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Struggling to pick a Chapter


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I have painted my own DA successors which I loved but I fancy something new.


It will be purely Primaris.


I have tried test models for the following



Dark Angels

Nemesis Chapter


Space Wolves Lost Company


I am just struggling to choose :(



I have enough Primaris for a full company. and reinforcements in December as I plan on getting 3 of the Battleforces.

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Guest uk_crow

Go with your gut, which chapter do you always come back to?


Starting a imperial fists force based on the fact I always come back to them when looking through which chapter I my SM force to be.


What type of chapter do you want them to be in regards to tactics, history etc?

The questions you should ask yourself are:

  1. Why do you want to start another chapter?
  2. Why did you list those chapters?
  3. Why are you struggling to decide?


I mean without knowing anything about your thought process we can only tell you which of those we like best but that's not exactly helpful to you since we are not you. ;)

Crimson Fists will have support by the end of the year with the Imperial Fists Supremacy force so that is one option to consider there.


Personally I think a lot depends on whether you want this just for painting or for gaming because then the decision impact your play style. I honestly think that if someone is completely undecided that sometimes going DIY is a good option as you can then paint them how you want then make them Successors of whatever chapter you want emulate. 

  On 11/15/2018 at 3:01 PM, Doghouse said:

i wouldn't worry, that happens to a lot of players and committing to a single scheme can be daunting.


What chapters interest you in terms of lore?


Crimson Fists for that Rogue Trader nostalgia.


Black Templars (Dont tell Sete)

Blood Angels

Imperial Fists (Yellow scares me)


  On 11/15/2018 at 2:48 PM, Brother Sgt Arkley said:

I just paint, but I want a unified force.




1. I fancy a change from my DA Successors

2. They are the ones I have painted test models of.

3. This hobby is the only thing I am so indecisive with.


That doesn't tell us anything we could work with lol

Why did you paint test models of specifically those chapters? What do you like about them but not about others? That you are indecisive with just this hobby doesn't answer the question why you're struggling to decide between specifically those chapters. ^^

I had a similar decision a couple of weeks ago. Been a Fist fan forever, but always had a soft spot for the Ultramarines and their successors. I dabbled into DIY (which you helped me a lot btw) and I ended up just falling back to my Crimson Fists. I decided to take the plunge and have started painting up some Eagle Warriors.


It’s been fun. Glad I started this project. Of your listed chapters I’d go Novamarines. Great scheme. Fleshed out history. Recent starring role in Plague War. It’s all good.

Which of those colour schemes immediately jump out at you?


I find the colours I actually enjoy painting are red, yellow, white and green so am currently painting up a bunch of old Primaris stuff I got cheap on release in red. I think it definitely helps if you like painting the colours a lot and I'm finding it quite relaxing. 

  On 11/15/2018 at 6:18 PM, Doghouse said:

Which of those colour schemes immediately jump out at you?


I find the colours I actually enjoy painting are red, yellow, white and green so am currently painting up a bunch of old Primaris stuff I got cheap on release in red. I think it definitely helps if you like painting the colours a lot and I'm finding it quite relaxing. 


I do really enjoy painting red. Blood Angels would be a good shout to be honest.


I suppose the Mortifactors. the Black and Bone contrast is really nice. Salamanders are a outside runner as are the White Scars (My issue with Scars is I doubt I could do them justice)


  On 11/15/2018 at 5:51 PM, sfPanzer said:


  On 11/15/2018 at 2:48 PM, Brother Sgt Arkley said:

I just paint, but I want a unified force.




1. I fancy a change from my DA Successors

2. They are the ones I have painted test models of.

3. This hobby is the only thing I am so indecisive with.


That doesn't tell us anything we could work with lol

Why did you paint test models of specifically those chapters? What do you like about them but not about others? That you are indecisive with just this hobby doesn't answer the question why you're struggling to decide between specifically those chapters. ^^



I painted them in the hopes I would enjoy them. My biggest issue if I cant get transfers/icons for them I am instantly at a point I don't want to do as I can't freehand to save myself.


Or I simply just don't feel I would want to paint even more.


I enjoyed the Novamarines for the first squad and the Ancient and I just thought nah I'm done.

5 Man Ultras - Again I really enjoyed.
Nemesis Chapter - I really love the colour but a few friends keep telling me they hate them :(.




I like your Nemesis models colour as well.

It seems like all your models and chapters you are thinking in your OP are in one way or another blue/green. If you really want to do something different from the Chapter you already have I suggest painting something else.

I didn't paint much yellow yet myself but I've heard from many people that painting white and then doing lots of washes made painting Imperial Fists very easy. You could try that and see if it works for you.

Some Blood Angels (successor) chapter is always an option as well. May I suggest the Angels Sanguine? Their half red/half black colour scheme is pretty awesome and very different from your usual green or blue schemes.

If it has to be one from the ones you listed in your OP I'd vote for Space Wolves since it would let you add lots of fur and trinkets and whatnot to make them look very differently compared to the other chapters. Also because Space Wolves are awesome. :P



Dude, your Nemesis colors are awesome.  Bump the friends, your the one who plays with the army so it's about what you want. 


But I still recommend Salamanders because that's what I want to see ^_^

That Nemesis Chapter marine looks awesome, tell your friends that they need new glasses :wink:


Also, I wish I could help you pick a chapter... but I can't even stick to one myself!  Right now I'm going to back to work on my Ultramarines... at least after I get some more work done on my Sisters of Battle... Oh, but my Lamenters need some love too...

Ahhh common, that Nemesis is making it even harder for me to just let go of my misgivings about the chapter (not being able to field it as I'd like except in open-play, because of restricted weapon options).


If all you're in for is painting, maybe look for a chapter which has some individuality you can really bring to life?

  On 11/15/2018 at 7:05 PM, Race Bannon said:



Dude, your Nemesis colors are awesome.  Bump the friends, your the one who plays with the army so it's about what you want. 


But I still recommend Salamanders because that's what I want to see :happy.:


I could meld them both and do the Aurora Chapter same green but with a Ultramarines feel.

Going to echo the calls for that Nemesis marine - looks awesome. I think the only thing I'd do there, personally, is perhaps go with a different bolt rifle casing. White, I think, would look great. Like this guy: 


You and me both! I wanted to create my own Ultima Founding chapter, but I can't think of a good insignia and can't free hand to save my life.


I still haven't thought of a chapter to play, but something that has helped me narrow down my choice to just Dark Angels and Blood Angels was rolling dice. I would assign a chapter a number and roll, but found myself feeling regret if Dark Angels or Blood Angels didn't make it. Therefore I knew these were my two favorites. Worth a try?



The fact that I can't decide between these last two chapters is really killing me though.

  On 11/15/2018 at 10:06 PM, ShibeKing said:

You and me both! I wanted to create my own Ultima Founding chapter, but I can't think of a good insignia and can't free hand to save my life.


I still haven't thought of a chapter to play, but something that has helped me narrow down my choice to just Dark Angels and Blood Angels was rolling dice. I would assign a chapter a number and roll, but found myself feeling regret if Dark Angels or Blood Angels didn't make it. Therefore I knew these were my two favorites. Worth a try?



The fact that I can't decide between these last two chapters is really killing me though.


One handy tip there, on lots of transfer sheets you have fairly generic icons. What I tend to do is find stuff like campaign markings on the old Space Marine transfers and use them or Imperial Guard ones. Turning the ultramarins icon upside down is another easy trick as well.

Or if you want to get really creative combine several, such as the Dark Imperium transfer sheet cutting the wings off the Dark Angels icon and putting a wing either side of the campaign badge. My latest chapter I am playing around with is just the Raven Guard badge on a red background.


Transfers are great for people that are intimidated by free handing and you just need to get some Micro Sol setting solution to go over it with and it looks painted on.

  On 11/15/2018 at 10:06 PM, ShibeKing said:

You and me both! I wanted to create my own Ultima Founding chapter, but I can't think of a good insignia and can't free hand to save my life.


I still haven't thought of a chapter to play, but something that has helped me narrow down my choice to just Dark Angels and Blood Angels was rolling dice. I would assign a chapter a number and roll, but found myself feeling regret if Dark Angels or Blood Angels didn't make it. Therefore I knew these were my two favorites. Worth a try?



The fact that I can't decide between these last two chapters is really killing me though.


Hmm, each has something cool on the Primaris side that appeals, as well. Great Plasma boost for DA, and having +1 to wound on the charge makes some Primaris units pretty deadly in combat. Decisions, decisions...


I cheated for my codex chapter (I promise, this story applies). I picked one I knew didn't have a clear founding: Blood Ravens. I really enjoyed them from the videogames and even have an Artel W Angelos figure, but what really drew me to picking them was specifically that unknown founding concept. It meant that, by the rules, I could be play as whichever chapter's rules I chose. It helps that they're kind of known for basically stealing :censored: from people, so it kind of fit in a tongue in cheek sort of way as well. 


In any case, this gave me immense flexibility on the game side to play with whatever chapter tactics, stratagems, traits, etc. that I wanted without having to commit wholeheartedly. Today, these were essentially red coloured Ultramarines. Tomorrow, they became Raven Guard. I'm in a local meta that really enjoys that type of experimentation, so I could have proxied them at any time, but I think the fact that they weren't really a specific chapter in the fluff made me feel better about making that distinction a choice game to game. What I discovered through all this was an affinity not for those codex forces, but Deathwatch. I wouldn't have landed there without that experimentation in real games and the freedom afforded to me by selecting a chapter that supported that concept to a large extent. 


The moral of my rambling story is that an Ultima founding chapter of your own design might be just the cure you need to answer the question here. Dark or Blood Angels? Well, if your Ultima founding chapter doesn't quite know who birthed them...


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