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Plasma Obliterator Fortification?


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I know this isn't a Guard unit but Guard can take it and it seems to synergizes well with a Cadian gunline.


It's a fortification from Index Imperium 2. This thing is T9 20W 3+ with a non degrading BS 5+ and a 72" Heavy 2D6 S8 AP-3 D2 plasma Obliterator that the tower suffers a mortal wound for each hit roll of 1. It also can hold one infantry unit and any number of infantry characters up to 20 models, with 10 firepoints. It can still shoot when enemy models are within 1" and you can shoot at enemy models within 1" of it.


Here's the kicker... It's 190 pts total. This seems like an absolute steal to me?! Yeah it can't move. But I never move my basilisks or mortar teams anyway.


Has anyone tried these out?

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Played against it. It didn't do much. O average, that's 2-3 hits and 1-2 wounds. That's no bueno these days.


The reason I'd consider it is to plonk it down on an objective and to grant some extra movement distance to a big unit by abusing the disembark distance (having the models on touch the 3" line, as it does not say it has to be wholly within).

Is it worth it just for that? In competitive, probably not. In casual? I wouldn't want to play exploita in casual.


The only real bonus for Guard are the firepoints. You'll have to decide if taking AC, ML or LC teams is worth it. Personally, I prefer tanks for the heavy lifting, so I rarely take any HWS outside of 2 Mortars squads and 1 HB squad for harassing infantry.

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I've used the Firestorm Redoubt in a narrative campaign game before. It was fun, but not sure if I couldn't have used the points better. Big downsides are that you can only put one unit inside, that they're not as durable as they seem and that their firepower is somewhat sub-par. BS 5 is not great...in terms of Firepower and Executioner will likely serve you better and be more flexible.


Also not that Fortifications don't have any AM/Regiment-KWs and can therefore not be affected by traits and specific strategems.


There was a rumour CA would rework cover and fortification rules. I'd like for those things to be good choices. At the very least to be able to put multiple units inside.

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Any thoughts as to inbuilt rules affecting units, such as cadians/dark angels rerolling ones when standing still or aggressors shooting twice when stationary.


I'm assuming stratagems are a no go on embarked units.


No restriction on primaris marines in fortifications. Might be a good way to start interceptors on the board.

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Shame that embarked units can't fire overwatch.


Big worry is a fast close combat unit surrounds it and destroys it triggering autodeath for the embarked units.


I suppose the exploding on a 4+ makes that less appetising but it also makes using it as LOS blocking for something risky.


I picked up a bastion the other day to play with, they go pretty cheap on eBay but the plasma obliterator always seems to be quite expensive.


Worst case scenario it makes good terrain.

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