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Bold Moves with Flesh Tearers


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Hey everyone,


So I was writing a huge post about me being reluctant to continue Flesh Tearers and then I realized that I really could care less about the rules restrictions. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'll have my scouts for From Rage to Salvation finished this weekend. 


Also have plans to build up a massive terminator force for my Flesh Tearers. GW says good things are coming so I'm going to build 2-3 units of TH/SS Terminators and get ready to release the Archangels.


I finally realized I just need to play the game I want to play and stop worrying about people pooping all over me with net lists. ^_^

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There are no rules about what colour your chapter must be painted, so inversely any scheme can count as any Chapter. The only official restriction is you can't mix'n'match special characters/relics in the same Chapter i.e. no Seth and Dante in the 'Blood Tearers'*. Personally, I wouldn't even care about that in a friendly game as several BA characters spend extended periods with their fellow Sons of Sanguinius, Seth and Dante are much closer than usual for chapter masters, and the Flesh Tearers are 2nd founding for pete's sake, they surely have equivalent relics all of their own. (though for your opponent's sanity, consistency with what colour scheme counts as what chapter if you field detachments of both is preferable IMO).


Look forward to seeing the termies, always loved em and i bet Flesh Tearer ones will look good!


And anyone with a case of stickbuttus complains about Flesh Tearers using Blood Angels rules/relics/characters (if you want to, of course), tell em they're Blood Angels using campaign camouflage. (and imagine Seth using Blood Reaver as the stick)





* 'Blood Tearers' is awful, but 'Flesh Angels' is worse.

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“Flesh Angels” sounds like what comes on Cinemax at 02:30am...


As for FT Termies...


*from the internet, not my work



Yup this is the basis for my terminators for sure. I've loved this photo ever since I found it. That is Brother Druel. Supposedly he was really huge like Seth is but was back around the time of the 2nd foundings.


Thank you everyone! I'll have my scouts all done up this weekend and I'll be building and priming the Terminators. I'll be building them in pieces so I can paint them easier.

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