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Painting black templars vehicles


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So, I have primed my Knightfall 2018 force, including a Chaplain Dreadnought.  The GW painting tutorial says to:

- Prime black

- Coat entire model in Eshin Grey
- Highlight in Dawnstone

- Wash entire model in Nuln Oil twice


Question: is this going to work on a vehicle?  I haven't had great results laying a shade over an entire vehicle's large flat surface.

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I haben't used this techniques for any thing up until now, but I saw someone on reddit who painted his templars in a Mix of es hin grey and Black that was washed in nuln oil. Maybe that might work better?


Personal I paint them black and Highlight with 3 progressively lighter greys

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Fully agree with Vespasian. Never tried this technique and also prefer to give it a strong base coat in black and set highlights.


That's what I enjoy with the BT to have such a straight-forward color scheme. This...and of course the ZEAL in the fluff B)


Please tell us if you try out this technique...maybe this old veteran can still learn some new tricks.

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