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Sternguard Special Issue Bolters


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What are they for?  They have slightly different stats than other bolt weapons.  Indeed there are a plethora of bolt weapons now, and many have slight stat line differences.


They do not have listed "abilities."  I no longer see "special issue ammunition" in the codex (or am I missing something.)  In previous editions you (I) would rarely remove a bolter from a Sternguard because yo lost the special issue ammo.  Does that still hold true?  What would the drawback be now to add a special/heavy/combi weapon or two?


I feel like I must be missing something.

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The various special bolt rounds got rolled into the increased range and AP of the weapons themselves.  You are not missing something.  Since there is no more special ammo, if you replace the SI bolter, you no longer have that weapon's stats either.  I run my Sternguard with a couple of combi-weapons and 2 boltguns if I am transporting them in.  If I am deploying them on foot, I minus a combi weapon and use a lascannon.

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I feel like I must be missing something.


Masterful Marksmanship strat. 1CP, +1 to wound rolls for sternguard shooting special-issue bolters.


So wounding on 2+/3+ against most infantry, 4+ against most vehicles, with the standard -2AP of the SI bolter. Will do some damage in rapid fire range. Not game-changing, but doesn't suck. Since you're probably hanging out danger close to maximise Marksmanship, they can also do a bit of damage to finish something off with a charge as BA - with 2A base (and +1 to W), they're as effective as intercessors or assault marines. Not great in other words, but sometimes handy in a pinch.


If you're going to replace most/all of the bolters with special weapons/storm bolters, company vets with jump packs (index option) are arguably more flexible in the same role - just magnetise the jump packs for when the indexes are finally retired. Heavy weapons mixed in though is purely a sternguard option. 

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Basic boltguns have better range and AP - basically they're always firing kraken penetrator rounds now, and actual special issue ammo has gone back to the deathwatch where it belongs. 


The small increase in cost for a decent increase in damage output over tactical marines is ok, and the strat is nice.


While old builds relied on combi spam, I think StG are now strong with just max bolters. 

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Basic boltguns have better range and AP - basically they're always firing kraken penetrator rounds now, and actual special issue ammo has gone back to the deathwatch where it belongs. 


The small increase in cost for a decent increase in damage output over tactical marines is ok, and the strat is nice.


While old builds relied on combi spam, I think StG are now strong with just max bolters. 


One of the few units that really benefit from a Pod in the new edition. Can be a nice bodyguard for Mephiston or a Captain/ Leiutenant for re-rolls.

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