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guarsdmen shooting


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So, the longest thing on my turn is my guardsmen shooting phase. Mostly the issue is LOS and measuring for Rapid Fire, and moving them into position to make every shot count.

How can I speed this up? I love the models, but if I can't get in a game quick enough, I feel like I may have to ... I don't even know ...

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Move them in some sort of formation.

Mesure for one Model and place it then move all the other models forward and keep the formation. So you will speed this up.


And for fast dice rolling never roll more than 10 dice at once.

This will speed up because it is easyer to roll 10 dice 2 times instead of rolling 20 dice at once

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The assault dice app from GW is a great way to speed up dice rolls if you’re rolling more than 10 or so as it can quickly remove any that didn’t hit or reroll specific dice etc. I never play as guard without it.


Generally I’ve found movement trays to take up just as much time as they save as you rarely want the men to remain in the rigid formation of the tray, particularly if you’re trying to get into cover or assault. However a looser formation like domsto suggests is a good idea as you’ve generally only got to measure for one or two models.


As for measuring for rapid fire range, get a simple stick that is 12 inches long. Fan it out in an arc from your target model and any model of yours it passes over is in rapid fire range.


To speed up line of sight checks etc, I tend to just count models if it’s really clear. If it’s not clear for a particular model I don’t bother checking, just say he can’t see, it’s not worth the time for an extra lasgun shot. Obviously this advice only applies to guardsmen with lasguns, I would check for better weapons.

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Yeah I totally get it about the dice. I like rolling the dice too and do it as much as possible. I just tend to play a lot of larger games with guard and rolling the 40 dice each for three punishers or 10 infantry squads gets a bit old quite quickly :)


I do still roll the dice for most other weapons though as you’re right, it’s definitely more fun :)

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My shooting phase is quick because I have it planned throughout the opponents turn. So I know my targets and what will go where. Move the back guy to where the front guy would be if he moved and fill in the gaps saves time. But target priority and confidence in your decisions can speed things up.
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Slightly offtopic
Dice rolling app still can be better than real dice rolling. It was proved that GW dice is not statistically accurate and roll more results of 1 than should because of its' economically profitient form. Casino dice is recomended to use.

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I have to say that rolling 40 dice at a time for punishers is one of the more fun moments in the game; its very tense for both players.

Agreed! :D

More than 40 does get cumbersome though


That's why I like the smaller dice :)

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One thing that I've found that helps is a pre-sized measuring stick. A 6" device saves a lot of time over a measuring tap and allows you to quickly move dude after dude into their new position without knocking things over.

somthing like this


Something exactly like that. I've got a similar one (I image a lot of folks do) but I only bust it out when I've got a ton of models on the table and it helps.

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Proper sorting can make rolling dice by hand pretty fast. I have a "Punisher Cup" which has 40 dice in it, all of a specific color I don't use elsewhere. Then I have another 40 dice in groups of 20 which are different colors, with each group of 20 separated into 5 groups of 4. It makes it super easy to grab what you need and roll with it.

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Slightly offtopic

Dice rolling app still can be better than real dice rolling. It was proved that GW dice is not statistically accurate and roll more results of 1 than should because of its' economically profitient form. Casino dice is recomended to use.

Links to this proof? GW app uses a physics engine to roll dice, not a number generator. Casino dice are always not good for 40k because they’re designed to be “thrown” (think craps) not rolled in mass quantities

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Slightly offtopic

Dice rolling app still can be better than real dice rolling. It was proved that GW dice is not statistically accurate and roll more results of 1 than should because of its' economically profitient form. Casino dice is recomended to use.

Links to this proof? GW app uses a physics engine to roll dice, not a number generator. Casino dice are always not good for 40k because they’re designed to be “thrown” (think craps) not rolled in mass quantities


Here you are.


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Slightly offtopic

Dice rolling app still can be better than real dice rolling. It was proved that GW dice is not statistically accurate and roll more results of 1 than should because of its' economically profitient form. Casino dice is recomended to use.

Links to this proof? GW app uses a physics engine to roll dice, not a number generator. Casino dice are always not good for 40k because they’re designed to be “thrown” (think craps) not rolled in mass quantities

Here you are.


Ohhhhh actual GW dice! I thought you meant the App itself!! Apologies

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