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After years of waiting...

Marshal Loss

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Assuming the jump Lord is actually a lord with a 4++, I think that spear could make or break how worthwhile he is. Not that he isn’t cool and rule of cool isn’t great and such, but it would be nice if he actually had some teeth in a fight.


Also, the dead ultramarine is the best part. For :cuss sake, finally a dead son of Guilliman depicted! Looks like it can be painted as any chapter, but I’m glad it’s one of them.

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I think that jump lord is a superb model. It's interesting that his jump pack has the same design as the current raptor/warp talon kit's. I wonder how much larger he is than the raptors/talons are. The DV Chosen/Lords really aren't much smaller than the new larger marines. It's too bad  GW didn't design the raptor/talon kit that way from the get go. 


Since my models don't fit into either my World Eaters or Word Bearers armies anymore I guess they'll become a start to Black Legion or Night Lords..


For those saying he should have been a Night Lord, do you mean fluffwise? I don't see any reason why that model couldn't be painted up as a NL?

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For those saying he should have been a Night Lord, do you mean fluffwise? I don't see any reason why that model couldn't be painted up as a NL?

Fluffwise, yes. Whether he lives or not, he's clearly there to job to calgar, and black legion have been overused for that. As for painting him as other legions, the black legion symbol looks modeled onto his shoulderpad, so there would probably be at least a little conversion work there.

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The Jump Lord is probably just a regular Jump Lord with a name tacked on it like GW did with so many imperial Marine HQs lately.

Tho the question then remains what his spear will be counting as.


He probably was a Night Lord before he donned the black.

I'd bet on it in fact.

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I don't think the jump Lord character will die tbh, as that will negatively affect sales of the model if he's just some chump who's dead in the lore.


Like I said, I think the model will go on to be a generic chaos marine jump lord.  Sort of how I don't think "Vrosh Tattersoul" being alive or dead in the lore has any effect on the sales of the Aspiring Champion model.  Just like I don't think Kranon or Mallex being alive or dead would affect the sales of what would otherwise be generic lord models, were they available as individual purchases separate from Dark Vengeance / Blackstone Fortress.


If I had to make a prediction, it would be that this jump character will fail to take the planet by himself in 80 days from like 9 other factions vying for it (including the big return of calgar, a much more established character from a dramatically more favored faction), and he'll either get killed by calgar or, worse, slink away from the battle only to get killed by abaddon for 'failing' an impossible mission against overwhelming odds.  At least, that's the way it will go if GW *really* wants to undo every shred of progress they've made in the last few years trying to build the black legion in general and abaddon in particular into respectable antagonists.


Obviously I hope that's not how it goes down, but that's what the set up seems to be rather loudly telegraphing here.

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I have to say that ADB's literary works of art, combined with the pure awesome of first Mallex's model and now the jump lord, have me wanting to take the black.


I won't, because I like blue and green and being a sneaky git... but the idea is there.


At least we can use them for conversions if he's bound to Black Legion due his spear like Mallex is with his hammer. :P

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He "takes the planet in 80 days" and then the new Adepta Soritas show up accompanied by Bobby G Celestine. A new sculpt of Abbadon comes out to face off with Bobby G Celestine (maybe involving a plot to bind her to chaos or enslave her to the ruinous powers) . Abbadon appears to have the upper hand when Dorn shows up as a new loyalist primarch model, closely followed by Russ. Seemingly on the brink of defeat, Abbadon calls for aid and is reinforced by Angron (with new berserker sculpts) and Fulgrim (with a new Lucius and new noise marines).


I can dream.


Edit: So new Soritas, Black Legion, Dorn, Russ, Fulgrim, Angron, Abbadon, Lucius, Noise Marines, and Berzerkers all by next spring.

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Totally with those new minis. The Noise Marine throws me back to my first years as a 40K players... ^^ So, instant buy.


The only thing I actually regret is that this new character is from the Black Legion and not from one of the Old Legions but I still hope that will change one day. And still I am happy to have a new named character. That is a fresh change.



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I absolutely love the noise marine an am desperately hoping it's not a "GW stores only" release since I'm gonna need at least three of him.


I also really like that jump pack Lord even though he is quite busy.


Between the upcoming chaos models, GSC, and building IG, my wallet is crying. Looks like it's back to the college diet for me....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the overall tone of the two Black Legionnaires in BSF.  I hated the DV Chosen models because they were too blinged out, but those two look perfect.  Granted since I am planning an Iron Warriors force I'll probably still apply conversions to make them look less warped but I hope for a new CSM kit, and I Hope more that it's an actual multipart kit not like the Plague Marine kit that still has that ridiculous "you can build one of each of these models, but can't mix and match parts that well" approach.

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That jump lord looks crap. Too busy and generally bleugh. The noise marine though... :wub:

I am inclined to agree on both counts. ChaosMcSpearface has a fanged mouth on his gorget in front of a fanged mouthpiece. Looks silly and redundant. Ugh.

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That jump lord looks crap. Too busy and generally bleugh. The noise marine though... :wub:

I am inclined to agree on both counts. ChaosMcSpearface has a fanged mouth on his gorget in front of a fanged mouthpiece. Looks silly and redundant. Ugh.



He is a very busy model, but he does have some potential. I don’t like the weapon combo, looks unbalanced. I actually quite like the head and I am hoping it’s separate - it would look great on the right model. I think with twin claws, a different head and a Nightlords paint job he would be all the awesome :tu: :tu:


Loving the BSF CSM and Lord, though I agree he is a little ‘pipey’ I do like his pose. I may splice him with a Chaos Chosen chestpiece if perhaps it looks a little tricky. I will probably magnetise his sweet looking hammer too (for gaming purposes of course)

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Well, that's usually the thing though, the GW painting style and camera angles doesn't lend itself well to many models (usually only loyalists, they really have that UM paint scheme nailed by now! :P ) and I usually wait to say things about the model itself until people have started getting their hands on it...

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