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fluffy and unfluffy choices


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Hi brothers,



What are considered fluffy and unfluffy choices (weaponry and units) for Black Templars?

Do you think different - please show us

and very important - where do you see the Primaris Units


Very fluffy ( like should be in each list)


- Emperors Champion

- Grimaldus

- Helbrecht

- Terminator Chaplain

- Chaplain

- Crusader Squad

- Aggressor (if Primaris then this unit must be in)

- Intercessor (if Primaris are in - should be in)

- Cenobite (just with Grimaldus)

- Honor Guard (just with Helbrecht

- Vanguard in each form


- Drop Pod




- Captain (Marshal)

- Lieutenant (Castelan)

- Captain in Gravis

- Terminator Captain

- Primaris Captain

- Assault Squad

- Apo (each)

- all Terminators

- all Ancient

- Assault Centurion

- Centurion with Grav

- Company Veterans

- Dreadknought

- (any Marine with MK III and MK IV)

- Servitors

- Sternguard

- Venerable Dread

- Redemptor Dread

- Bikes, Attack Bikes and Land Speeder

- Inceptor Squads

- all Flyers

- all other LR + tanks


fairly fluffy


- Jump pack lieutenant

- Jump Pack Captain

- Captain in Cataphractii (fluffy but rar )

- Techmarine

- Scout / Scout Biker (new fluff)

- chapter champion

- Contemptor Dreadknought

- Honor Guard (without Helbrecht)

- Reivers

- Hellblaster

- Thunder Fire Cannon (because of the techmarine)


not fluffy



- company champion

- Centurion with LasCan or Heavy Bolter

- Cenobite (without Grimaldus)

- Whirlwind (maybe should be in "NEVER do THAT")





- Tactical

- Devastors

- Scout/Scoutbiker (old fluff)



this is my opionion - what is yours

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Its a fine list, my two grips are that Scout Bikers should be fluffy despite it not working as it used to but I get why its not very fluffy and that Whirlwinds are perfectly fine as one of our methods of operation is a mechanized advance covered by a creeping barrage which a Whirlwind can most definitely provide.

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Whirlwinds were forbidden at one point... Never made sense to me tho...


Scoutbikes were part of a biker crusader squad in our first unique army list in the 3rd edition armageddon campaign supplement...


The list is OK... I might move a few things up and down. I don't believe in primaries or their fluff. Just like how i still hold that the Templar's are uniquely adherent to the imperial truth (athiest).


To me the primaris units in the codex are just Templar sword brethren of an elevated apparent skill and are clearly advancing towards a castellan or marshals position (because they have a wound and attack above initiates and thus stat wise are approaching the HQ and ELITE characters...

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Maybe it is offtopic but I m really surprised with the fluff change in 8th when the codex says we now could accept some psykers in our Chapter... So now we are really fanatic of the God-Emperor and waiting for an Emperor's gift as Librarian... but not introducing any Primaris Librarian... He/They could have the Dorn's geneseed (IF) and joined the chapter, and created a fantastic story about Primaris being rejected in BT (more interesting than DA or SW) because that could be not only disgusting it will be againts our own spirit... but they decided not to give us the Psyker...


Well... we will see if 2019 gives us more love!

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Librarians fit Templar fluff perfectly yeah?


I’ll see myself out now.

i dont understand... its not possible for us... Even if it would fit like devastors - NEVER

I think, he might, have been joking..?


I'd have put dreadnoughts higher up the fluff list, we've had Marshal dreads, crusades led by dreads, I can't yet see how Primaris could be described as 'fluffy' as they don't have any fluff yet, besides a picture of some BT intercessors in the rule book.

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It might just be the realist in me but I say everything except psykers is on the table. Seems basically suicidal to not to utilise artillery, heavy weaponry or bolters at all. I mean fair enough if you want to close with the enemy but you need firepower to cover the advance?

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Sternguard and Crusadersquads with Bolter are fluffy. But Devastorsquads and Whirlwinds were even forbidden in C:BT so it is said in the current codex as well.

True. However, Whirlwinds were not prohibited to the Templars during the 3rd war for armageddon.

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You are absolute right about devastors being unfluffy. And I feel guilty for having built (not jet painter) 5 of them. But what to do for anti tank then? I already feel like I dont have enough at.

Attack bikes? Landspeeders? Predators? Razorbacks?

I have a Predator with all lascannons, dread with MM, ven dread with TLLC, Landspeeder with MM. For troops I have a lascannon, MM, two ML, and several meltaguns. All heavy and special weapons troops are in crusader squads. I also outfit my Van Vets and Assault Marines with meltabombs. 


Full disclosure, I have only played one game where my opponent had a lot of armor. I brought everything you see above except he van veterans. I was done knocking his armor out the end of turn two.

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Meh... I kinda let the devastators go. It's just a crusader squad that picked up more heavy guns...


It bothers me more that we lost neophyte bikers in our bike squads from codex armageddon... (but back then regular bike squads were capped at 5 marines)


Note that we had a unique assault squad then too... While codex marines could take up to 2 plasma pistols or 2 flamers, we added power weapons and power fists to our list of special weapon options... And then any or all marines in the squad could get storm shields.

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I could be wrong and my search function on my phone is being weird, but I don't see the humble Vindicator. I would like to say it is a fluffy choice since we are still sons of Dorn and we still like a good armored assault. While the Vindicator has taken a bit of a hit in effectiveness, it has put in work for me.

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in terms of fluff - they were also listed in 4th edition - but not playable^^

They were listed in fluff because that fluff was just copy pasted from 3rd ed chapter approved.


Note that we had a unique assault squad then too... While codex marines could take up to 2 plasma pistols or 2 flamers, we added power weapons and power fists to our list of special weapon options... And then any or all marines in the squad could get storm shields.

We did get storm shields, but we only got one power weapon and it was just to replace the lack of a sergeant.

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in terms of fluff - they were also listed in 4th edition - but not playable^^

They were listed in fluff because that fluff was just copy pasted from 3rd ed chapter approved.

Note that we had a unique assault squad then too... While codex marines could take up to 2 plasma pistols or 2 flamers, we added power weapons and power fists to our list of special weapon options... And then any or all marines in the squad could get storm shields.

We did get storm shields, but we only got one power weapon and it was just to replace the lack of a sergeant.

Page 23 of codex armageddon.


"black Templar's assault squad"


Up to 2 models may exchange bolt pistol for plasma pistol, or exchange close combat weapon with power weapon or power fist. Any model may exchange bolt pistol for storm shield.



Not that it matters since its 5 editions ago. Lol

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If I'm derailing this thread tell me and it can be moved to another thread. But I'm still thinking about fluffy anti-tank.

What is this subs opinion on Inceptors/Hellblasters with heavy incinerators as at? I'm running a venerable cybot so overcharging is in the card because of the stratagem.

Alternatively I'm leaning towards (attack) bikes.

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appropriately armed Attack bikes, speeders, and predators have always been significant antitank units for all SM including black templars.


Speaking of fluffy units in general, vindicator tanks have always been regarded as appropriate for us.


We are the 2nd founding successor of the greatest siege warfare legion (loyalist at least). And sieges after the medieval period were more of your urban warfare type of engagements.


So I always like to think of templars lately with the idea of what they would use to penetrate the defences of and then weild within a city. Vindicators, land raiders and rhinos are all crucial for their own reasons to running the gauntlet to approach a city and subsequently penetrate deep into it once it has been breached.

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not fluffy



- company champion

- Centurion with LasCan or Heavy Bolter

- Cenobite (without Grimaldus)

- Whirlwind (maybe should be in "NEVER do THAT")





- Tactical

- Devastors

- Scout/Scoutbiker (old fluff)




I'm gonna have to almost completely disagree with this. How is a company champ not fluffy? Because we don't have companies?  I mean just call him something else. Priamus was effectively a company champ.  Cenobytes used to be something that any chaplain could take back in our 4th book, so taking them outside of Grimaldus isn't unfluffy IMO


As for Whirlwinds, while yes they aren't a particularly noble choice and everyone points out they weren't available to us in 4th. The Donian Crusade listed on the last page does in fact have a Whirlwind, so take that for what it's worth. 


With Tacticals there isn't a reason to really take them because Crusader squads are a straight upgrade but they aren't unfluffy.  


Devastators on the other hand are really just a crusader squad with 4 heavy weapons.  Something I could easily see Templars doing. Especially with weapons like Heavy bolters or Grav. Templars fighting style is that of close combat and short range high rate of fire firepower. 


I do agree with scouts though, Neophytes shouldn't be running about on their own. :lol:



I often find it funny that folks still have this strange aversion to Bolters and ranged weapons. Templars don't dislike these weapons, on the contrary even the old codex says they are armed primarily with the holy bolter. We just like to do it up close and personal. 

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