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The end of a story... hopefully the beginning of a new one?

Master Avoghai

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Hi guys


That’s the end this week of a 20 year old story with my Dark Angels...


I’ve decided to sell my entire 5th company this week.


The reason is simple : the recent evolution of the SM range and rules doesn’t give me the pleasure to field them anymore... And it’s obvious that this situation won’t evolve positively.


I’m already in the process of mounting a small Star Phantoms force but I’m really struggling painting them as I don’t manage to find a convenient strategy to use them


So I think greenwing is done for me now. They’ve seen lots of battle and even escape from destruction when my car was burnt in a parking 4 years ago...






I’ve not given up everything now as like I say, I still have my Star phantoms, and that I keep my Ravenwing and my Deathwing, but this is an important page of my Unforgiven’s life I chose to turn.


I ‘ll still keep lots of memories with those minis


I hope the future owner will get as much pleasure as I had to field them



To the Emperor I pledge my life

To my Primarch I pledge my loyaulty

To the Heretic I pledge Death

For I am a Dark Angel

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While I understand your motives for letting the 5th move on to another Master of the First, I think it's a massive shame that the situation has arisen where you feel that you will no longer get to field them due to the turn of events in the hobby (primaris). It's a beautiful collection and it is good to know you at least hold on to the first and second companies repectively.


Good luck getting them sold, hope you can find more motivation for the new project when they are no longer in your hands.



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You're not on your own brother.


Speaking personally, I'm also finding myself with a lack of motivation to work on oldmarines rather than Primaris. Which is a shame, considering just how many oldmarines I have waiting for paint (for both 30k and 40k). However, I just enjoy painting Primaris marines more. At the moment I'm debating whether to sell my older models (both painted and unpainted) or to pack them away in case my motivation to work on them returns.


Your 5th Company is a wonderful sight brother, and I'm sure you will have no trouble selling them. Your Star Phantoms are also excellent, and I hope in time they bring you as much enjoyment as your old army.


Tout change. C'est la vie.

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I don't like the new edition at all, but I'd never sell my army. Too much time and memories. I would recommend you hang on to it in case the game changes. Remember that you can't unsell it.

I used to think the same way...


But seeing the case (the old XXL feldherr case = huge) taking dust in my cave without never willing to try them on the battlefield... well... Why using so much space that could be used to stock an army that I play more?


I actually enjoy playing the current edition, but I have more pleasure using my admech army than my 5th company... I also have 6 IK, a deathwatch army and I plan to play sisters when GW will release them... though I had the opportunity in 7th to play a battle company at 2000pts, it’s rather difficult now, nonetheless being totally weak...


I prefer knowing someone will use them than seeing them taking dust



To ensure the army being sold rapidely, I’ve split them into 2 semicompanies and support vehicles like vindicators or land raiders are sold separately ;)

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