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Drill + Hoplites?


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Drill plus either


Engineseer with relic or warlord trait for rerolling hits



With the new faq i see me deepstriking this unit going forward. It is a strong unit but brittle as people know what it can do

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I played 10 vanguards with 3 Plasma in the termite in a turnament. They where a solid point capturing unit. The vanguards got smoked most of the time but they dealt some damage before they left. The drill on the other site was durable and did some damage. He would have killed an wounded Swarmlord if I did not forgot the mortal wound special rule and to hit first in the second fight face after he survived the first blow of the Swarmlord. Anyhow I ordered some hoplites to man the second one. Cc buffing priest and Inquisitor sounds like an good idea.
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Drill and hoplites was great before the FAQ, but got nerfed pretty badly. Now the drill has two options:


Deepstrike turn 2, do some guaranteed shooting, but have a high risk of failing the charge and only get itself (and any cargo) into melee turn 3. A competent enemy will also deny any high value deepstrike locations by turn 2. This only really makes sense if you fill it with ranged units and even then is done better by other factions. Hoplites are ok, but 2 MSU plasma vanguard are probably better suited.


On the other hand, infiltrating the 9' and advancing turn 1 will probably still get some charge turn 2 (if its still alive). High reward, but also very high risk. Can be a great threat enemies have to deal with, but it very likely will never arrive in combat against better shooting lists. Also risky against melee hordes that can surround the drill.


Personally I believe infiltrating can still be pretty strong, but its not a matchwinner like before and can be outplayed by fast lists/long range lists that simply stay out of range.

Aggressively advancing 1-3 stygies drill (and/or some dragoons) up the board mainly forces the opponent to deal with them instead of your firebase (think distraction carnifex++).

Hoplites are a pretty useful unit to put inside in this case, being cheaper and more survivable than priests if the drill gets destroyed before reaching its target.



Fulgurites are still stronger, but a drill with priests will probably never arrive in melee. If running multiple drills, filling one drill with priests and hidding it a bit behind the rest can still work out favorably though.

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I had been using mine extensively with hoplites, before the FAQ changes to  Stygies , I would  turn 1 drop ... 2 moles with 20 hoplites  1 TPE with the re-roll all misses in the fight phase  relic , along with Greyfax and two random mook inquisitors.  The assorted psychic powers mainly for turning off a units overwatch but the inquisitors ensure my Lads dont run away to morale,  depending on the point level this would also be supported by 3 dragoons.   

I once used this in a 1250 game and It didn't make me any friends but it was very very effective ... guaranteed charges on the dragoons and the terrax .. and a very very good change that most of what i was charging with was going to make it .

Post FAQ ... i am two games into  using it ... and  its taken a big nerf ... i may actually consider a differnt forge world as its not really working for me any more.

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I am considering Ryza as the priests and Termite will reroll 1s to wound in combat. Couple that with the reroll hits strat and that should do some damage. Obviously making the 9" charge is the hard bit
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Post FAQ ... i am two games into  using it ... and  its taken a big nerf ... i may actually consider a differnt forge world as its not really working for me any more.


It's definitely a big shift on maneuverability for factions that leaned heavily on such shenanigans.  I feel like the Termite is just a drop in the bucket to the number of units across the various armies that will feel the sting of this FAQ nerf.

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I agree I still like the Terrax ....  its a fun unit but what I'm seeing more and more is that you will be lucky if make that charge turn 2 ... you are at best looking at turn 3 ... which isnt really all that viable  for a combat deployment ....  It stung even more because the blood angles player I was playing .. made their turn one charge  using  their pregame move which they can also advance with, and then spent CP for the 3d6 charge  on their death company with no problems ...  even though i had deployed on my line

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I had been using mine extensively with hoplites, before the FAQ changes to  Stygies , I would  turn 1 drop ... 2 moles with 20 hoplites  1 TPE with the re-roll all misses in the fight phase  relic , along with Greyfax and two random mook inquisitors.  The assorted psychic powers mainly for turning off a units overwatch but the inquisitors ensure my Lads dont run away to morale,  depending on the point level this would also be supported by 3 dragoons.   


I once used this in a 1250 game and It didn't make me any friends but it was very very effective ... guaranteed charges on the dragoons and the terrax .. and a very very good change that most of what i was charging with was going to make it .


Post FAQ ... i am two games into  using it ... and  its taken a big nerf ... i may actually consider a differnt forge world as its not really working for me any more.

How are you putting inquisitors in the drill when the datasheet clearly states that only secutarii Infantry or <FORGEWORLD>  infantry models are able to be put in? Do they have some kind of special rule?

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I had been using mine extensively with hoplites, before the FAQ changes to Stygies , I would turn 1 drop ... 2 moles with 20 hoplites 1 TPE with the re-roll all misses in the fight phase relic , along with Greyfax and two random mook inquisitors. The assorted psychic powers mainly for turning off a units overwatch but the inquisitors ensure my Lads dont run away to morale, depending on the point level this would also be supported by 3 dragoons.


I once used this in a 1250 game and It didn't make me any friends but it was very very effective ... guaranteed charges on the dragoons and the terrax .. and a very very good change that most of what i was charging with was going to make it .


Post FAQ ... i am two games into using it ... and its taken a big nerf ... i may actually consider a differnt forge world as its not really working for me any more.

How are you putting inquisitors in the drill when the datasheet clearly states that only secutarii Infantry or <FORGEWORLD> infantry models are able to be put in? Do they have some kind of special rule?

Inquisitors can dive in and out of any <Imperium> vehicle as they please

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Drill plus either


Engineseer with relic or warlord trait for rerolling hits



With the new faq i see me deepstriking this unit going forward. It is a strong unit but brittle as people know what it can do


Why Eisenhorn specifically and not let's say Greyfax or another inquisitor?

I haven't looked too much into the Inquisitors stats.

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