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Interesting Comment..

Marshal Laeroth

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Eh, doesnt fill me with hope considering the lack luster supplement we had in 7th. So ok they might not have forgotten about us but their attention doesnt always mean good things, I will just wait and see what we get (or dont get) before building up any expectation.


Thanks for the tid bit Laeroth.

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With all the rumors concerning sub-factions (EC, WE, BL, Dark Mechanicum, new CSM and Chaos Guards etc), I remain optimistic. 

So far Chaos will get so much toys, loyalist SM have to get something. 


Let's do not forget that Sisters of Battle will have miniatures after 20 years of wait, who knows if we are not the next ? 


Just gimme tabards and chainswords for Primaris and I'll be happy. 


More seriously, a change to our doctrine in the CA would be welcome, considering Orks can choose to reroll one or two dices. 


Edit: Plus I like the reference to our Primarch, and not just "crusaders" ^^

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First the rumour about an Imperial Fists upgrade sprue for Primaris in the Battleforce boxes and now this ... Dorn release incoming! :teehee:

(no I don't believe it either. I'm just joking around :tongue.: )

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like i said before. Back in Warhammer Fest Europe, one of the designer means that chapter approved will shown much love for Space Marines and GW want to do so much things - but does not have the time for all things. I am very sure we get some(bigger) attention in the next 1-2 years. They want to make more Legion/Chapter Codicies. I think they have seen so much potential for all kind of Space Marines in Horus Heresy - a system just filled with marines. But if they make a new release it must be timed between other Marins. So we had Space Marines, Dark Angels and Blood Angels first, then Space Wolves at the end of all must-have releases (because of 7th edtition rules) before having space for new releases.

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Back in Warhammer Fest Europe, one of the designer means that chapter approved will shown much love for Space Marines and GW want to do so much things - but does not have the time for all things.





Think about some of the idea challenges GW faces.


Take yourself for instance, how many people here have 5+ projects they'd like to do right now, except <reason>. How about 10+ <raises hand>.


Now imagine having all the knowledge and creativity that GW has at their fingertips, but also the constraints that it has to be able to sell and "we" have to want to buy it.


That's a huge "clash of titans" kind of discussion that they probably have every day. Their list of "things to do" is probably hundreds or thousands of items long and extends well into the future.


So, I would interpret the mention as a potential near term possibility. Could they make us a codex that would stand on it's own. I have absolutely no doubt of that. We have such a rich and deep history and culture that I think "we", the Templars are something that GW would love to do. I do think it is an eventuality.


Now it's a matter of when.


All tThat being said, I'd rather have a plastic Thunderhawk...or three.

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I strongly think that EVERYONE with a facebook account should comment there. We should make it viral by the power of community. Otherwise we don't deserve a Codex :facepalm:

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I strongly think that EVERYONE with a facebook account should comment there. We should make it viral by the power of community. Otherwise we don't deserve a Codex :facepalm:


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