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Nurglist Massive!


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welcome fellow rotten and diseased ones to my chronicle of virulence! Here I'm building a kill team of Death Guard because my local gaming club is loyalist heavy when it comes to KT and I'm fed up playing against space wolves as Ultramarines or Deathwatch so thought I'd build and paint a few different ones and I've instantly fallen in love with Nurgles rotten sons of Mortarion! I've only built and basecoated 10 marines and 2 plague champions for a bit of variety. I've also got 10 or 13 (can't remember off the top of my head) poxwalkers primed.


Anyway here's where I'm at tonight:





standard marines




Heavy weapons with two blight launchers and plague spewer 




Plasma dude and plague sword dude.




I couldn't get the plague sword dudes leg to go straight and ended up with him leant forward so I've had to improvise with him as if he's stepping off a rock or something.


Icon of despair, flail of contagion and great plague cleaver




started painted the golden bits of armour here:







Still a few weeks off from completion but I want to really get these guys done and get using them in Kill Team asap!

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  • 2 weeks later...

not really had the opportunity to make much progress with these guys as  I thought I would but I will get these finished!! I've added a Foul Blightspawn I picked up the other week and I primed it saturday and I've just put a basecoat on it tonight. May put another basecoat on it tomorrow.



Very nice. You’re gonna love these guys in Kill Team. They are amazing at it.

Cheers Prot. Yeah I used them last week in a game and oh my they are fantastic! My flail of corruption dude was charged by 2 genestealers and a lictor and I managed to kill the lictor so the genestealers retreated after lol! Can’t wait to play more with these guys.

This week I've been painting the gold bits of the marines armour. I'm very slow at painting and actually dislike it thats why it takes a while for me to do anything productive. Anyway here's a few pics of whats been done. I have one more plague champion to paint gold bits on then I can move on to the next part of painting. Also there's a commander here as in a foul blightspawn.













  • 1 year later...

Soooo been a while since I updated this thread. Anyway I’ve got back into kill team these last 2 months after returning to the hobby with a vengeance and been playing my death guard that are still in this state of painting believe it or not. 

I’ve got a lot to crack on with here and I’ve bought the plague marine reinforcements @ £25 for 3 models I wasn’t happy but they look cool. Also picked up the plague banner dude on eBay for around £10 and the biolugus putrifier also on eBay for £10 also.  Hopefully going to build these and get them airbrushed in death guard greeen over the weekend. 

Obviously I’ll post pics here. Now I’m not to sure about bases and what colours to go with them. I’d like some nurgles rot in there as standard but what else could I put in there?

Looking good and I'm glad your back at it!

For mine I used a mix of astrogranit and stirland battlemire. I then added nurgle rot and some snow. As seen below. I used cork to add gradient.



I kind of thought there were blast holes in the ground or that the marines general toxic state was melting through to the mud below.

It's a shame you weren't able to pick up the banner dude recently via Conquest, a great price indeed for one of the nicer looking minis.  I had to grab my Putrifier the same way as you though since I missed that one.


I'm probably going to cake my bases with some of the resin mud stuff I have from Vallejo, then make some pools in there for spots where I'll add nurgles rot - but as yet unsure on overall colouration (mars rusty red or light mud...).  They won't be pretty or designer, but definitely functional and faster to do.  I'd really like to do a rusted rotting ship floor for them but I don't have the mindset to get the bases right, using that metal sheeting often used for foot holds on trucks with the criss-cross raised bits.


Browns usually work well, don't recall ever seeing snow with rotting puddles though for DG.  You could try for an ashen gravel / industrial rubble with the rotting puddles in, or simply cheat and use the GW bases if they are more KT based?

Some great advice there infyrana cheers mate. 

I’ve decided on the figure with the fly for a face I’m going to paint it black and the eyes I’m gonna try and do fly coloured eyes with the colour shift paint I have which funnily enough is purple and green that I used in my drukhari thread when I was painting them. I’ll see how it goes so fingers crossed. 



Oh yeah the story behind Nurglist Massive is basically a throwback to the mid nineties Jungle music from the rave era that’s as a big part of my life then. Nothing serious but memories there. And the ravers at jungle raves were called the junglist massive so it’s a play on words. Useless information. You had to be there etc :laugh.:


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