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After years of waiting...

Marshal Loss

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First they release new Thousand Sons as I repaint my old ones as members of the Black Legion, now they tease this just as I finish kit-bashing some squads of CSM and Raptors.....I swear GW must be doing this just to spite me.


No but really, these are perfect (duplication aside). And a potential box of 10? Take. My. Money.

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First they release new Thousand Sons as I repaint my old ones as members of the Black Legion, now they tease this just as I finish kit-bashing some squads of CSM and Raptors.....I swear GW must be doing this just to spite me.


No but really, these are perfect (duplication aside). And a potential box of 10? Take. My. Money.


Could you please start doing some EC asap? :D

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First they release new Thousand Sons as I repaint my old ones as members of the Black Legion, now they tease this just as I finish kit-bashing some squads of CSM and Raptors.....I swear GW must be doing this just to spite me.


No but really, these are perfect (duplication aside). And a potential box of 10? Take. My. Money.



Could you please start doing some EC asap? :D

Well at this point it'd be rude not to!

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Just realised - are they the same model but with different heads???

Not only that, but whoever painted the one on the right forgot to paint the bolter shells in the magazine.


Definitely looking forward to this release, though. That Chaos Lord..

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I plan to convert some Blood Angel's reivers or Intercessors into noise marines using the upgrade sprue. I like the old upgrade kit. Doing that and my primarch conversions should hold me over until January/Feb. My GW Manager said he has a strong gut feeling that's when they will drop new CSM. He correctly guessed when TSons and DG would drop. It makes sense to spread it out, since we can probably expect a late spring/summer campaign, and then later in the year SoB, that leaves beginning of year goodies(right in time for tax returns) and then winter releases.
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So the head and shoulder pads are the same scale right? I wonder how the forgeworld Khorne Berzerker bits will work with these newer upsized Traitors.

Would be interesting to see that tried.


I'm personally thinking of Night Raptors helmets, but that gets expensive.


On a related note, I think the Lord would actually look good with the horned MkIV champion helm from the current CSM box. Not a big fan of Space Marines who don't wear their helmets. :)

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They look phenominal. Looks like some of the traitor guardsmen are women as well, so it's nice to see GW diversifying their units. I find it interesting that the chaos marines have the Eye of Horus on their shoulderpads, instead of being generic chaos marines, but that'll fit the lore of the game. I can't wait to see a plastic box released with this asthetic. 

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The Traitor Guard models excite me more than the CSM ones, TBH. GW has needed proper renegades for years and the R&H hooded infantry don't get me excited quite the same way.


It's funny, seeing new, good looking models in a boxed set makes me wonder GW's long-term plans for them. Still disappointed by Dark Vengance and the fact we did not get an updated line. Feels like a waste if they do these Traitor Guard and nothing else.

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The Traitor Guard models excite me more than the CSM ones, TBH. GW has needed proper renegades for years and the R&H hooded infantry don't get me excited quite the same way.


It's funny, seeing new, good looking models in a boxed set makes me wonder GW's long-term plans for them. Still disappointed by Dark Vengance and the fact we did not get an updated line. Feels like a waste if they do these Traitor Guard and nothing else.

GW's hyping the whole "not seen in decades" thing and if Silver Tower is a model, then we're likely to get at least some sort of kit for each of the antagonists in a regular release.


I would personally love to see a "Start Collecting" with Krannon, 4 of these Marines, Vrosh (Aspiring Champion), the DV Chosen, the DV Cultists, and a big model like a Forge/Maulerfiend or a Defiler. I'd say I wanted this Lord, but dude has "clampack release" written all over him.

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This really is everything I've wanted from a basic chaos marine aesthetic ever since Dark Vengeance - the same slightly more ornate shoulder pad shape, similar irregularly pointy trim, with teeth growing out of it to imply that touch of chaotic mutation.  Basically the DV Chosen look, minus the leering daemonic faces and eyes growing out of the armor.  Not that I dislike the fleshy daemonic look, just that that extreme of it should be reserved for especially blessed servants of the dark gods, like heroes, cult marines, and, of course, chosen.  The backpacks are a bit larger than I'd like.  I think the old DV chosen did that a lot better.  Bigger/higher/wider backpacks make the rest of the model look smaller by comparison, proportionally, and make the overall silhouette weird.  So I guess that's one small criticism I have about these.


As for the lord, if that is a lord, I'm not /as much/ of a fan.  It's a great model, fantastic for an aspiring champion or maybe lieutenant, but I do prefer a chaos lord to have a bit more of that overt, warp-touched semi daemonic look than this model has going.  As I've always said, these are *chaos* marines, not *heresy* marines.  10,000 years taking refuge in a warp storm should leave a visible mark, especially for important commanders, warlords, and tyrants who cannot help but attract the direct attentions and ambitions of the dark gods, regardless of whether that attention is directly invited or not.  Not a big complaint, as it's still, again, a great model overall.  I love the posing, the personality in the face, and the proportions of it.  Oddly enough, it does seem to have that slightly smaller/lower backpack closer to what I prefer?  Or maybe the shoulder pads are just bigger.  Regardless, the vent arms don't stand out way above the rest of the model, so they don't create the weird silhouette issue I was complaining a bit about before.


Overall I love these, and would love for there to be new multipart kits in their style.  And maybe a new codex to go with them, as the current CSM codex, while very nice on release, is starting to show its age.  Though much as I'd like an updated CSM codex, I'd rather see Emperor's Children and World Eaters get their own books & release waves first.  Especially since there's no way I'd have money for any sort of major expansion to my existing collection, certainly not before tax return time, and probably not even then.


Anyway, I haven't said much about these models, since I haven't really been in the minis mindset lately - even working on commission models is like pulling teeth - but yeah, they are pretty great, and promise great things for the chaos marine line going forward.


And as excited as I am by these models, like some others have already expressed in this thread, I am if anything even more excited by the implications of all the cool cultist/traitor guard/mutant ogryn stuff we've seen out of both this box and the recent rogue trader box.  I cannot tell you how long I've been yearning for proper 'lost and the damned' style 40k faction book & model line.


Because honestly, full armies of regimented chaos marines fully equipped and segregated from lesser servants of chaos /really isn't/ what the main vanguard of chaos should look like in the 41st millenium.  For one, the chaos forces never strictly segregated navy from militarum from astartes.  That was a post-heresy invention to limit the threat of future marine insurrections.  Furthermore, the traitor legions were on the losing side of a civil war before going into a thousands of years long conflict against each other within the Eye of Terror, and between lacking the resources and infrastructure of the Imperium for arming and training recruits, and the mutating effects of their warpstorm refuge on their geneseed, the traitor legions should have started with fewer marines than the imperium, confronted harsher attrition going forward, and suffered from much less reliable recrutment.


Of course, the chaos marines who endured should all be monstrous as a result, veterans of thousands of wars and blessed not only with superhuman geneseed but also the supernatural blessings of the dark gods.  So they should be a powerful force of elites, but not common or numerous enough to make up the front lines of a galaxy-wide war.  The equivalents of grey knights or even custodes on the imperial side, not standing in for basic marines, let alone guardsmen, the way they too often do in both the fiction and the game.


Basically, what I'm saying is that from a lore aspect if nothing else, 40k has been dying for a proper chaos counterpart to the imperial guard for a long long time, and a hoard of renegades, heretics, and mutants, with chaos marines as the elite core and command structure driving them forward, like the 'Lost and the Damned' list of yore, is exactly what the mortal forces of chaos should look like in 40k, and it's exactly what releases like the Blackstone Fortress seem to promise for the future, and I couldn't be more in favor of it.

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well, that and that he has a thunder hammer in the first place.  Unless the 8e book added that and I just haven't noticed yet, that's also unique.


Sadly, without a jump pack, I kind of doubt he'll be terribly functional in game.  Unless that 'deploy with the group' biz is some sorta infiltrate business, but given that they're stripping that rule /out/ of the game, I highly doubt it.  So positioning/delivery seems likely to be a big problem for running him.  As is ever the case for chaos, I guess


Does the whole mess form a single unit, or is it like a dozen units of 2 to 10 models apiece?  Do the marines have any special rules besides being just a unit of two unupgraded bolter buddies?



Bah I can't get worked up about the rules.  This mess doesn't have to be competitively playable in 40k on its own right now.  It's the promise of future books/units/releases that counts here.  It may yet be a ways off, but I am loving this aesthetic, so whenever it does come to 40k in a bigger way, I'll be all about it.

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well, that and that he has a thunder hammer in the first place.  Unless the 8e book added that and I just haven't noticed yet, that's also unique.


Sadly, without a jump pack, I kind of doubt he'll be terribly functional in game.  Unless that 'deploy with the group' biz is some sorta infiltrate business, but given that they're stripping that rule /out/ of the game, I highly doubt it.  So positioning/delivery seems likely to be a big problem for running him.  As is ever the case for chaos, I guess


Does the whole mess form a single unit, or is it like a dozen units of 2 to 10 models apiece?  Do the marines have any special rules besides being just a unit of two unupgraded bolter buddies?



Bah I can't get worked up about the rules.  This mess doesn't have to be competitively playable in 40k on its own right now.  It's the promise of future books/units/releases that counts here.  It may yet be a ways off, but I am loving this aesthetic, so whenever it does come to 40k in a bigger way, I'll be all about it.


You just deploy them all together but they are independent units. Even worse, if you have them in the same list and want to put the lord into a transport they all have to be in that transport and the ones who don't fit are dead lol


There's no reason to get worked up about the rules. They are nothing special. The Renegade Guardsmen are Cultists, the Black Legionnaires are Chaos Marines, the Lord is a Lord with Thunderhammer, the Psyker I got told are in Imperial Armour and then they'd know more than just Smite. The only thing that has no rules in 40k would be the Negavolt guy and the Beastmen.

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That was my curiosity about the sheet-is he valid in 40k as-is, and does he have to be a lord?


I play mainly for fun these days, I just threw together a unit of mutilators intended as drop buddies for Zhufor, but they can LR with a PA model, and an exalted champ with a t. Hammer is a good fit

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