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Mechanised dark Angels


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I've not seen any SM vehicle only lists in this edition yet. 

I have found that Predators are worth the points, as are Land Raiders. I tend to run Rhino rush lists, and use those vehicles as covering fire for my advancing troops.

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Lee, it depends on your desired level of competitiveness. For casual play, land raiders can be fun enough to run once in a while, but they are by far outshined by repulsors (cheaper, faster and more dakka). If you only bring one land raider, it's far too easy to kill, so it takes at least two of them to happen. Predators are decent, and Killshot can make them brutal, but you need 3 for that to work, and you can only have 3 in an army, unless using FW, so it's often not going to happen.


If you want to be competitive, I'm afraid Hellblasters and inceptors are the way to go, though it's a long time since I've seen The First do well on a competitive level. I even wanted to bring them myself to the ETC qualifiers in Denmark in a couple of weeks, but they just will not cut it in that level of play. So many armies do a lot of things so much better at the moment. Therefore I am bringing Imperial Knights instead.


Problem in 8th edition is command points for those important stratagems. You could run vanguard/outrider/spearhead in a 2k list with 3 hq's, but they wouldn't be tank hq's, so it's not really fully mechanized (the way I understand it), and you would then be at 6 CP with three of those detachments. Much more sound would probably be to run a battalion with transports for troops, but otherwise keep it cost effective. Lieutenant + master for HQ's probably and no special or heavy weapons for the troops. It's not pure mech, though. Really it all depends what you'd like to try to make work to the best of it's abilities.

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