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A Brother Returns


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Hello, frater. It has been years since I frequented these halls, but the time has come to be involved once again. I am really enjoying 8th edition gameplay overall, and I have found myself painting some Angels again after a long break while I worked on finally painting up my Guard force into some Steel Legion colors.

Here's a shot of my first 40k army, which I have slowly added to over the years, both in quantity, variety, and painting quality. I bought my first miniatures in late 2003, so there are some rather old sculpts in this army. This isn't quite the entire force, as I still have a Rhino, Vindicator, Devastators, DC on foot, scouts, and landspeeders to paint. To that end, I will be joining the RTS today!


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I ,Escaflowne_Z, rise to the challenge of From Rage to Salvation and vow to complete the following as a primary vow: Death Company squad of seven members and transport Razorback on or before November 30th, 2018. Should I bring honour to the Blood Angels, I will proudly wear the IRATUS DOMINUS badge; should I fail I will display the CARCERES IRA on my chest as a reminder of my shame.



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