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Fallen Angels Army

Daemon Prince Marbas

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Renegade guard. Nearly every example of Fallen in the fluff thus far has been one or a small handful of them inciting a force of normal humans. Might change in the future now that Luther is on the loose, but we're still waiting for GW to address that.
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How you might apply that so it would work would be to take a guard army with a supreme command detachment with a captain and a elite unit of your choice.


Or if you wanted a space marine army instead of a better version of what chaos tournment players ape about, I'd say no Terminator models, no bikes. Rock the basic bitch stuff.


They would be a marine army without the flair associated with Dark Angels (Terminators/deathwing/dwks and dark talons/ravenwing bikes dj landspeeder) instead of robes, maybe do hooded cloaks instead?

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I'll add an addendum to my post in case it came out as too negative! They're your models and you can do what you want with them, as long as you put the effort in they can still look neat. For fluff on gear for them starting with heresy era gear is great, since there's no plastic mk II the mk III would be good. If you look at the Cypher model it can be good inspiration, ragedy hooded cloak gives the air of mystery, and loads of ramshackle field repairs to show that they've been around the block a couple times.


Loads of not-fallen guys to surround them is also good. Cultists are fine, or IIRC Cypher and the Fallen Angels datasheet for CSM still let's them ally with IG. Potentially, if you wanted more power armor in the list, having them leading some renegade/space pirate types kinda like the Red Corsairs could work. They could even copy the heraldry of their Fallen leaders, though you wouldn't want to go too far with that -- after all, you'd want the players looking at the minis to be able to tell who the real ones are and who are the posers.


Anyways, that's at least my interpretation of how they could look on the tabletop, but go wild with whatever your vision would be.

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I was thinking Heresy era armor with Librarians, and Dark Talons.

Dark Talons are post heresy

My bet is to use a box of MK3/4 armour and/or DA veteran box and upgrade

Put the resulting 15/25 models into a Patrol detachment and lead an army of renegade guards

This is what a Fallen "army" would look like


The best environment to use Fallen is Killteam where you can make a small group of DA Agents hunting down a small Force of Fallen Angels

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My plan if I ever get around to it was the B@C set with company vet robes for squad sgt’s and DW Knight bits for the terminators. I’ll probably give one squad heavy weapons. Then as has been recommended add IG and FW HH models over time.
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It really comes down to tournament playable vs fluffy and fun to play against. 


If you want to play a fallen army at tournaments you are limited to the chaos codex with Cypher, Fallen, Cultists, and a few other basic CSM units that are equivalent to what you would find in a Marine codex.  You'd also want to avoid any daemon units.  Sorcerers could be fluffy, but you might want to consider what powers you would give them.


If it were me making a fluffy list, I would probably blur the line and take Cypher with units from the DA codex and mix in a few of the upgrade options that the Fallen have in the CSM codex.  Some limits on unit choices.  No named characters, there isn't a fallen version of Sammie, Belial, or Azreal.  It is a toss up on if I would take scouts or Cultists... if both sides think that they are the "good guys", then it doesn't make sense that one side would stop recruiting altogether.  But it could also be viewed as one side has diminishing resources and is training their recruits based on those diminishing resources.  Personally, I would avoid Interrogator-Chaplains, black knights and Deathwing knights as those units came up as a result of the fallen.  I'd also likely avoid any of the Landspeeders, fluff reason that chaos doesn't have them is that they were hard to maintain.


When you boil it down, a fallen army should have Grim Resolve and look a lot like a Greenwing army.  The key differences are maybe older weapon versions (reaper autocannon instead of an assault cannon and combi-bolters instead of stormbolters), cultists instead of scouts, and maybe (but probably not) Deamons.

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I went almost entirely robed with a couple of MK3 guys.


The thing about the fallen fluff is that it actually kind of precludes 'armies' of Fallen running around. Fluffiest list would be a Guard army plus Cypher and one unit of Fallen but that's illegal if you're using the Battle Brothers rule. You can make a thematic fallen army but it is one of those areas where thematic and fluff accurate don't actually overlap.


Vehicles need maintenance facilities and fallen don't have bases with that kind of capability. Small Chaos warbands generally operate at least one space ship where they can keep their vehicles in working order but there are no fallen ships due to the way the destruction of Caliban dispersed them in the warp. For a fallen to seize control of a ship he would need a warband who would not be made up of fallen since the fallen only gather in large numbers when Cypher is around. So a fallen warband wouldn't actually be a fallen warband, it would be a chaos renegades warband with leadership of fallen origin and therefore not really use the fallen rules.

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There was a dataslate about Cypher from older editions of the game. There are some nice side stories and some ideas about Cypher / Fallen themed armies. Maybe that helps you. I only decition you have to make imo is, are your guys DA at the core - or are they chaos SM. Apart from that i would select and paint the models up as you prefer.

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