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Valourousheart's Dark Angels painting log


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  • 3 years later...

It is time to get back to work on my Dark Angels. It might be a little more difficult this time around, since all of my painting notes went missing a couple years ago.

Here is what is on the table for this next round.

Chaplain on Bike

6 Outriders

3 Invaders


RW Apothecary

RW Banner

Dark Shroud



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That was a wee break Brother :wink:


Yeah I got my Knights done after my speeders.  HERE.  But then covid hit.  Let's just say, I'm one of those that didn't handle prolonged isolation very well.  But I'm feeling more upbeat now, and ready to get back into it.



Great to see you back on the brushes again, your speeder army is awesome, I can't wait to see the new guys all done.

Despite losing your notes, bone too I presume?


Thanks!  My speeder were the first 2000 point list I painted myself, so I'm really proud of them.  I'm going to paint these to match my speeders, so Bone, Green and Red is the starting point.

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I like your paint scheme a lot, and I wonder what inspired it?


The main inspiration is that I kept trying to paint black and hated the results every time.  LOL.


None of it was really planned out in the beginning.  I had a bunch of cans of Zandri Dust in my closet that I used to base coat a bunch of my Ravenwing units.  I took quite a bit of time working on which wash and dry brush colors I wanted to use and weather to dry brush after the wash or before.  This is the main step that I wish I still had my notes.  But looking at the Darkshroud compared to my finished speeders it looks like I washed after the drybrush, because the finished speeders don't look chalky like the darkshroud.  The finished speeders look to have an olive tint to them, so I'm thinking the wash was Agrax.


Accent panels were just added to break up the Zandri Dust.  Weapons started off as Silver, and then ended up with brass accents, again just to break up the blocks of silver.  Seat padding ended up being Screamer Pink because it was the only color in my box that stood out without being obnoxious.  Squad markings ended up being red to make them pop and help the squads be clearly identifiable to me and my opponent.


I used matching bitz to give each speeder squadron a different unit symbol (Sword, Wolf and Cross), which looks cool on the speeders, but I might end up regretting that choice as I try to find enough bitz for the Invaders, 2 squads of Outriders and at 4-5 Bike squads.


Bases used the same color pattern that I used for my Realm of Battle Board.  That board had a lot of steps, but I followed one of the painting guides on youtube.  I just need to find the right one.


The color scheme ended up looking like It was loosely based on Angels of Absolution with some of the Green accents from Disciples of Caliban.  But I only realized that after I was done.

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The main inspiration is that I kept trying to paint black and hated the results every time.  LOL.

I feel you there.


Seat padding ended up being Screamer Pink because it was the only color in my box that stood out without being obnoxious.  Squad markings ended up being red to make them pop and help the squads be clearly identifiable to me and my opponent.


I used matching bitz to give each speeder squadron a different unit symbol (Sword, Wolf and Cross), which looks cool on the speeders, but I might end up regretting that choice as I try to find enough bitz for the Invaders, 2 squads of Outriders and at 4-5 Bike squads.

There’s two details I missed, and I’m glad I went back again. Well done!
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Well looking through my bitz box I found some suitable squad emblems.


The speeder squadron that has what I've been calling a Cross is a crux terminus looking bit with a hooded skull in the middle.  The Wolf and Sword squadrons are the Space Wolf and Dark Angels door symbols from the Drop Pod Kit.


The invaders now have a skull emblem, it was a bit from the Imperial Knight kit that was a cog, but I had to remove the gears to get it to fit.  The outrider squads ended up with the Imperial Fist and Black Templar symbols from the Drop Pod Kit.  So those squadrons will be called Skull, Fist and Maltese.


Still not sure what I'm going to do for all of my old school bike squads.  But it is going to be a while before I get to them and I have a lot of clean up on those models before I'll be ready for the unit symbols, so not sweating it for now.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm just writing this down here so that I can remember it for later.  I figured out how I can identify those older bike squads when I get around to painting them.  GW sells upgrade kits with shoulder pads for the various chapters.  I can use the Ravenwing shoulder pad on one side, then have a different chapter shoulder pad on the other shoulder as that unit's badge.

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  • 2 years later...

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