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what will happen to guard in chapter approved?

Commissar potato

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I think that having a pool of CP for every faction will be good, its not so complicated to track and adding another army just for generating CP for your main one could not happen anymore.

You want guardsmen for having 6 more CP? No problem but you can spend those CP only on guard squads.

PS: you are forced to use CP on same faction of the det generayed them, not inbthe same det.

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What about just limiting CP generation to your best CP generating detachment? Bring a brigade, a Supreme Command, and a battalion, get only a brigade's worth of CP. Bring a battalion, a super heavy detachment, and a supreme command and only get a battalions worth of CP.



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That's OK if other armies use the Guard units. That's fluffy and all. The problem is The Guard is always a scapegoat for lack of competence of the rule makers.

<paranoia mode>Or maybe GW wants mono guard players to start collecting their other fancy toys. And their success is visible. Many guard players use Knights, Celestine and other stuff. Maybe they just want mono guard to disappear</paranoia mode>

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I would like to note that regarding the So Cal Open IG/Knight list, the Castellan was destroyed in the top of turn 1 without ever firing a shot by Ynnari eldar. He still won the game with 1400 points of IG. Mostly, in my opinion, due to good management of LoS terrain and the fly nerds protecting guardsmen from shining spears.
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Artemia Hellhound is gonna get hit so hard with the nerf bat it's going to leave a crater. They've already gone way out of their way to nuke Forge World for some ungodly reason, and I anticipate they'll finish the job with this CA.

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Artemia Hellhound is gonna get hit so hard with the nerf bat it's going to leave a crater. They've already gone way out of their way to nuke Forge World for some ungodly reason, and I anticipate they'll finish the job with this CA.

Problem is that it’s a ForgeWorld item... they don’t like to reign in FW. It’s really not a huge issue since a smart player just consolidates into it and then hugs it the whole game.


5ppm guardsmen don’t change the current game at all. Mortars I can see going up again. 180 points vs 210 points for a 5CP won’t stop anyone. Sure maybe they’ll take AdMech instead, but some people are doing that now. Currently Catachans are the “hot flavor” because you can rush them across the board and not really care about your -1 to hit and rely on weight of CC attacks to bring things down.


I’d like to see some of our supporting elite characters revisited. Master of Ordanance, Officer of the Fleet, etc.


I’d also love to be allowed to include inquisitors and assassins without breaking regimental doctrines....

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Artemia Hellhound is gonna get hit so hard with the nerf bat it's going to leave a crater. They've already gone way out of their way to nuke Forge World for some ungodly reason, and I anticipate they'll finish the job with this CA.

Problem is that it’s a ForgeWorld item... they don’t like to reign in FW.


Did you miss CA 2017? Did you miss how everything forgeworld got nerfed into the ground? Flyers, artillery, you name it, it got nuked. The only thing that made it out of CA intact was the Artemia, but I doubt they'll leave it where it is the second time around.

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Problem is that it’s a ForgeWorld item... they don’t like to reign in FW. It’s really not a huge issue since a smart player just consolidates into it and then hugs it the whole game.

Forgeworld unit’s have had the mother of all nerfs since 8th edition and they weren’t even that good to begin with. Some units went up by literally hundreds of points in the last chapter approved. They were rendered utterly unplayable by massive and arbitrary price hikes. Honestly, it was like the CA writers actually hated Forgeworld and had a real grudge against them.


They have done nothing but reign in Forgeworld this edition and it didn’t need reigning in in the first place. I’m genuinely expecting the few FW units that escaped the last CA relatively unscathed will get hit with both barrels this time because the changes cannot be explained or justified by by balance issues.

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Next CA,


All immobile artillery pieces get a 100 point increase over their mobile variants.


Renegades and Heretiks list of vehicles will get cut in half.


Elysians will no longer be able to deep strike at all.


Death Korps will get +7 wounds to every infantry model to keep them from dying.


Artemeia hellhounds will now explode on a roll of 2+, and deal 3d6 mortal wounds to all friendly models with 18".


Search lights will now only give a bonus to searchlights, but the price will decrease 10 points.

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I guess I’m thinking of all the FW knights that have just been ignored

The FW knights are currently some of the worst knights in the game, since they didn't get the points cut that every other knight got with the codex release. This is part of what hurts FW units on the table top. As codicies get released, index units get points cuts and FW units either stayed the same or got an increase in last year's chapter approved.


When I first started fielding my Porphyrion, everybody was terrified of it but then they realized that it is straight up half my army in only a single model that puts out about the same firepower as a tooled up castellan that is almost 300 points less. Now, they're just thrilled they're facing another knight player without a castellan.


I'm praying FW knights keep getting ignored with what I'm expecting from this CA and the castellan.

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They can fix this super easily. Just don't allow soup lists in matched play. It fixes all the issues everyone has with the super op lists. If you want mixed lists use them in narrative play. The cp issue disappears.


The -1 to hit issue is entirely different though and affects different armies in different ways. I understand the concept of the rule, and I like the concept of the rule. Somethings are harder to hit because they move blindly fast, are camouflaged, or have other means of defense and that is fine. I think the new Ork rule to always hit on 6s is a band-aid that could help a lot of armies like AM.

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That is not actually a solution. There's a number of armies that are barely playable on their own and straight up made as allied forces. Are you planning to just exclude those from the game? Besides that, it seems obvious to me that GW instead armies to work with allies. Otherwise they wouldn't have made a declaration like "soup is still off the menu" without adressing allies. They see soup as armies mixed within detachments, which btw, has been fixed.
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I guess I’m thinking of all the FW knights that have just been ignored

The FW knights are currently some of the worst knights in the game, since they didn't get the points cut that every other knight got with the codex release. This is part of what hurts FW units on the table top. As codicies get released, index units get points cuts and FW units either stayed the same or got an increase in last year's chapter approved.


When I first started fielding my Porphyrion, everybody was terrified of it but then they realized that it is straight up half my army in only a single model that puts out about the same firepower as a tooled up castellan that is almost 300 points less. Now, they're just thrilled they're facing another knight player without a castellan.


I'm praying FW knights keep getting ignored with what I'm expecting from this CA and the castellan.

Maybe my local meta is different but there are FW knights all over, usually the CC variety (Archeron maybe) with the 4++/5++ that still is a 1CP rotate and benefits from a ton of other knight rules.


Different areas I suppose, but I definitely had to learn how to deal with them as they’re not super expensive, move stupidly fast, and aren’t vulnerable in CC the same way Codex Knights are.


The biggest issue with FW is that no one in the entire GW company seems to understand how to balance power with points. Things are either super OP and dirt cheap or super expensive but flaming piles of garbage. GWs answer is to just pummel them with a points hike after looting your wallet.


That’s personally why I don’t buy anything FW for 40k, it’s too unreliable.

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