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Old School Terminators - 1st and 2nd edition...


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Hey All, 


I'm new (ish) to the boards so in the spirit of joining in I thought you wouldn't mind me sharing my old school Terminators with you - these are from the 1st and 2nd edition sets of Space hulk that I purchased this year after getting back into the hobby. 


These are the first miniatures I've painted since I played 3rd ed. 40K back in 1999. They're certainly the first miniatures I've painted with washes, highlights etc etc. 


Please do let me know what you think - I'd like to improve on the next batch. (And I need to sort out those bases)




























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Thanks for the kind comments guys - I'm glad you like them. I still have a lot to learn about painting but I'm glad to see I'm better than I was back in the 90's. I had great fun doing this kind of stuff again! 


I have lots more old Skool stuff on the bench so maybe I'll start a WIP thread. 


I'd give you all likes but I appear to have reached my quota for today! 

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Wow very nice job!


Love those old-school guys that came with the boxset. 


One thing I always wanted to know. Did the artwork come from the miniatures, or the miniature from the artwork?




Love that artwork!


I'd like to think that the box art came from the figures, although the termies in the 1st edition box don't really look like that though. They do however look like the ones in the RT compendium Space Marine Army list. 

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Very cool with the danger stripes! They’re nice and straight. What technique did you use? I also like the edge highlights. I find it all takes practice so just go for it and you’ll notice incremental progress each batch. The thing that took me to the next level was to start using blending medium and a few (or more) layers of colors to give some gradients. Also I have finally switched to Vallejo paints which are really good, especially for white.
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Very cool with the danger stripes! They’re nice and straight. What technique did you use? I also like the edge highlights. I find it all takes practice so just go for it and you’ll notice incremental progress each batch. The thing that took me to the next level was to start using blending medium and a few (or more) layers of colors to give some gradients. Also I have finally switched to Vallejo paints which are really good, especially for white.


Thanks Doombob! 


The danger stripes were all done free hand - hence why some are better than others. I'm rather partial to the old 'eavy Metal style of painting from the 80's/90's perios  - I love a lot of colours!


Like you I hope the next batch will be better. I’m not actually very good at blending or layering so that’s something I need to practice. As for paints I’m moving over to Coat D’arms as they’re the old GW paint supplier and still make the old Citadel range.


I like your blog BTW – you’ve got some very nice work going on and I’m really impressed with those hand painted markings.



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