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Shoulder pad trim technique

Aramis K

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How do you paint Space Marine shoulder pad trim?


In particular when the trim is a contrasting colour to the pad itself. For example, a white pad with black trim.


It's the inside of the trim that I find hard to do perfectly neatly. I want a nice hard edge and shadow.


I always end up going back and forward correcting and eventually trying to mask the whole area with wash and weathering. Or better yet painting schemes without coloured trim.


Pic for reference - muddy edges between the blue/black and yellow.




I'm sure it's been discussed many times, but my search game is proving weak.

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Two factors that really determine it for me, what colour covers easier, and just what kind of edge I'm trying to follow. If it's possible, put down the colour that has a harder time covering first; in this case, it's the yellow since it'll struggle to cover the black. Then, as stated, a good brush with a sharp point to carefully do the trim. But the flip side of that is that I've always found it easier to paint the trim first and then paint up to the edge to clean up the surface that meets it. It will take a few more passes, but yellow is notorious for being a colour you need to layer up either which way. From there, yup, a careful wash of Sepia around the edge (and maybe a bit of cleanup with yellow after it dries) will obscure any minor flaws.


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