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Hunger by Andy Smiillie


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Listened to this audio drama.


It’s fantastic.


“Blood Angels” (Flesh Tearers) on a space hulk fighting genestealers...oh boy that’s original...


...but neither is a finely cooked steak at a top notch restaurant.


The voice acting, sound effects, pacing, and everything really hits the perfect notes.


This is the closest thing to actual Angry Marines we may get from BL.


Definitely worth a listen while hobbying.


Couple standout points for me:



-Death Company suspended in Drop Pods, ready to go...basically a “Break Glass in case of need to :cuss :cuss up”


-why do Death Company listen to/obey Chaplains? Because Chaplains RAGE and that’s the only thing DC can process


-...such as a Chaplain having to burn out his power fist “directing” a DC Dread


-what’s the only thing that sounds better than an assault cannon ripping through xenos? A Chainsword ripping through xenos


-learning why Gabriel Seth doesn’t wear terminator armor


-hints about the fate of Amit


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Couple standout points for me:



-hints about the fate of Amit

What IS hinted, anyways? I ask because I wrote an IA for a Chapter that claims to be a 3rd Founding descendant of the Flesh Tearers (they're actually of the 21st "Cursed Founding"), and whose Chapter Master wears what he claims is Nassir Amit's Terminator armor.

The Flesh Tearers claim this "Armor of Nassir Amit" is a replica; their records state their First Chapter Master's armor was lost in the battle that claimed Nassir Amit's life. Dominus Pedro [my Chapter Master] claims the Crux Terminatus was recovered from Nassir Amit's body, and gifted to the Bleeding-hearted Angels' [my Chapter's] First Chapter Master; and so long as the armor inspires the Dominus' brethren, it is the "Armor of Nassir Amit" in spirit.

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What confused me is where hunger sat in the timeline.


Is it before or after the Shield of Baal / Devestation of Baal?


It doesn't really lead either way. I s'pose it doesn't really matter either. It was a good audiodrama regardless.

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Considering the time line is actually moving again I'd wish each book had an exact date or at least a note which books predate it included in its description, yeah.


Features no Primaris = before Devastation

Features Primaris = After Devastation




That would be my gut feeling anyway. GW seems to have been making Primaris the focus of many recent releases - BL authors have to shoehorn copyrighted names in every so often.

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Yeah Seth embraces the rage and thinks being all rage-y is the true way Blood Angels are supposed to be, however he also believes that it has to be controlled rage so they don't end up like the Knights of Blood. Getting some Primaris recruits and teaching them "the way" would ultimately be benefiting for the Flesh Tearers as a Chapter even in his eyes. He also ultimately does what Dante wants so it's just a matter of time until he comes around.

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For what its worth, there's also Primaris in Flesh Tearers colours in the codex. So, you know, there's that.


There's a gorgeous FT Primaris kill team in this or last months WD. That sealed the deal for me.



/On topic. Looks like I'll have to pick up hunger at some point. All the other FT books have been great. 

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Features no Primaris = before Devastation

Features Primaris = After Devastation




That would be my gut feeling anyway. GW seems to have been making Primaris the focus of many recent releases - BL authors have to shoehorn copyrighted names in every so often.

You'd think that and initially I thought the same until you realise that the fictional cast of the audiodrama was Seth, his terminator equipped honour guard, high chaplain apollus and the death company.


So it could swing either way. Very open ended as to where it sits in the timeline.

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Features no Primaris = before Devastation

Features Primaris = After Devastation




That would be my gut feeling anyway. GW seems to have been making Primaris the focus of many recent releases - BL authors have to shoehorn copyrighted names in every so often.

You'd think that and initially I thought the same until you realise that the fictional cast of the audiodrama was Seth, his terminator equipped honour guard, high chaplain apollus and the death company.


So it could swing either way. Very open ended as to where it sits in the timeline.


As I'm sure it was intended. Just another happy day in a Flesh Tearer's life: hacking some xenos, unleashing Death Company, finding relics :)

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Features no Primaris = before Devastation

Features Primaris = After Devastation




That would be my gut feeling anyway. GW seems to have been making Primaris the focus of many recent releases - BL authors have to shoehorn copyrighted names in every so often.

You'd think that and initially I thought the same until you realise that the fictional cast of the audiodrama was Seth, his terminator equipped honour guard, high chaplain apollus and the death company.


So it could swing either way. Very open ended as to where it sits in the timeline.



My point still stands ;)


The real answer lies in

which members of his command squad are present. 
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