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So why aren't more people raving about the Forge World Drill?


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In particular for AdMech it is an exceptional unit. It has better firepower, toughness and combat capability than an Armiger Warglive, and costs LESS. It's affected by aura's like Cawl's. It can trnsport 2 squads of Vanguard with 2 Plasmas each right into enemy lines and solves a lot of mobility issues.


Upon further inspection of the rules, there's no reason not to take two in every list.

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I ignored these when they first came out because they can't transport Primaris, but for an Admech player they are a great unit to boost the army. It's rare to have a unit that provides mobility, fire power and close combat capabilities and one that does it relatively cheaply on top.


I'll get two, but I can't until after Xmas due to the cost. Still, this might give my army something extra to work with.

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That there is probably your answer. Cost. They are at a somewhat prohibitive price point in a year where a lot of people have been buying knights. Especially admech players. They might well be as effective as armigers, but armigers are 30 quid cheaper for 2.

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because I already have something like that through lucius's teleport stratagem. Sure it doesn't give me a giant melta gun to shoot the turn it comes in, but it lets me put my squishy vanguard and electropriests where I need them to shoot the hell out of something.

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As others have already said I think the big limitation is both the cost and the fact that it is resin. I have resin and am willing to use Forge World but I admit I really don't like working with it and would much prefer to stay 100% plastic if I can. The cost is also a considerable limitation. At a hundred thirty bucks for a twelve model transport, before shipping, that's going to be a limitation for a lot of people. I'd be hard pressed to justify a Termite when Lucius teleport works quite well as an alternative for zero cost and I could spend that money on a Knight instead.

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There's also the fact that you're unloading the transported squad by Turn 3 AT THE EARLIEST (thanks Deep Strike nerf), which kind of hampers their use as a transport.

No, no. The squad can disembark when the Drill arrives. It's awesome

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The cost I get - it's expensive. But what is it about resin specifically that people don't like?


Asking out of genuine curiosity. It certainly needs cleaning more thoroughly, but opens up far more modelling and posing opportunities than plastic does. Is it a time thing where we're more interested in 'just the vanilla model'?


I'm interested as it's widely known as a far more versatile material to work with.

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Lucius player here so main reason would be I get access to teleport, however I have thought about including it to free up CP  and teleport more things in/use it elsewhere. But I live in Canada and paying $144 for 1 transport is...yeaaa. I do like the model but I can't justify forgeworlds pricing when I can make the thing out of a Pringles can, some plasticard and stuff from my bits box.

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The weight is a big downside when working with resin but there are others. As a material it is more brittle and more prone to the effects of heat and cold than plastic. Large Forge World Eldar and Tyranid models have to be transported and stored carefully or the legs and weapons will warp and break in a way that plastic just won't. Building resin, especially large resin models, is a more time consuming and difficult process, super-glue soaks into the resin and makes it brittle meaning for anything carrying weight it should really be pinned which requires a drill and brass rod. Plus if you are sanding, drilling or otherwise causing resin dust it's probably a good idea to be wearing a mask and goggles to avoid breathing in the dust or getting it in your eyes, all things that just aren't really necessary when working with plastic.

Plus did I mention the weight?

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Prohibitive cost in $$$.


Which is why I am trying to scratch-build a couple (exclusively for use at my local game club) by using Sector Mechanicus parts. I think these should do, if properly combined and adjusted:






Ferratonic Furnace body + an Alchomite Stack dome should do for the main part of the thing. 3 sprues in total allow to build 2 drill bodies.


Then I should add some form of track from my bits box (Taurox tracks? But probably too tiny) and extra bits for weapons and stuff, which should not be a problem. Bonus: this stuff already has all the proper Mechanicus symbols around, so no need to add those.


What it really lacks is the drill itself on the top. I have found no part suited for that. I can either try to build something myself or replace the drill with a big gun tube of some sort - a fusion drill pattern instead of the mechanical drill version?


We'll see.

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@Feral_8 check out the grinder 'bit' parts on the Rockgrinder sprue. Anyone that has Goliath Trucks will have the spare Rockgrinder drill pieces.


My thinking is that halving them and using a bit of sprue material to 'house' them near the tip and sides of the dome might work?


Not strictly the pinnacle of engineering plausibility, but it should convey the right idea?

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Re resin:

- must clean and scrub

- must use superglue

- typically needs to be bent back into shape


Plastic: happy days.


And poseability/oppertunity to drill, hack n'slash is the same so that's a wash. But a major plus versus metal (which is, if resin is the devil, hell itself)

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I have 2 (second one arrived yesterday). They are good units and they do provide Admech with new tactical options they never had before.


Plus drilling some enemies is great fun. They can seriously damage/ kill an IKnight in one turn.

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For myself I’ve never been impressed by them in game. I know the idea is they are an AdMech drop pod but I prefer the cheap Sicaran Infiltrators in mass. I usually hit them with Wrath if mars and then watch them die.


That’s the thing... unless you make a heavy investment what’s really coming out of that thing? Do you need 2 or 3? Now it’s gong to start cutting into the bread and butter units.


When they were first announced there was a lot of excitement here but no one really seemed to jump on them. I suppose the aforementioned cost could be part of it.

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For myself I’ve never been impressed by them in game. I know the idea is they are an AdMech drop pod but I prefer the cheap Sicaran Infiltrators in mass. I usually hit them with Wrath if mars and then watch them die.


That’s the thing... unless you make a heavy investment what’s really coming out of that thing? Do you need 2 or 3? Now it’s gong to start cutting into the bread and butter units.


When they were first announced there was a lot of excitement here but no one really seemed to jump on them. I suppose the aforementioned cost could be part of it.

Apart from the cost I think you hit the nail on the head there by asking what is going to be in them and how many are needed. Compared to shooting Kastellans, fast-moving Dragoons, and Knights, a couple five-man Skitarii squads aren't going to do all that much, especially when they need a hundred and forty point delivery system. The money and points are probably better spent elsewhere on things that either don't need to get close to do damage, or can get close quickly on their own.

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I have two 1 is a forge world one , the other is a mantic Games Veermyn drill that i bought when i wasnt sure if i really wanted the drill
I use them for transporting hoplites , anyone who says the size is wrong hasnt held the two models together ... the dimensions are pretty much correct but the model is about 1 inch overall shorter So i based it.    http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/warpath/veer-myn/product/tunneller.html 

The forge world model is a mare ..... it looks nice and easy to assemble until you notice the 3d print lines .... the master is 3 printed and these show up on the mould ... I tried to get advice from GW / Forge world to be told thats " within tollerance".

Be prepared for all the usual Resin nightmares ... mis-shapes , miscasts , heat up and reshapes and enough waste cut off to make a whole seperate drill.

On the battlefeild .... its lethal ... I used to stygies mine in to make turn one charges but in certain deploys its possible to just use the turn 1 9n inch move .... drop your guys and move again ... to make the charge easier ... 

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