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Best Tank Killers for Chaos Space Marines?


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I'm putting together some chaos bits and while it seems pretty easy to go horde I'm not sure what I should take for decent anti-tank.


I'd quite like a couple of the Armiger Helverins as allies but are there better more effective options?


What do you rely on for killing big targets?

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Helverins are probably the best now that turn 1 deep strikes are gone. No clue about Forgeworld Stuff.

The only problem for Helverins I can see now is if you go first and your opponent pops the free cover stratagem since with just AP-1 your opponent would still have a 3+ save instead of a 4+ save which is a huge difference. So maybe the good old Lascannon spam it is again. Slaanesh Lascannon Havocs can do a lot of damage if you go first and LasPreds are always a thing too.

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I've had pretty decent success with Predators, particularly with 3 and a Chaos Lord for re-rolls to take maximum advantage of Killshot. I've found this also has decent staying power of you've got other high toughness threats in your list.


I've usually been able to drop a super heavy in a single turn with this set up or take out 2 10-12 wound tanks a turn. If you're having trouble with knights, add Death Hex to soften them up.

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FW wise: Vindicator Laser Destroyers aren't a bad choice against medium tanks as, with only the faintest bit of luck, they can reliably blast apart a predator equivalent a turn when they overcharge. Hit on 3's, wound any tank on 3's, -5 AP for flat 6 dmg on a tough vindi frame. Add an HK and there's a chance to knock out a Raider in one volley.  Not to mention it's a hair less points heavy than a las-predator. 


Other choices tend to be a little too gimmicky or weigh in at the 1K mark and are more titan/knight obliteration platforms. 

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Also consider your Legion Traits. Alphas and Iron Warriors do Havocs better, I think, one for survivability and the other for ignoring cover. Plus, Havocs can use Cacophony and VOTLW, which none of our armor can.

Black Legion "Tactical" squads with 2 Lascannons apiece can do work with Let the Galaxy Burn or Abaddon too.


Don't forget at least one missile launcher and at least one character with a bolter or Combi-Weapon. Flak Missiles and 24in Daemon Shells are helpful.

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How about Death Guard

For me it’s a butcher cannon Levi or preds for antitank. With rumoured push of legion traits to all models coming this could make DG preds very manouverable :)


Other option is the less reliable DG party bus, rhino with lord/putrifier, rest marines that use the stray to each throw a grenade and vets to do 8d6 grenade shots at D2 extra MW in 5+ and reroll hits of 1 and all wounds due to arch contaminator on lord :)

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Building on Iron Father Ferrum's point about Veterans of the Long War, that strategum is a great way to improve basic units effectiveness against high toughness units. Big blobs of cultists can pump out a lot of wounds with VotLW and support from a Lord.


Similarly, while it's not a turn 1 option anymore due to FAQ, Berserkers can put the hurt on units T9 or less with VotLW - they'll effectively wound on a 4+ with a boatload of attacks. Add a Dark Apostle to re-roll misses and an Exalted Champion to re-roll wounds and it can get pretty nasty if they get to assault.

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For me, my best results have been Slaaneshi Havoks and Xiphon interceptors. I run my Alpha Legion Havoks in groups of 7 or 8, and I place them in cover. I have almost always had the heavy weapons survive the first turn (my Havoks have a reputation for being stupidly unkillable with good save rolls). Endless Cacophony to shoot twice.


The Xiphon is about equivalent to a predator and most things have a -1 to hit it which helps it survive. It's good and killy as well.

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Building on Iron Father Ferrum's point about Veterans of the Long War, that strategum is a great way to improve basic units effectiveness against high toughness units. Big blobs of cultists can pump out a lot of wounds with VotLW and support from a Lord.


Similarly, while it's not a turn 1 option anymore due to FAQ, Berserkers can put the hurt on units T9 or less with VotLW - they'll effectively wound on a 4+ with a boatload of attacks. Add a Dark Apostle to re-roll misses and an Exalted Champion to re-roll wounds and it can get pretty nasty if they get to assault.

Some of the best infantry to apply VotLW (that haven't been mentioned) to are Rubric Marines because of the solid natural AP. Wounding most tanks on 4's with -2 AP and that number of shots will cause serious damage. Best fielded in large blocks so that you can get good mileage out of Prescience at the same time. Noise Marines can do similar work with Endless Cacophony.

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That's really only worth it in huge blobs as you said tho. After all, the bigger the unit, the more efficient the unit-buff.

Smaller squads are better off with weapons like Lascannons or Autocannons and such tho.


Absolutely. You must have large squads in those cases for both buff efficiency and weight of dice. They are best employed when you are already planning to field large units of those types of infantry for holding ground or clearing chaff as well.

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