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So why aren't more people raving about the Forge World Drill?


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As Vash said I think we would need to have an elite unit to really make use of this like some kind to Magos bomb (The Forge World Myrmidons being the closest fit I can think of)


The Termite makes a lot more sense for the Mechanicus than it currently does for the Adeptus Mechanicus. Ideally Skitarii need a cheap Rhino-like transport to get them around, and anything that needs to move Cult Mechanicus units around would probably have to be pretty huge. Maybe Electro Priests could make use of it? (Ninja'd by Gaz)


I'm just theory-crafting here, My Forge World are yet to hit the gaming table.

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I'll say that after the game I just played, depending on the FW you run and the deployment type you roll for, Mechanicus would benefit vastly from these.


I don't feel an elite unit is particularly necessary. Two squads of 6 Vanguard with 2 Plasmas each on one of these Pods will have nice punch, especially with use of the right canticle. You don't want to fill them with expensive things anyway as it diminishes your board presense.


I see them as a means to deliver troops safely and pressure the enemy. The drill itself is thr big threat. It's cheap enough for the firepower and CC it brings, never mind the fact it's a transport and arrives from reserve.

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I still think even without deepstriking them, they are going to be really handy getting vanguard where they need to be (or if you have them, hoplites or priests).


My vanguard almost never survive past turn 2 anyway if they are legging it up the table to try and take objectives.


Having to get through 2-3 T8 10W models to get to them is going to change up enemy tactics.....especially as they then need to divert anti tank away from the 3 onagers and kastellan robots (something people currently don't have to do to get at our troops).


You cant let those drills hit your lines either (between the melta cutter and the drill they can do some serious work on any armour/character). So again, simply having them on the table from turn one I think would make for great distraction carnifex type units...


This is all speculation mind!



What do people think of the volkite chargers btw? AT first glance the look good, but then you realise they're heavy so it'll be hitting on 5s.


I mean, rule of cool, id take volkite all day long, but if were looking at this form a strictly 'worth the points' perspective?


Heavy flamers at 17points a gun (and you have to take 2) seem too expensive, and dont mesh with deepstriking...although could be useful for helping with tarpits etc (as one weakness i can see with this thing is it getting surrounded by screens.

I'll say that after the game I just played, depending on the FW you run and the deployment type you roll for, Mechanicus would benefit vastly from these.

I don't feel an elite unit is particularly necessary. Two squads of 6 Vanguard with 2 Plasmas each on one of these Pods will have nice punch, especially with use of the right canticle. You don't want to fill them with expensive things anyway as it diminishes your board presense.

I see them as a means to deliver troops safely and pressure the enemy. The drill itself is thr big threat. It's cheap enough for the firepower and CC it brings, never mind the fact it's a transport and arrives from reserve.


EDIT  - Haha you pretty much ninja'd my thoughts on this :biggrin.:

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A quick skitarii only list I think would be fun to run. 2000pts on the nose.

Tech Priest
Tech Priest

6 x Rangers - 2x areqebus, omnispex
6 x Rangers - 2x areqebus, omnispex
6 x Vanguard - 2x plasma, omnispex
6 x Vanguard - 2x plasma, omnispex
6 x Vanguard - 2x plasma, omnispex
6 x Vanguard - 2x plasma, omnispex

10x Hoplites
5x Infiltrators
5x Infiltrators

Terrax Assault Drill - Twin Volkite
Terrax Assault Drill - Twin Volkite
Terrax Assault Drill - Twin Volkite



Onager - Neutron Laser + Stubber, Stubber
Onager - Neutron Laser + Stubber, Stubber
Onager - Icarus Array, Stubber

Tech Priest, Engineseer and hoplites in one terrax, 2x vanguard in the other 2. Other techpriest is the warlord and sits back with rangers/onagers and nercromechanics things.

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The drill was the key to my last turnament successes. It gives us the needed mobility and an good way to deal with vehicles and monsters in cc. Mine where easy to build just use greenstuff and glue to glue each part together otherwise it becomes an nightmare to build. With gs it's easy peasy.
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It’s a great unit (and was possibly op with stygies 1. turn charge), but it’s still kinda easy to kill for any dedicated anti tank shooting (no invuln save, only 10 wounds and brutal degradation) . Coming in turn 2 (when most good Deep strike spots are blocked), most likely only getting into meele (and then only with screens) turn 3 did hurt it a lot.

Still a great unit, but currently probably better for SM who actually have expensive short range shooting they want to transport.


I think the Volkite is the way to go. Even without an AP modifier it's Str 5 with 2 damage. You could chip away at many things.

If only it wasn’t heavy... I think SB to clear some screens and keep it cheap is the way to go.
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I have two 1 is a forge world one , the other is a mantic Games Veermyn drill that i bought when i wasnt sure if i really wanted the drill

I use them for transporting hoplites , anyone who says the size is wrong hasnt held the two models together ... the dimensions are pretty much correct but the model is about 1 inch overall shorter So i based it.    http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/warpath/veer-myn/product/tunneller.html 


The forge world model is a mare ..... it looks nice and easy to assemble until you notice the 3d print lines .... the master is 3 printed and these show up on the mould ... I tried to get advice from GW / Forge world to be told thats " within tollerance".


Be prepared for all the usual Resin nightmares ... mis-shapes , miscasts , heat up and reshapes and enough waste cut off to make a whole seperate drill.


On the battlefeild .... its lethal ... I used to stygies mine in to make turn one charges but in certain deploys its possible to just use the turn 1 9n inch move .... drop your guys and move again ... to make the charge easier ... 


Would it be possible for you to post a picture of the two side-by-side and with some Skitarii next to them?

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I'm annoyed that "essential" (IMHO) Transport models for AdMech seem to be hidden behind the FW paywall, as it were.  I'd agree Knights have largely overtaken "transported" AdMech units in such lists, though if proxying or dropping the 200 bucks USD these things cost isn't an issue, the Drill is certainly quite strong.  For me, it's about r/l cost/benefit analysis, and for my dollars I'd rather just get more Knights :P

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The weight is a big downside when working with resin but there are others. As a material it is more brittle and more prone to the effects of heat and cold than plastic. Large Forge World Eldar and Tyranid models have to be transported and stored carefully or the legs and weapons will warp and break in a way that plastic just won't. Building resin, especially large resin models, is a more time consuming and difficult process, super-glue soaks into the resin and makes it brittle meaning for anything carrying weight it should really be pinned which requires a drill and brass rod. Plus if you are sanding, drilling or otherwise causing resin dust it's probably a good idea to be wearing a mask and goggles to avoid breathing in the dust or getting it in your eyes, all things that just aren't really necessary when working with plastic.


Plus did I mention the weight?


Just chipping in to note that the last bit there is a dangerous myth. Breathing in HIPS dust is every bit as bad for you as breathing in polyurethane dust, because the problem element is the dust bit. People should be wearing at least a disposable FFP3 rated dust mask when sanding and filing *any* of the materials commonly used to make wargame models, or at the very very least restrict themselves to wet sanding only. Or, you know, don't it's up to each of us what level of safety to aspire to, but this "resin is more dangerous" thing that keeps floating about needs to go away.

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Just chipping in to note that the last bit there is a dangerous myth. Breathing in HIPS dust is every bit as bad for you as breathing in polyurethane dust, because the problem element is the dust bit. People should be wearing at least a disposable FFP3 rated dust mask when sanding and filing *any* of the materials commonly used to make wargame models, or at the very very least restrict themselves to wet sanding only. Or, you know, don't it's up to each of us what level of safety to aspire to, but this "resin is more dangerous" thing that keeps floating about needs to go away.



That's true, I did not mean to say that dust from other materials was not harmful, however the amount of filing, drilling and sanding necessary for working with resin is not really very common with plastic where a mold line remover and plastic glue is about all you really need for the most part so this is a problem that is going to predominantly arise from working with resin that may well not effect hobbyists who stick purely to plastic.

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Had his amazingly pretty Atropos knocked off the table  after the best painting judging . .....  pretty much everyones heart broke along with the resin ... and while i didnt see the damage i can only imagine it ...


Another reason I don't enjoy the FW situation.  Plastic is far more resilient to this kind of thing and certainly wouldn't be as prone to shatter in such a scenario.  It's sad that amazing work can be undone because of the frankly inferior resin compound used by FW.  It's really past due time that FW upped their game, especially with the frankly ridiculous price hikes on the US store.


Edit:  Back on topic, I'd very much like to try proxying a couple drills if nothing else.  Problem is, I'd love to put Electropriests in them and I haven't bothered getting any to this point.  Does anyone feel like this is a good idea, or is it a fool's errand?

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Edit:  Back on topic, I'd very much like to try proxying a couple drills if nothing else.  Problem is, I'd love to put Electropriests in them and I haven't bothered getting any to this point.  Does anyone feel like this is a good idea, or is it a fool's errand?



It is definitely a good idea! In one of my last games I had one drill with electropriests in clandestine infiltration. With the 9" move before the game starts (+ 3" disembarking), first turn charges are usually possible. They had a good time against his custodes characters in melee where I usually just try to stay away for  the whole game. 


I use a "self made" version of the drill with parts of the mantic tunneler set. 



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Edit:  Back on topic, I'd very much like to try proxying a couple drills if nothing else.  Problem is, I'd love to put Electropriests in them and I haven't bothered getting any to this point.  Does anyone feel like this is a good idea, or is it a fool's errand?



It is definitely a good idea! In one of my last games I had one drill with electropriests in clandestine infiltration. With the 9" move before the game starts (+ 3" disembarking), first turn charges are usually possible. They had a good time against his custodes characters in melee where I usually just try to stay away for  the whole game. 


I use a "self made" version of the drill with parts of the mantic tunneler set. 






That looks awesome.


Fancy sharing your recipe? :)


From what i can see you've taken the front of the mantic tunneler...moved the drill bit inside the casing, and added guns to the gaps that previously held the drill bits...


But what is the body made up from? Can see there is the tunneler 'track' from the top of it (but you are using multiples?)


Great conversion anyway, hats off!

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Edit:  Back on topic, I'd very much like to try proxying a couple drills if nothing else.  Problem is, I'd love to put Electropriests in them and I haven't bothered getting any to this point.  Does anyone feel like this is a good idea, or is it a fool's errand?



It is definitely a good idea! In one of my last games I had one drill with electropriests in clandestine infiltration. With the 9" move before the game starts (+ 3" disembarking), first turn charges are usually possible. They had a good time against his custodes characters in melee where I usually just try to stay away for  the whole game. 


I use a "self made" version of the drill with parts of the mantic tunneler set. 






That looks awesome.


Fancy sharing your recipe? :smile.:


From what i can see you've taken the front of the mantic tunneler...moved the drill bit inside the casing, and added guns to the gaps that previously held the drill bits...


But what is the body made up from? Can see there is the tunneler 'track' from the top of it (but you are using multiples?)


Great conversion anyway, hats off!



Thank you very much :yes: !


I plaster casted a few of the hull parts from the tunneler set (with "plastalin") and modeld a few extras with plastic card. Yes, the guns in the gaps are from a dunecrawler kit. I used a beer can for the basic size :whistling: . The tracks are also casted and then modeled with miliput. I did not take alot of work in progess fotos.






You can find a few more images of the finished drill here:


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