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Hey all, I've been playing Kill Team with a friends Imperial Guard team and I've been enjoying it oddly. I've always just played Space Marines. Anyway, I'm hoping to start up a 1000pts army of Imperial Guard (The other 1000 might be filled by Imperial Knights). I may be able to get my hands on an old GW Imperial Guard Battleforce that has...

- 1 Leman Russ

- 3 Heavy Weapons Teams

- 20 Cadian Shock Troops

What or where should I go from here to fill out the rest?

What models should I pick up?

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I'd grab that battleforce if you can get it, then next step for me would be the command squad and then maybe another start collecting set, that would give you two commanders, 3 infantry squads with heavy weapons, two Russes, a commissar and if you purchase three extra heavy weapon team bases you can get a heavy weapon squad out of that too. There are worse starts to a guard army. 

Kill Team is a lot of fun, a great way to get started on an army too ;) As Zak said a Battleforce is always a good start to an army, the new force box would be a good follow up too to give you some more units. You can easily build a couple of commanders from a Command Squad kit. Starting out is easier as the boxes will give you want you need - from then it's a matter of what tanks you want ;)

Welcome to the Guard, where 1000pts equal to roughly what Marines field at 2000, where soldiers are actually trained to take cover and where to commander can order the lasguns to shoot faster.


Start with the basics (no point starting with the acidics... I'll show myself out :D), which is a battalion. 2 HQs, three troops. This usually means 3 infantry squads and either two company commanders or one commander and one lord commissar. You can expand later with the likes of psykers and panzer commanders.

Next up, you want some heavy duty dakka. Two Leman Russes are a good start.

That's what I would call a solid core that is around 600pts. Now you have room to play around. Since you'll be getting a commander, you'll also have a command squad. Why not include that one with a Chimera? Not the most efficient choice, but it is cool. Then maybe two sets of three heavy weapon teams. You'll buy the Russes as a squadron and two heavy weapon teams. If you want to get a third HQ or run one of the Russes as a Tank Commander, you can turn it into a spearhead detachment ontop of the battalion.


That should be around 1000, give or take. A word of advice though. Most things in the codex are usable, not all are competitive. Don't try to build something competitive right away, you'll regret it. Build an army that you like and either build your competitive lists around it or supplement it with a few more efficient ones.

Cadian defence force box  (link) if you are ready to spend that much money and don't mind almost inevitatbly shelf-standing Chimera.

Emperor's Fist Armoured Squadron box (link) is a good deal too.
Big boxes are expensive but in the end they are cheaper than all their content bought separately, which you may know already. The truth is that you need to get used to amount of troops you'll field, the Guard is not an elite army, so usually bulk buying is our way.

Heavy weapons squad box(es) will be needed too. As it was metioned you can build at least 6 teams out of one box, as missile launchers don't need sitting legs at all. So you'll just need 6 spare guardsmen and 3 circles made of something like 3mm-thick plasticard or plywood.

if you have spare Marine's weapons like boltguns and plasmaguns you can use them to build Cadian guys easily. Almost all marines weapons are good for the scale, so don't be shy.


And welcome to the Guard, where quantity is a quality of its' own

I've also been watching (well rewatching for the 100th time) Band of Brothers and I mean you mix that with the Kill Team Gateway and its like damn.. my wallet says, "Im ready to get hurt again".

Im a fan of artillery.. are Basilisks any good? Ive never had a troop heavy army nor a very optimized Space Marine/ Elite army. But all your input has been helping me! I wish the Cadian Defense Force didn't have the chimera although I saw a "Setback" Chimera with an Autocannon for the main gun and that looks awesome to convert.


Also.. what size is the Heavy Weapons Team bases?

I may be able to get my hands on the 2014? Battleforce set.. are Ogryns/ Bullgryns any good? How about Sentinels? I'll just have to shell out extra for the HWT on the side.


Also would a guard list at 1000pts be ok without Scions? For some reason I just dont like them. I like the Kasrkin Models but those seem rare to find without the ridiculous markup for some "pro" painted ones..

Yeah, Scions are cool but not necessary at all. Guard are an army you can pretty much do what you like with and not be punished too badly :)


Bullgryns are a good unit, add some vital close combat punch to Guard with the mauls. They can do great work especially against enemy beat sticks! Sentinels are nice but not very durable and lose out with the -1 to hit on moving so it's mostly their Scout move (Scout Sentinels) that's most useful as mentioned to help keep enemy reserves a bit further back from your lines. It's a shame as I like my Sentinels and they have done good work for me in previous editions, but they're not useless so I'd say focus on the bulk of your army for now :)

Alright so if i start with

- 5 Man Command Squad

- 1 Lord Commissar

- 20 Infantry

- 1 Leman Russ

- 1 Chimera (w/ Autocannon)

- 1 Sentinel

- 3 Bullgryns

- 1 Heavy Weapons Teams (Convert to produce 2)


What should be next things to buy?

I would like

- 2 more Russ Tanks

- A Primaris Psyker

- 1 Basilisk (I just like at least 1 artillery battery)

I think the common thing is more troops.. so I'll have to pick up those 5 guard boxes.

Alright so if i start with

- 5 Man Command Squad

- 1 Lord Commissar

- 20 Infantry

- 1 Leman Russ

- 1 Chimera (w/ Autocannon)

- 1 Sentinel

- 3 Bullgryns

- 1 Heavy Weapons Teams (Convert to produce 2)


What should be next things to buy?

I would like

- 2 more Russ Tanks

- A Primaris Psyker

- 1 Basilisk (I just like at least 1 artillery battery)

I think the common thing is more troops.. so I'll have to pick up those 5 guard boxes.

First of all, Command squad is a 4-man unit. The Commander is not a part of it anymore. Command squad is not an obligatory unit to field with a Commander. It is quite opposite, you need a model with OFFICER keyword to field a command squad: one per one OFFICER. Command squad can bring some good BS fire power, but you can live without it.

Psyker is useful. Buffing defences or chipping off mortal wounds from enemy characters, denying the witch attempt is also vital. He can also fill an HQ slot for additional detachment. But you can live without it.

As it was already mentioned you'll need 10 more guys for Batallion detachment that will give you a pretty nice amount (8) of command points to use. Primaris Psyker or Tank Commander can be used as the second HQ slot, or you can use Lord Comissar if you like it. Consider that any one Leman Russ tank can be made an Officio prefectus command tank with the stratagem and give Ld 9 to units in 6" around it, which can save you points of Lord Commissar, if you'll need those points of course. So you can live without a Lord Commissar. Regular Commissars however are the cheapest way to fill elite slots for Brigade detachment.

To your question about scions. They are good, but expensive. And without their doctrine they are not really the best choice. In short words, if you want scions, take at least Battalion of them. And you can live without them.

Inspite of all nerfs the Guard is very versatile force. Nothing is really obligatory. And anything can work in right circumstances. You just need to know why you take a unit.

Fortunately here's something I prepared earlier :tu:




Of course that's only the 2nd half

The first half is easy

Just click the gallery button up top set up your own album and upload away


If you are already hosting it elsewhere you should be able to paste the link in using the little imagine icon on the post tools


At some point WF will make our lives easier to do this via mobile ;)

Along with all the other suggestions I would say you can never go wrong adding another Leman Russ to your army. It's a good contender for the "best tank in the game" award. It probably loses to elder grav scum, but its a lot better than anything in power armor can bring.

I was going to like that comment, however there seems to be a typo at the end micawhc

I have corrected it for you below, however please report to the Commissariat before the end of the day for some re-education... 

Along with all the other suggestions I would say you can never go wrong adding another Leman Russ to your army. It's a good contender for the "best tank in the game" award. It NEVER loses to elder grav scum! but its a lot better than anything in power armor can bring.




Elmo has done some great magnetisation tutorials so you can get the most bang for your buck with the LR chassis too :biggrin.:

I'm currently in the process of rebuilding my armoured division and have 3 Demolisher chassis, and 1 MBT chassis, I need 1 or 2 more of the latter and I'll be happy :biggrin.:


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