Russes are best at long range, esp if you add hull lascannon and just boom away with grinding advance. Multimelta is somewhat a range mismatch. Plasma cannons fit nicely or just HBs.

(*unless your meta is aggressive enemy vehicles - disregard.)


-Grab/convert an Abominant theyre quite nasty, even if youre not taking Aberrants.


Just my two cents. There is a lot of point costs out of whack with Index Xenos GSC. Really hoping the codex comes soon.

had only had one game with them and 4th of new edition.... last played 30k before this with Imperial fists & Alphas, so very different style to get to grips with :)


2nd game was against spacewolves and the points you raised were all highlighted in that game and have already accrued an extra box of purestrains for 16 in total, which will be my ambush unit, will probably scrap the sqaud of 2o neophytes who were doing so.


the icons worked really well for my neophytes in first game, but did nothing really against marines so will prob just keep for acolytes as I have painted it up now... rest just kept in unit for aesthetic in next lists.


I do use the goliath trucks as mobile bunkers, one move then act as turrets from there is plan, as the 5+ to hit suck more than a voracious hooker!


Surprisingly the stubbers have been real workhorses for me so far, being one of the very few weapons that is 24"+ yet again they sit in a goliath with a pair of grenade launchers. I'm getting the feeling that using the mining weapons is a trap that should be avoided as they are very expensive for mediocre results.


The local meta can be rather tank heavy and as I have a scarily improbable ability to roll 1's every time I overcharge plasma, I avoid them like the plague. All future Leman will just have Bolters though.


Would love to get some aberrants and the abominant, also the iconward, hoping i can get the tooth and claw set when i next have spare cash as although the acolytes have the punch with the buzzsaws they disintegrate as soon as sneezed at.... Just an arse that they dont come in a small set yet.


Really hoping the codex drops the costs and also makes rockgrinders open topped as they are pretty sucky as a heavy support when the can only hit on 5's or at least let them keep the twin autocannons or something with a bit of oomph at range...


Having got the gaurd codex to make a heavy support detachment it now seems a lot more prudent to run AM with a cult miniforce on the side rather than other way round which is damn annoying. 


PS does anyone know where to get a Half track at correct scale for a Limo conversion?

Cult Magraveen

Patriarch with familiar;                                                                                                                      162
16 x Purestrains;                                                                                                                               240


Neophytes x 10; Heavy stubbers x 2, Grenade launchers x 2; BP & CS                                           78
Goliath truck; demo cache;                                                                                                               119


Neophytes x 10; Mining lasers x 2, Grenade launchers x 2;                                                              88
Goliath truck; demo cache;                                                                                                               119   


Rock grinder; Seismic cannon;                                                                                                          117
Rock grinder; Seismic cannon;                                                                                                          117


 Primus                                                                                                                                                76
Neophytes x 20; 2 x Flamers & 2 x Seismic cannon, shotguns,
 BP & CS , Icon;                                                                                                                                 155

(this unit is my most dubious choice, wondering what i could swap the unit for apart from ambushing acolytes?)


Brood brother spearhead


Tank commander; Multi meltas, Lascannon, Stubber, track gaurds
Dozer blade;                                                                                                                                      268


Leman Russ; meltas, Lascannon, Stubber, track gaurds, Dozer blade;                                            223


Leman russ; Heavy bolters, Lascannon, Stubber, track gaurds, Dozer blade;        
 Hunter killer missile:                                                                                                                          205


Heavy weapons team mortars;                                                                                                            33


Total 2000


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