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A Knight for the Lion


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Hey team,


I had ordered in a preceptor knight kit for a hobby project.


I was just wondering if anyone had any preferences or recommendations for what sort of knights worked well running alongside the Unforgiven. I was going to stick to the one knight at the moment, maybe add a pair of Armigers. My current list is pretty standard Greenwing with an Azael/Hellblaster gun-line.


Thanks in advance! 

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A Knight Preceptor is a jack-of-all trades knight, but it's master of none. Close combat is handled better by a Gallant (and cheaper), and while it is interesting to have two different firing modes, it's not as good with either of them as a warden at killing numerous enemies or a thermal cannon at doing damage to big things (longer range, wounding on 3's anyways, damage 2d6 pick the highest within 18"). The random number of shots is hurting both profiles of the preceptor, and it is more costly than both the warden and the errant, which fight just as well. The only advantage to the preceptor is boosting the armigers within 6. But if you run Helverins with it, you have to move them with the preceptor to get the buff, as it needs to stay mobile to do damage. And helverins are better off backfield in most cases. Then you have warglaives. They prefer being a melee oriented house, which if you run Mortan or Krast makes the rerolls 1's buff redundant for fighting. I guess you could go with something like Griffith, that way you probably get the most effect of the Preceptor and two Warglaives.


Of course, all that is all theoretical. I do not have a Preceptor, but I might add it at some point to my House, just to have it.



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I cannot comment on what is the best option to go for as I've yet to build any of my knights let alone even play a game with them.


I would suggest using magnets so you can swap weapons and try out different things. There are plenty of guides to do this and some local experts on the (liberal) use of magnets in this forum.

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I'll second the magnets idea. It gives you the best of all worlds, and I believe the Preceptor comes with all the options anyway.


As for what type, I've ran a Gallant alongside my (admittedly not DA) armies, and it's always seemed a solid choice, either squishing something important or keeping other things alive as a decoy. Plus, imagine the cool conversation opportunities.

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Yep I would magnetise the kit and just play through the different builds.


I've never tried a Knight, but I guess you want it to buy time for the Hellblasters to get into range and to provide a good melee threat. These are the two weaknesses I've experienced with the DA. So I would be trying a Gallant first.


Or maybe a Crusader to march up the board with the Hellblasters? That would be some serious firepower!

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A crusader puts out a really nice amount of fire, no doubt. It can, when in need, also do some tapdancing on opponents, but if it's to stay with hellblasters, you're not using the full movement of a knight.


That detail aside, they are pretty fun to play with, as long as your opponents have something that can do some hurt to them.


And yes, magnets are your friend. I am no expert, but I have 3 magnetised questoris knights myself, and I am loving the flexibility.


If I get a preceptor, it will get the same treatment.

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