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FLY errata and how it works when charging. (confused)


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I continue seeing battle reports where a Captain deep strikes 9" away from enemies on a building then goes for a 9" charge. Since the errata this can pretty much no longer happen correct? Since it only ignores terrain in movement where does it say it still ignores vertical? Seems if you land on the top, or the bottom, of a building you're going to have around a 9"+counting vertical distance charge.


I can't wrap my head around this rule (other than not jumping models.. that parts easy) Am I over complicating it?


If I have a 2" high terrain piece, with a 4"horizontal then a 2" down and I, and my charge target, are on other sides (ideally 4" away from the distance of the piece) is the charge distance now 8" because Fly is bad?


Anyone else having issues with this rule putting in their games?


I've searched all over FAQs (it's really getting out of hand..) and I have a few opponents who will not allow charges that ignore vertical or Fly units to charge through -ruins walls- like any other infantry (even explained Advanced rules>>BRB core rules) until I can find it. ;(

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My understanding of the 'Big FAQ' errata is that Fly exemptions _only_ apply during the movement phase.


As this warhammer community article states for RAI at least,

"When looking in on tournaments, we noticed that the way the Fly keyword interacts with charges was resulting in some cases where Assault Marines and other flying units could stand above (or below) their foes and make 0″ charges. Now, even if you can fly, you’ll have to measure vertically like everyone else when you’re getting stuck into close combat."



If I have a 2" high terrain piece, with a 4"horizontal then a 2" down and I, and my charge target, are on other sides (ideally 4" away from the distance of the piece) is the charge distance now 8" because Fly is bad?



From the designer's commentary, and given Fly now gives no special advantage when charging:


"Q: How do vertical distances work for movement and measurements?

A: All distances are measured in three dimensions, so if a unit moves over a hill or scales a wall, the horizontal distance and vertical distance combined cannot exceed its Movement characteristic. This means that in order to traverse across an obstacle, you must move up to the top of that obstacle, move across the top of it, then move down it."


So in your example, during the charge phase, you would need (2+4+2) i.e. 8" to cross the terrain piece, in addition to any additional distance either unit was from the traversable terrain itself. Landing on the terrain in the movement phase (using Fly) would mean you would, at a minimum, need to account for the vertical climb down distance during a charge to get within 1" as usual. 

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Some people are ignoring it because they don't like the rule change and are either not using the Big FAQ 2 entirely, or just that part. Outside a tournament (where the TO makes the decision which rules version to use) what two people agree to use as the rules for their game is entirely up to them.

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