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fluffy and unfluffy choices


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What I love about Templars isn't this idea that they just whip out the chainswords and run at the enemy, it's that they do everything other Space Marines do just as well and perhaps just a bit more aggressively...


Got a hill that needs holding? We'll sit on it with every Boltgun in the Crusade and hold ground like a true son of Dorn. Some of our best art shows us doing exactly that. 3rd edition cover, and the full page piece in the 3rd edition SM codex. Not a Chainsword in sight.


Another fact that goes unremembered is that although we don't follow the organisational tenets of the Codex Astartes, we still have a copy and can do everything in it just as well as any son of Guilliman can, if anything, we use it like it should be used, as an aide, not a straitjacket.

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not fluffy



- company champion

- Centurion with LasCan or Heavy Bolter

- Cenobite (without Grimaldus)

- Whirlwind (maybe should be in "NEVER do THAT")





- Tactical

- Devastors

- Scout/Scoutbiker (old fluff)




I'm gonna have to almost completely disagree with this. How is a company champ not fluffy? Because we don't have companies?  I mean just call him something else. Priamus was effectively a company champ.  Cenobytes used to be something that any chaplain could take back in our 4th book, so taking them outside of Grimaldus isn't unfluffy IMO


As for Whirlwinds, while yes they aren't a particularly noble choice and everyone points out they weren't available to us in 4th. The Donian Crusade listed on the last page does in fact have a Whirlwind, so take that for what it's worth. 


With Tacticals there isn't a reason to really take them because Crusader squads are a straight upgrade but they aren't unfluffy.  


Devastators on the other hand are really just a crusader squad with 4 heavy weapons.  Something I could easily see Templars doing. Especially with weapons like Heavy bolters or Grav. Templars fighting style is that of close combat and short range high rate of fire firepower. 


I do agree with scouts though, Neophytes shouldn't be running about on their own. :laugh.:



I often find it funny that folks still have this strange aversion to Bolters and ranged weapons. Templars don't dislike these weapons, on the contrary even the old codex says they are armed primarily with the holy bolter. We just like to do it up close and personal. 



you absolutly right in case of Company champion... dont know how i put him there.


the whirlwind is not fluffy because even this point... if it were not listed it would be in "never do that" means that Templar dont use this often - so its not really fluffy.


You are right to Devastor Squads ...but then it shoud being said that grav is fluffy and LasCans not...


and to last point - it must be said that we all made the templars to what they are... and so GW have to accept that. We are the costumer and we should decide how our product works.


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