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Blood Angels sergeants shoulder pads colours


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Hi brothers!


Sorry if this question vas bien answered before but I can't find it.


BA sergeants have black shoulders pads with red trims.


The right one is a blood drop the colour of the company but it's for the left one I have question.

From the second edition, Angels of death codex, GW has been painting 2nd company. So this blood Angels logo should be always gold/yellow with no regards To the company or should it be company colour?


Thanks !

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I was pretty certain all Sergeants had a yellow chapter symbol on the left pad. I have never, in any BA codex or other books, seen a sergeant with another colour.

As OP said, that's because GW only paints second company models for the Codex and the second companys symbol is yellow.

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Yeah, I'm facing the same problem when painting my 5th company the Deamonbanes - they have a single black blood drop as company symbol. I haven't made up my mind yet :P It's obvious I cannot use yellow, as it's 2nd Comapny's colour. Nor can I use white, as that's 3rd Company insignia. I will probably paint a delicate white trim thus creating a black blood drop. As for the Chapter Alatus Cadere, I'm painiting it in full Blood Angels regalia (red drop, white wings) taking full advantage of the black base.

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Yeah, I'm facing the same problem when painting my 5th company the Deamonbanes - they have a single black blood drop as company symbol. I haven't made up my mind yet :tongue.: It's obvious I cannot use yellow, as it's 2nd Comapny's colour. Nor can I use white, as that's 3rd Company insignia. I will probably paint a delicate white trim thus creating a black blood drop. As for the Chapter Alatus Cadere, I'm painiting it in full Blood Angels regalia (red drop, white wings) taking full advantage of the black base.


White rim around the black drop sounds good. Alternatively bone or gold are always options for us. ;)

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In 3rd edition the yellow would mark the guy as a veteran sarge. The shoulder itself (at least in 3rd edition) would be black with red trim with a red chapter badge for non-veteran sergeants. But I don't know if that is officially right or not anymore. GW just uses the black with red trim and yellow badge for all sergeants now so take that was you will.

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In 3rd edition the yellow would mark the guy as a veteran sarge. The shoulder itself (at least in 3rd edition) would be black with red trim with a red chapter badge for non-veteran sergeants. But I don't know if that is officially right or not anymore. GW just uses the black with red trim and yellow badge for all sergeants now so take that was you will.

It has never been overruled and even in sets with all the company transfers, veteran sergeant transfers are still yellow.

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I haven't got a copy handy, but I recall 2nd Ed also used some extra variation for the left (BA icon)...

- Sergeant (regardless of company) was yellow on black

- Corporal (in charge of the 'other' 5 man combat squad) was white on black

- I *think* Veteran sergeant (or may have been 1st sqd sergeant) was gold on black


Majkhel - I've been using a few options for the Daemonbanes - 

1. (if you can still find them) the BA transfer sheet had about 40 black drops, of which ~5 have a very thin white outline specifically for sergeants

2. Press mold green stuff into a 3d blood drop using one of the DC shoulders as a template

3. Option 2 was a pain in the butt... so had some discussions on shapeways and there is now a set of drop pieces with 'rim' you can paint gold/silver around a black drop:



Edit - option #2 (green stuff) was on my first couple of sergeants, eg here - https://daemonbanes.blogspot.com/2017/05/showcase-tactical-squad-maalik.html

It's actually not too bad, but they were fiddly to get the right thickness compared to spending $15 for 50x on shapeways... 

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Wasn't there a time in the past where the current gold for veterans was just regular yellow as well? It seems GW forgot or didn't bother to change the veteran sergeant marking to gold the same way. Or was it just that in the real world yellow was a stand-in for gold heraldry-wise due gold colour being too rare to use for actual heraldry and what-not?

Anyway if that's the case I think I'd go with gold for the veteran sergeants markings instead of the "old" yellow to make it more consistent with the current veteran markings colour scheme. Gold = veterans or commando, yellow = close support and the markings for the 2nd and 6th company.


Of course that doesn't answer the question for regular sergeants, however it doesn't seem GW is differentiating between regular sergeants and veteran sergeants anymore so it'd be fine to go with gold there as well I guess. Or make up your own color scheme for regular sergeants.

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It is certainly very sad that our heraldry - one of the very oldest and more complicated - is presented in so incomplete a way by GW. I got the impression that in our latest codex they copy-pasted most things from the previous one without any thought. They would say that it is to give us freedom of choice, but in reality it's simpy too inconsistent and makes it harder for us...

Thanks for the advice Ekfud! 

EDIT: And yeah, in real-world heraldry Yellow symbolises Gold (Or).

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I was pretty certain all Sergeants had a yellow chapter symbol on the left pad. I have never, in any BA codex or other books, seen a sergeant with another colour.

As OP said, that's because GW only paints second company models for the Codex and the second companys symbol is yellow.

I don't think that only painting 2nd company has anything to do with it though. All the breakdowns in all of the codex that show the company marking breakdowns show the Sergeant having the yellow BA chapter icon. It's only the right pad that is used to denote the company.

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I don't think that only painting 2nd company has anything to do with it though. All the breakdowns in all of the codex that show the company marking breakdowns show the Sergeant having the yellow BA chapter icon. It's only the right pad that is used to denote the company.


Either that or GW did a sloppy job devising those :P 

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If the blood drop changed colour with company, the first company would have winged skulls on their right shoulders. They do not.

How is that?

Besides how do we denote sergeants from other companies then? I'd think it's crucial for a commander to be able to quickly distinguish different elements of his force during a battle.

In the Codex, under the picture of Sergeants pauldrons it says only that:

"Sergeants of the Blood Angels squads have black shoulder guards with red trim, rather than the blood-red colouration of their squad mates."

Nothing about the object or colour of whatever is to be displayed there. We don't even know if they display Company markings at all! I would however think it highly necessary, as they are inportant links in the Company's chain of command.


What's more, Captains bear Company markings so why shouldn't Sergeants? And there is an important hint in the Codex about Death Company where company markings are presented. It says:

"Once a brother joins Death Company, his company markings are replaced with the icons of that doomed brotherhood."

So as Black Rage is indiscriminate, then then any brother joining DC has his company markings replaced. Sergeants included, so it's logical that they have company markings in the first place.

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Just quickly looked at the 2nd edition codex Angels of Death. It shows a painted 3rd company tactical squad (white blood drops) and the Sergeant has a yellow chapter badge on the left shoulder pad.


Even scout transfers (the chapter symbol is fair bit smaller than tactical ones) has a yellow to be used for the Sergeant.

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Not entirely related... but I used the black drop on my tanks for 5th co and yellow numerals and thought they looked a bit :cusse... I’m painting over the numbers with black so the markings are the same colour. I’m a bit of a stickler for heraldry but there is something very jarring about the bright yellow number next to black.


As always - your army and how you want to paint it. Gw has done different variations over the years (think there were even blue company drops in an eavy metal guide) and however you want to unify an army is fair game.


I was flicking over the 2nd ed rule book not long ago - I’d forgotten characters came in 4 seniority levels based on how many points you paid; champion, heroic type levels...

Painting that extra bit of gold or unique markings was just personal choice to designate. That kind of stopped as more named characters came in although the librarian levels (codicier... ) lingered for longer with their level designated by symbol rather than colour.

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If the blood drop changed colour with company, the first company would have winged skulls on their right shoulders. They do not.

How is that?

Besides how do we denote sergeants from other companies then?

With a coloured blood drop on the right shoulder pad, as normal.


If you change the left shoulder (chapter badge) blood drop to match company colours ..all marines in the codex would be 5th company.


Naturally, your army, your rules. My BA all have white chapter badges, including sergeants. Some might be gold if I was feeling lazy at the time.

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For my guys I'm going with yellow or gold if using a transfer, and gold for sculpted chapter badges, as that's my head cannon for them. Officially I'm unsure, but ultimately they're your models do as you please.

Officialy they are definitely yellow. But I completely agree with you that people should paint them how they want as everyone has different tastes and I like to see peoples variations and different ideas.


Personally I'm a stickler for going by what's official, so that's why I go yellow.


I've seen official images showing markings for the 5th company (black blood drop on right pad) which is shown on sergeants, this has a white outline of the Blood drop on the black pad. I know this has been asked about a few times as well.

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Afaik a veteran sergeant always had a yellow on black chapter symbol on his left shoulder and company markings on the right.

It doesn't matter which company he belongs to. Only the death company uses white chapter symbols.


On my models all sergeants follow this, but sculpted chapter symbols are gold instead of yellow for sergeants.

Sculpted company symbols are still colored as they should.


With the death company i use white, bone, red and gold interchangeably. The new models are so detailed and different that i don't mind.

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