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How many armies does the average b&c frater have?


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This makes me feel so much better!


I have a large finished Guard Army (going to add more tanks but, but all Guard commanders have this illness)

Finished Tzeentch Deamons that are technically AoS (going to add some Thousands Sons)

Still in box Genestealer Cult army (just kept stumbling across really good deals!

Soon a speed freaks army because, well have you seen the new Ork buggies? Hot Damn!


Just sold a Space Marine Army because I'm upgrading to Primaris (project keeps getting pushed back by epic new releases)


Also a Lizardmen Army (Seraphon my backside...) but that's neither here not there really.


So after the Ork and Cults codexs are released I'll have 4 assembled but unpainted armies and a fully finished AoS army, with 1 more planned.


Oh and new Sisters!

I've got:

• A decent force of Primaris Ultramarines, led by Guilliman.

• A growing army of Death Guard with some daemons.

• Some odd Custodes and Grey Knights that can't make up forces on their own.


I'm looking at addung soon:

• More Custodes and Grey Knights, to fill them into small, usable forces.

• Gellerpox Infected.

• Expanding my Daemons of Nurgle into a standalone army.

Hmm... Let's see here:

- Khorne Daemonkin (World Eaters and  Khorne Daemons): Roughly 2k
- Nurgle Maggotkin (Death Guard and Nurgle Daemons): 6.8k [i know this because I did an Apocalypse game with these]
- Custodes/Talons of the Emperor: 2k-ish

- Dark Angels: Over 3k

- Orks: Iunno, need to wait for the codex to do points

- Deathwatch: Whatever Kill Team Cassius and the Start Collecting is, points-wise/

Well after the site went on holiday I ended up starting a second army, bringing my current collection to 3:


Sisters (not playing before they have a proper codex and plastic models)

Imperial Fists Primaris

Genestealer Cult


That's not counting my CSM Death Guard army from 5th that I still own that is illegal due to changes in how wargear for certain units functions.

Does this include unpainted piles of models with enough points to be an army?

Cause then


Celestial Lions

Imperial Knights

Death Guard





Plus I have Warmachine, Armada, and Star Wars models in a pile.

Does this include unpainted piles of models with enough points to be an army?

Cause then


Celestial Lions

Imperial Knights

Death Guard





Plus I have Warmachine, Armada, and Star Wars models in a pile.


That's what i was counting it as

I'm fairly new to the hobby so I don't have a ton. 


Dark angles ~2500 pts

Admech 1000 pts

Death Guard ~1000 pts


Plus a spattering of necrons (just what came in forgebane) and a few baby knights (also forgebane)

Well let's see, in no particular order


Deathwatch (Primaris themed - newest army)

Necrons 2nd edition (all metal)

Necrons 5&6 edition (all plastic/resin) + Tombstalker

Eldar (Wraith army built, Saim Hann still in parts) 

Dark Eldar (just a few random units, maybe 500p or so)

Tau and Kroot (3 edition) 

Space Wolves (2nd/3rd edition + 8 Edition Stormcast conversion project still in boxes)


Space Marine

Tyranids (Sylvaneth based conversions)

30k Legion force

Mechanicum (Reductor and Cybernetica)

Mechanicus (Dwarf based conversions and normal)

Demons (Lizardmen based conversions)

Imperial Guard (including a seperate Ogryn regiment I did last year) 



Thousand Sons (unbuilt)

Khorne Berserkers (small second hand)

Knights (if 1 knight and 3 unbuilt armigers count as an army)



Lizardmen (6th edition, striped and repurposed for Demon army conversion listed above)





Sylvaneth (drawing some of the less converted untis from the Tyranid army listed above)






I think that is it, I'll edit if I remember/find anything else



Sister of Battle, I don't have them yet, but I have a dedicated Sister of Battle fund that I have been adding to for about a decade, as soon as the plastic preoders go up that is going to be an instant army

Have been into the hobby for a year and a half.

I have: (deep breath)

2.4k? cadians painted tallarn, guard (tank heavy; wip)

2.6k raven guard (primaris, all painted)

1.7k death guard (dark imperium and know no fear x2 wip)

1.6k knights (wip)

A few assassins made of spare parts.


My friends say I have too much.

Have been into the hobby for a year and a half.

I have: (deep breath)

1.8k cadians painted tallarn, guard (tank heavy; wip)

1.8k raven guard (primaris; wip)

1.3k death guard (dark imperium and know no fear)

A few assassins made of spare parts.


I am also getting Knights soon.


My friends say I have too much.

Nah that's not too much at all!

Yes. Yes, this is reassuring.


Now to test my memory. I used to have most of my armies in my sig.


I have slowed down a bit, but (started in order but then gave up and just listed them) I have significant numbers of all of these:


1. “Storm Gauntlets” DIY White Scars Successor (2000 pts)

2. Grey Knights (2000 pts)

3. “Brazen Helms” DIY Ultramarines Successor (2000 pts)

4. Salamanders (2000 pts)

5. “Knights of the Golden Sword” DIY Imperial Fists Successor (2000 pts)

6. Omega Marines

7. A crusade army made up of different chapters led by Darnath Lysander and an Emperor’s Champion, with a small side of Valhallan Ice Warriors.

8. Yet another DIY chapter tentatively referred to as “Heralds of Selene”

9. An unnamed DIY chapter painted silver and turquoise.

10. Relictors

11. Dark Angels (from the box set, Dark Vengeance wasn’t it?)

12. Blood Angels

13. White Scars


Unfinished 30k armies from the BaC and BoP box sets. Well, barely started actually tbh.


Plus a handful of Scions, Skitarii, Orks and Guardians of the Covenant.


Oh and three Imperial Knights!

I have a couple though only my Black Templars are tabletop ready, the rest are in various degrees of painting.


Black Templars, more than 2000pts.

Custodes, 1500pts though its WIP

3 Assassins, so enough for a detachment.

Imperial Guard, a bit more than 2000pts but I could be wrong, its also a WIP since Im re-painting it.

Imperial Knights, 750pts so enough for an allied detachment.


Also some Tyranids that I havent touched or painted in a long time.

About 30k points of blood angels
3k points of grey knights

3k points of Night Lords

2k points of orks
2k points of scions

2.5k points of necron

2k points of unnumbered sons

1.5k points of deathwatch

1.5k points of admech

And a warhound titan (2k points) 

help i have issues

EDIT: i forgot some

Working on Tau, I had a nid army (sold) a marine army, kinda (sold). My lovely plan would be to have a 1000 pts or maybe 750 points of each army in 40k, mostly because I prefer collecting to actually playing.


The same goes for warhammer fantasy, although AoS threw a nice fat wrench into that particular machines cogs... :(


Death Guard 4000pts

Ultramarines 3000pts
Dark Angels 5th Company

Crimson Slaughter 2500pts


Warhammer Fantasy Battles

Dwarfs 10000pts

Warriors of Chaos 12000pts

High Elves 10000pts


Age of Sigmar

Stormcast Eternals 4000pts

Khorne Bloodbound 2000pts

Slaves to Darkness 5000pts (made from a lot of my Warriors of Chaos Army)

Seraphon 1000pts

Skaven 1200pts




Orlocks (Classic)

Galadhrim warband


That is just my GW games. I've not even counted X-Wing, Dystopian Wars/Legions, Warmachine (Khador, Menoth, and Cygnar), and Robotech RPG Tactics (did I really need 96 Battlepods?!)

I'm down to 3 that I play.

1 Orks for 40K - Mostly kinda sorta painted.

2 First legion for AoD -  Fully painted.

3 Bonesplitterz for AoS -  Fully painted.


I have Harlequins I got in trade that will be resold and a few odds and ends that I hope to part with for money.

I've owned, paid for or traded for far too many armies this is the most manageable my hobby has ever been.
I do miss Playing Imperial Guard but I don't miss owning yet another 3 or 4 hundred infantry models and support. 
I'd love a second AoS army but hardly get out to play.  
I also need to downsize my Orks so my collection is easier to transport and store. 


Every now and then I am tempted to start an ultra marines army because it's something I have never done but I just don't enjoy playing Space Marines any more. If I had skipped out on them for a few editions I think Now would have been the right time to start to collect them. Oh well. 

Blood Angels
Dark Eldar
Custodes 30/40k + assorted SoS
30k Death Guard

miscellaneous small armies: vanilla SM, IG, DW, GSC, Eldar most of which dates back from the mid 90s
I have no idea of points for 8th, I've not rolled a dice in anger since 3rd edition, but as the verghast say, gak loads

unassembled 30k by the crate which I've been flitting between adding to the 6k of DG or moving on to BA/XX

I have been playing 40K for 28 years now & have amassed a rather ridiculous number of armies.


This is the list of my armies:


•Blood Angels (my first army, from my 6th birthday & I still add to it to this day)

•Flesh Tearers

•Dark Angels

•Space Wolves

•Squats (I play them as Imperial Fists)


•3 x Imperial Guard

•Grey Knights



•Sisters of Battle







•Genestealer Cult





•Black Legion

•Emperor's Children

•Slaanesh Daemons

•Death Guard 30K & 40K

•Nurgle Daemons

•Thousand Sons

•Tzeentch Daemons

•World Eaters

•Khorne Daemons

•Alpha Legion 30K & 40K (my current army)


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