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what we want out of an FAQ.

Doom Herald

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It seems like every 8th FAQ that has been released has left me more disappointed with the game. If you could have the FAQ you wanted, what changes would you want to see? What useless units would you want made relevant and how would you like to see GW go about it. What are simple rule discrepancies that need clarification?


Personally, I would like to see an official answer on how FW <LEGION>s work, particularly when used in an auxilary with the one character who might have 2 <LEGION> keywords (ie: Arkos).


I would also like to see something done to make Warp Talons and Mutilators viable.


The fact that the RAW from the FAQ for chosen gives the normal models options to gain 3 weapons but the Champion can not also bothers me.

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Marbas, I'm holding on to a sliver of hope that they will make a Renegades supplement once the core Codexes are complete. But, I feel you on that.


Another thing I would like to see is Shadowy Allies modified to allow FALLEN in HERETIC ASTARTES dettachments or maybe even have the keyword added to their profile.

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For improvements I think the answer is the same as any Marine player, for the most part. 8th isn't kind to Marines who are stuck in between a few mechanics. Extending Legion and Chapter traits to all units would go a long way (and I think this is coming in CA?), and I'd love to see Dreadnoughts get some help along with Terminators.


Summoning really needs to be a lot better, and the Fallen like other "mini" factions need a bit of a rework to make them easier to include. Something like a detachment within a detachment maybe, where they don't impact army rules and have their own? Otherwise you get stuck with a few detachment choices which can force your hand in choices.


FAQs don't really do anything that major, so I think you're looking at what Chapter Approved can do. I'm somewhat optimistic but as always we'll see - and relatively soon too :smile.:

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- All daemon engine should have Daemonic Machine Spirit

- All daemon engine should have their God ability (quicksilver swiftness, etheral form etc...)

- Jetpack keyword should give +2 to advance and charge roll

- Change that :censored: un-fluff Icon of Excess

- Remove Heretic Astartes keyword from cultist 

- Give Lucius the Eternal a 4+ save (like any Chaos lord..) and decrease his point cost since it doesnt change with the decrease in point of Doom Siren

- All Heretic Astartes Infantery & Biker reroll Save roll of 1 if hit by a DMG 1 weapon 

- Give possessed D3+1 attack 

- Decrease point on Helbrute

- Increase point on Obliterator

- Make Chaos Spawn attack 2D3 and not 1D6


- Make Demolisher cannon great again too Heavy D3+3/Heavy D6+3 if more than 5 model/Heavy 3D3+3 if more than 15 models

- Improve Heldrake claws

- Change the Invocation rules

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All marines +1 wound and attack. Yes, even Primaris. No points adjustment. Custodates do not get extra wound. Neither do scouts.


Crisis suits get:


1. Jump Shoot jump back (8" flat) no points adjustment. Or maybe make a support system for 5 points that allows you to do it.


2. Get bs3+, slight points decrease.


3. Or increase range and rate of fire for selected crisis weapons (burst cannon either assault 4 24" or rapid 4 18", plasma rapid 2 24" or rapid 1 30" damage 2, missile pod assault 3, fusion rapid 2) 'jetpack' allows you to treat rapid fire weapons as assault. Points decrease, and add support systems to increase bs, and give back jump shoot jump (the terror of non Tau players are 3 weapon suits that just bullet hell you to death and flit back into cover. Because they :cussed around and didn't bring fast units or transports.)


Grey knights. Real smite. Psybolt built into every gun (+1 to wound -1 AP) certain powers like gate can be done by multiple units like smite. Models with halberds hit first.


Chaos marines....uh...ability for CSM to take bolters and bolt pistols, bolt pistol chainsword, or Bolter and chainsword, or Bolter, bolt pistol and chainsword.


Havocs can fill the squad with heavy or special weapons.


Possessed natively can advance and assault.


Murder sword: after the first target is dead, can spend a command point to choose another target (bearer must sacrifice a nearby friendly model on a 2+ on a 1 takes a mortal wound)


Khorne Berserkers and raptors: can take two bolt pistols.


Chaos terminators: can take pairs of power weapons and get +1 attack.


In general:


If you take multiples of a single hq (space marine Captain, jetbike Custodates guy, crisis Commander) besides your Warlord, they can be targeted as any other unit.


Or remove the HQ detachment. Or make an exception on the commander thing for Farsight Enclaves, them taking ethereals is like World Eaters taking sorcerers.


You min max units to fill a brigade you get minimum command points.


So if you take space marine and have 5 man tac squads in your Batallion you only get 3 points (not 6) however if you take 10 man squads you get the full monty.

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I'm telling you guys, just try it out. +1 wound goes a long way.


Now it would be better if bolters had storm Bolter numbers of attacks but they are a lot more difficult to shift and it would justify their current points cost.


And sisters should not get two wounds.

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  • Legion traits to apply to all units, not just Hellbrutes, bikes and infantry (brings in line with all subsequent codexes)

Beef up the Legion traits (save Alpha Legion/Raven Guard, -1 to hit is already really good), Ideas: Iron Warriors, +1 bonus to cover save even in open, Night Lords: Ignore all negative hit modifiers on shooting save movement. Word Bearers (dear god I don't know where to begin, something really good?!).

Chaos Space Marines to drop 3 points per model 10 points. Not universal (some units are fine, e.g. Khorne Berzerkers), but others not (Rubrics need a point drop).

Alternatively, make power armour more effective - Ceremite plates: anything with this special rules re-rolls "1's" on armour save dice if the weapon shooting is damage 1. Apply this rule to Terminators as well.

Chainsword, Bolt Pistol and Bolter comes stock for marine.

Cultists can only use the Tide of Traitors Strategem.

Chosen to get serious points drop. Or something to make them worth taking.

Battle-cannons and generally blast weaponry being D3+3 rather than just D6.

Lascannons Damage being changed, D6 too unpredictable. 2D3? Would change average damage to 4.

General price increase on "Anti Marine" weapons like plasma guns.

Exalted Champions to be able to take terminator armour (I mean come on the model exists!) or jump pack

Reaper Autocannons to become damage 2.

Points drop for Terminators.

Increase move of a Maulerfiend to 12"

Increase WS of an undamaged Maulerfiend to 3+, increase the BS of an undamaged Forgefiend to 3+. Increase both on a Defiler.

All Daemon units (Daemon Prince, Warp Talon) to gain their Daemonic trait should they be aligned to a Chaos God.

Apply Daemonic Machine Spirit ala the Land Raider to all "Space Marine" Vehicles - Predator and Vindicator. These vehicles are meant to be agile vehicles to keep up in fast warfare.

Points drop for most vehicles - Maulerfiend, Forgefiend, Defiler, Helldrake.

Increase damage output of a Helldrake in close combat - especially to fliers.

Add a Special rule for HellDrakes when attacking Fliers - the flier cannot disengage easily and the Helldrake moves with it (it latches on!).

Add in the Cataphracti armour - the miniature exists so there should be rules.

Fury of the damned: If a marine does not move, their bolter becomes Rapid Fire 2

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As far as chosen, havoks, and chaos marines; right now people should always choose havoks over the other two. Id like to see chosen go down in cost to maybe a point more than havoks, but remove the special weapon options from the havoks; leaving only heavy weapons. This way the two units have two distinct battlefield roles taking two different force organization slots. Chosen for elite special weapons and havocs for heavy support heavy weapons.

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I know Chosen mostly from WHFB 7e where they were Chaos Warriors with better stats and getting a free boon at the start of the game. It wasn't good because they were way too expensive for the boon table, however that's kinda what I expect from a unit named "Chosen". Some fluffy and interesting special rule that sets the apart from other generic units. Sure weapon choices and stat changes could balance them so they are getting used more again, but it wouldn't make them cool or fun to use in my eyes.

That's a general problem I have with 40k these days tho. There are far too few creative special rules that are just fun to use regardless of how strong it might be. Just compare the datasheets of Greater Daemons between 40k and AoS (the AoS datasheets are free to download on the GW webshop).

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I'd also like to see the daemon engines improved, they are too cool not to be awesome on the table top. The maulerfiend kit is one of the coolest kits GW has released recently. I want to see it fast and threatening. I'd also like the forgefiend to be improved, perhaps by change the autocannons for Butchercannon arrays. They are physically larger than all the gun options a contemptor can field, but they perform worse than the buter cannon. I don't like it.

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