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Legio Custodes "the sodality" rule

Nomadic Thunder

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Sorry if this has already been answered, or is super obvious, but reading through the rules entry for legio custodes in inferno it didn't really seem that clear to me.

Do all units with the Legio Custodes special rule automatically have 'the sodality' special rule (along with preternatural skill and inviolable psyche)?

The only entries i can see with it explicitly stated are constantin valdor and the jet bike unit, which the latter makes obvious sense but having only a single HQ with a special rule that is based around unit coherency when all models in a unit must have said rule doesn't seem to make sense, unless the above is true in which case is the Captain-General of the Legio Custodes not Legio Custodes himself...?

Am I just misreading the rules entries or is the book trying to boggle my mind?

thanks in advance!


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'The Sodality' is part of the 'Legio Custodes' special rules, a mentioned on p. 242 of Inferno.

Thus all units with the 'Legio Custodes' rule get 'The Sodality'

In the recent FAQ they corrected the unit entries for Valdor as well as the jet bikes, both entries have 'Legio Custodes' now.


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