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Death Company Model size.


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All Marines got a base upgrade to 32mm (for PA infantry) at some point in the past. There are no rules to use any specific base size but it's recommended to use the size they get sold with in their current box (so 32mm). It also helps to make Marines look actually bigger than Guardsmen even if the actual model size isn't that different so that's a bonus. ^^

Death company marines also have enhanced postures over old marines, as in, standing up and not in the battle-squat. Combined with the running poses, this makes them slightly taller than tactical marines in absolute terms, but they are still the same scale. 


Primaris are bigger entirely. 

All Marines got a base upgrade to 32mm (for PA infantry) at some point in the past. There are no rules to use any specific base size but it's recommended to use the size they get sold with in their current box (so 32mm). It also helps to make Marines look actually bigger than Guardsmen even if the actual model size isn't that different so that's a bonus. ^^


Oddly enough, I think it was actually Death Company that kicked off the change to 32mm bases at the end of 2014. Shield of Baal: Deathstorm had 5 Death Company with Jump Packs which came with 32mm bases, and at the same time GW put the new 32mm bases up for pre-order - we didn't know if it was just for Jump Infantry, or it was a change coming across the board. Anyway, that kicked off the whole 'shall I rebase, leave existing marines on 25mm or get base-rings to convert them' funtimes, and over time old marines all got repackaged with the new bases. They said it was purely an aesthetic choice as marines looked better on a bigger base, but the next size up at the time (40mm) was too much.


IIRC scouts are still on a 25mm, which fits better anyway, but anything power armoured is 32mm or bigger now. Primaris are a good head to head-and-a-half taller than minimarines (including DC) even though they share the same base size, and the difference is quite stark when you put them together.


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